Monday, August 8, 2005

~Gotta Love Mondays~

If anyone knows where I can find a full nights sleep, please let me know.  I know the whole wake up many times a night is a for sure thing when you have a young baby, but I'm not used to it.  Zachary has been sleeping through the night for a while now, and now that he is doing this thing of waking up either in the middle of the night (midnight) or really early in the morning (4am), I'm dying by 12 noon!

Last night was pretty bad.  Poor Zach wasn't his normal self all day yesterday.  Cranky, droolie beyond imaginable and just blah.  His poor gums were fire red and he had loosie goosies in his diapers... No fun, for him or I.  He went to sleep pretty quickly last night and a little earlier than normal.  Just about 8pm.  Well, just about 10pm, he woke up screaming.  Poor Derek tried to comfort him in his room, but we just ended up bringing him to our room and putting him back to sleep in his bassinet.  He went back to sleep and then was up again at midnight!!  Screaming... Crying... Almost like he was in pain.  So, I gave him some baby tylenol and gave him a bottle.  He downed 4 ounces, burped 3 times!!!  and then fanny burped multiple times- Sorry Nae, I do say FART, but Fanny Burp is just what I grew up with!!

So, I'm guessing he also had gas ontop of his aching mouth.  Poor baby.  I'm thinking that the tylenol did help, because he slept until just about 5am.  Then he woke up crying again... I gave him some gas meds and fed him once more.  And then he fell asleep between Derek and I in our bed.  Ooops!!!  Can't get him too used to it, but it seemed to calm him down.

He was still asleep when I left the house at 730 this morning... Right along with his Daddy.  It was too cute!

Anywho.  Besides that, yesterday was a pretty good day.  We were out of the house by 1030am and off to do errands.  Our first stop was Walgreens Pharmacy, to pick up Zach's meds.  Well, at first, they were telling us that we couldn't pick it up because it was too soon!  Well, we had to show themour empty bottle (thank goodness I brought it!!) and be like, "Um no.  We need this, now".  So the clerk took the problem to the pharmasist (sp?) and she came back and said we were right.  I guess the insurance thought we were getting a 30 day supply and we were only getting a 10-12 day supply.  So, the insurance overrided the NO and gave us the meds!!!  And we should not have a problem from now on.

After the 15 mins spent at Walgreens, we were off to Home Depot.  We picked up two flat shelves and two corner shelves for Miss Rowan's bedroom.  We haven't gotten them up, but I'm sure they'll look good.  And the plus is that we don't have to paint them!  They came white :)  On our way out, we noticed that they had some flat-bed trailers for sale.  Well, Derek is looking for a trailer to haul his new quad, so we stopped and looked.  They were decently priced too.  And I think he might buy one in the next day or two.

He's going to need it because he is picking up his bike tomorrow!

After Home Depot came Target, where I proceeded to break a bottle of baby food... Ooops.  I felt so bad.  Oh well, its not like it never happens!  We picked up Rowan two new gym outfits.  Okay, so they are more dance than gym, but they were just too cute to pass up... And they'll work just fine!  I also got her some shoes.  They are too cute.  They look like ballerina slippers... The knew style ya know?  She picked out a pink pair and I grabbed her black ones too.  At $8.99, they were a good buy.  She is just in love with the pink ones.  Wore them all evening and then when she got up this morning, she literally got out of bed, went to her closet and put them on!!!  Too funny...

I also picked up that new Veet razorless shaving gel.  I know, it might not work, but I am tired of shaving my legs every other day... So, hopefully it will prolong that :D

We got out of there under $150!!  I was really suprised... And we got things that weren't on our list.  Hehe.  The only thing I wanted to get and didn't was a book case/tv stand.  See, we have this nitch in our bedroom and I was thinking if I could find a book case deep enough, with the top big enough to hold our tv, I'd be killing two birds with one stone.  I'd have a place to put my books and a tv stand.  But, we didn't find one deep enough... bummer.  If anyone knows where I can find one, that looks nice and not too expensive, just let me know!!

Okay guys.  I've gotta be going.  Monday's are always crazy.  And we've got plenty to do.  Tonight is gym class.  I think I'm going to take my camera to share some pics... Hopefully I won't forget it... hehe.

Have a wonderful Monday friends...



Anonymous said...

: (

My poor little man; red gums and "hot kakas" (our pet name for the runs. i hope Zach's "rhine" isn't on fire, LOL) aren't any fun at all. (((Hugs to all)))

I've been looking for a TV stand w/ bookshelves for over 5yrs. what the heck is up with that? is it that everyone who reads and watches TV are rich enough to buy the built-in full on entertainment center?? sheez! :p::::

Get some rest and don't work too hard.


Barbie @>--------

Anonymous said...

Your poor little man, he sounds like he had a bad nite.  mIne never slept all night til he was 2 yrs old..he wanted to eat at 2am-4am and 6 am...I do not know what I did wrong??
Someone once told me to feed them once and then just let them cry and they will go back to sleep.  I Could never do that...
How old is he now? Yes he will have a big tooth to eat some chicken legs with before
Your little Rowan is so lucky, I can't wait to see her in her new gym shoes..
You are blessed those are the cutest little guys I have seen in a long time.
Get some rest when you can..

Anonymous said...

Hmm, there's really no simple solution...I had one kid who never slept, one who always slept, and one that sometimes slept, through the night.  Same thing, to this day.

Broken baby food jar?  I haven't seen glass ones here in ages.  All our mommies bring in the little plastic container kind.  So are you a Gerber, or Beechnut girl?

I have a Walgreen's opening right outside my section in two weeks!  I can't wait.  I don't even have to leave my neighborhood anymore for prescriptions!  bye bye CVS!

My Mom uses Veet.  Stuff must work cuz she's one hairy Italian and she doesn't have to shave for a week after using it.  I'm not kidding though, she's really hairy, like scary hairy.



Anonymous said...

Jenn,  I hope Zach feels better soon.  Having a sick baby is not fun..  Linda

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn (you and me born to shop!)  !!  Awww yes, the days of being up and down with babies- I did it through 3 of them so I know exactly how you must be feeling!  Isn't it just horrendous when your eyelids start to drop while trying to work or run the errands!!  

Hope you get some much needed rest!  

One time I had one of those carts that was really long because it had a car in the back for the kiddos to ride in.  OMGosh- I drove right into a shelf of spaghetti sauce and broke them all trying to steer that kiddie cart!  I haven't been using one since unless hubby is there to drive it.  Your baby jar incident reminded me of that one!!  

So glad you found the shelves and everything while shopping!  I like it when I spend less than what I'm thinking I will also!  Razorless shaving gel- now that sounds like a really good thing to stock up on.  I LUV Shopping- well sometimes~!!~~~~

Anonymous said...

You are a bargain hunter and a girl after my own heart!  LOL!  I love that those ballerina slippers are back in style again.  I remember when they were all the rage back in the 80's (when you were too little to remember!).  I wish I could find a pair for Emma, but she has "Flintstone Feet" as I call them, wide wide feet.  Sorry about Zachy not sleeping too well, but it's bound to happen.  NO baby ever sleeps through the night for a long period of time.  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Fanny burp....lmao  Poor Zach.  I hope he's gotten rid of his gas by now and is sleeping better for you.

Let me know if that Veet works.  I may just have to look into  You make me want to go to Target.  I think I'll hit the next town this weekend and hook myself up :)


Anonymous said...

I use to love my pink ballet slippers when I was little too!
I hope you took some pictures at gym class.
I also hope that you get some good rest soon!!!!