Wednesday, August 24, 2005

~Rambles and Finishing Up~

Well, its Wednesday and that means I have only one more day- Thursday- before I can start my weekend.  I don't know what is up with me, but I'm really needing it this week.  If I could, I think I'd just spend the weekend in bed.  Under the covers with my new book that I picked up yesterday.  Yep, Jennifer got her hands on another novel :) 

I never browse the "book and magazine" aisle at the grocery store, but yesterday I did.  I'm kinda glad I did too.  I found a book by Nicolas Sparks (The Notebook) and its called The Wedding.  It takes place after The Notebook and involves Noah and Allie's daughter Jane and her husband Wilson.  I read about 75-80 pages of it last night and I'm really enjoying it.  I'll let you know if it is good or not when I'm done in a day or so.

But anyways. 

I'm not going to be able to spend the weekend in bed.  Derek is working (is that anything unusal) and my parents are going to Monterey for the weekend.  Its not for pleasure, but for work.  Daddy has a conference down there this weekend and my mom has offered up her time to help set up and do stuff like that.  Isn't you a nice wife ;)

So, the kiddos and I are going to be pretty much by ourselves.

I do have an exciting "Adventure" of sorts that is coming up on this Friday... If all goes well, Laura -from Adventures in Juggling- and I will be meeting up at the local mall (she lives about 30 mins North of me) for coffee and some "adult chat".  Lol.  I know, I know... I've probably jinxed it now (lets hope not)... But I needed to share something exciting!

Hmm, lets see what else I can some what ramble on about before I get to those last sets of questions I have to answer...

Well, I guess I can share the fact that Derek went out yesterday for the first time with his quad.  He went to the hills with a bunch of the "fire boys" to do some riding on the trails up there.  And wouldn't you know it?  He goes and freakin' rolls the damn thing.  lol.  Yes, he is okay... He did jam his wrist and got some scratches, but other than that, he is fine.  His quad on the other hand... Well, she isn't as pretty as she was before he left.

Yep, the dodo bird that he is messed it up.  It no longer has a head light and the front break is being held on by duct tape.  The body has scratches too.  I'm glad he had fun and what not, but geeze, he has to go and break it on his first run out... Ugh! ;)

:: Love You Babe::

Oh, I have another thing to share with you!!!  Last night I started using those Crest White Strips that I told you I was going to buy.  I did it last night and this morning and I swear, I already see a difference!  I can't wait to see what happens after I'm done doing all those applications and wearing them for 30mins at a time :)

Well, I guess I'll get to answering those last two sets of questions that I got...


Comment from: icewitch96
Yay! I still have time!

1. What is your most secret fantasy or desire and has it come true?: My secret desire would to be able to live with out any worries- financially, physically and mentally...

2. You win $100,000,000 in the lottery...what would you do with it?: Pay off Bills.  I'd pay the house off, pay off credit cards, loans and such.  I'd pay off family members homes and give them cash.  I'd buy a new house, car and then just put money away... Oh yes, I'd go on a Honeymoon too!! -never got one after D and I were married-

3. What would you do if something ever happened to Derek?: Wow.  What a hard question.  Truthfully, I don't know.  I guess I'd have to be there for my kids and stay strong for them... That is the only thing I could do.  And from there, I just don't know... And hopefully I won't ever have to think about it.


Comment from: dazeychic
This is wayyy cool! I learned so much about you!
But I already knew you were a cool chick! ;)

Um...I have one question if that counts...

And only one because it's my favorite question to ask people!

Ok, ready!?  Think Indecent proposal here, you know the movie with Woody H.

If some rich guy offered you a 10 million dollars to sleep with him for one night...regardless of Derek... Would you do it?: Okay guys, don't go and think I'm a Hoochie (using a semi-nice word) or anything like that, but yes... 10 million dollars is 10 million dollars.  Do you know what you could do with all that cash???

And to follow up... Would you ask your hubby what he thought? Or would you even tell him about it?: Yes, I would ask/tell Derek.  And I know what he'd say, "Do it... its 10 million dollars!!!"  Yeah, my hubby is weird like that.


Okay guys...I'm going to jet now.  I hope each and everyone has a wonderful "Hump Day"...  

::Much Love::


Anonymous said...

I heard "The Wedding" is MIL read it.  I stock up at the store one night...bought SEVERAL Nicholas Sparks and Luanne Rice novels to last me until next summer...or longer!  hehe!

"Adventures in Juggling"...have to check that journal out.  :o)


Anonymous said...

I'd never thinnk you were a hoochie! haha...i love that word by the way! It's so silly! Anyway. Id do the same thing...and my darling husband would say the same exact thing! Ten Mill is a heck of a lot and once I bought him that Porche he eyes...all hookups would be forgotten! ;)
~Shells xoxo

Oh and I almost bought that book too! So please, tell us how it is!!

Anonymous said...

The Wedding sounds like a great book, I will have to see about getting it and seeing what it is all about.
Thats great that you are meeting a J lander! There is nothing better than that! I love meeting them and I am hoping to get to meet some more soon.
I loved the answers to your questions and I probably would have answered the same way about the 10 million dollars.

Anonymous said...

The wedding is a great book.........actually I started backwards, that is the first book of his that I read and now I am reading all of his other ones........It really is good. Let me know what you think when you are done........

Anonymous said...

loved the answers! i would probably answer the 10 million dollar question the same way you did!!!! woohoo its humpday!! LOL

take care


Anonymous said...

I agree about that 10 million. I am glad to know I am not the only one! lol I know it seems "bad" but I could make my family happy for a long while with that much money!


Anonymous said...

Ooooooooooooh! OMG isnt Nicholas Sparks a beautiful writer!? Oh! I love his work!!! I want to buy "The Wedding" now hehehe

Anonymous said...

I read The Wedding awhile back.  It's really good.  I still haven't seen the movie for The Notebook yet though.  I've DVR'd it, but that's as far as it goes.  I hear it's a great movie (although I'm sure it's not better than the book.)

LOL ~ I can't believe your hubby already wrecked his quad.  <sigh>  MEN!  <grin>

It's so cool that you and Laura might get to meet.  Keep us informed!!


Anonymous said...

Way cool entry.  I kinda really have to agree.  I mean, ten million dollars.  If there was a way to do it without like doing it I'd be sure to find it.  Lol!  I'd love to see the movie and read those books!  Darn about the quad.  Triple darn!  Hope you can get it all fixed up right away as if nothing happened.  And how exciting you get to meet a J Lander friend!  Wish I was spending the weekend reading in bed too, but alas I imagine we'll be cleaning, chasing our babies and having all kinds of things to do!  Maybe we'll get an hour or two to read.  Hugs,

PS  Do you know what we'd have to do to meet?  Like what a long walk... over the Mississippi and over all those mountains...and umpteen states inbetween yikes!!  I'll be sure to let you know if I get a plane ticket to visit out there!!  

Anonymous said...

yes, if the toddler gods continue to smile upon us, Rowan and Daniel are hooking up!  Of course the mommies will be having fun too. I'm excited too.

Anonymous said...

Heeeyy!  I'm pouty...I want to go to the mall with you and Laura for some adult chat and coffee... :D
Say hi for me, lol.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear your review on the book.  I say that like I've read other you  I am keeping them on my list though :)

I so hope you and Laura get to meet and have some adult time.  I don't read her...guess I'm going to just have to go and check her out.

I knew it was only a matter of time before you told us that Derek rolled his quad.  Give a man a toy and it usually just takes one time on the thing for them to lose their head and damage  Does it sound like I've been through that before?? heehee

dazeychic asked a good question.  Hoochie or not....Hell yeah I'd do
