Friday, August 19, 2005


Wow, I can't believe that I didn't post yesterday.

I didn't even have a good reason not to.

I guess it is just hard to get on here and write about stuff when you are in a phunk.

::you like that spellin' don't ya::

I know I know... I have no reason to be in a phunk, but I am.

My mind hasn't been all there lately.

Can't really explain it.

I just haven't been me all that much lately and I've been told so too.

But anywho...

Other than being in a phunk, stuff has been really good.

Rowan is enjoying school.  She does have a hard time in the mornings, getting ready and what not.  But I think it is the whole separation anxiety thing that makes her have a melt down.  Because once we head out and then get to school, she is as happy as a lark.

Zachary is growing by leaps and bounds.  He is sitting unassisted very well and will actually try to sit up from the laying position.  He doesn't get more than his shoulder blades up, but he is sure trying.

He loves to just stand too.  He'll hold onto the table and just stand there.  He'll hold onto your fingers and pull himself up into the standing position also.  Everyone at home has been telling me that they think he'll just go straight to walking and skip the whole crawling thing... Like his Uncle Boo- who walked when he was 8 1/2 months old!

I hope he does crawl though, at least for a little bit.  Seeing them do that is the cutest thing.  Rowan used to do what we called the Pirate Crawl.  She'd literally put her left leg up and push with it, like a Pirate hobbling on a wooden leg.  She took her first steps to her Daddy the day after Thanksgiving, November 2002.  She was almost 11 months old.

I just hope Zach isn't like his Daddy when it comes to the walking thing.  Derek didn't walk until he was almost 15 months old :)  He was such a fat, lazy baby... lol.  He is  Mama's Boy... I tell ya.

Nothing much happened on Thursday.  I did get to sleep in due to having to stay home for a bit while my mom had an appointment... So that was nice.  But other than that, nothing else happened  ;)

Today I took Miss Rowan to school and paid ahead 4 months.  I figured that I didn't want to worry about payments during the holiday months.  You know, pay it now and we'll have a little more cash in our pockets to buy gifts for Christmas.

After Zach and I picked her up, it was off to the grocery store.  Goodness, I got out of there under $100, but didn't buy anything good.  Seriously.  I bought Oreo's, Pound Cake, Chocolate Milk and Ice Cream.  I did buy some fruit... Peaches and Apples.  But I bought Carmel dipping sauce for the apples :)  I guess I am having a major sweet tooth lately. 

Oh!  I did pick up that new Sara Lee White Whole Grain bread.  I love white bread, but I liked the nutrional idea of the whole grain.  SO, we'll see how much I like it... I'll make sure I let you all know.

Hmm. What else, what else.

I've been thinking about buying Zachary a walker.  My dad kinda reinforced the idea this morning.  He said he's sure that Zach would like it... Since he likes to be mobile.  I just need to get my butt to Target or Babies R Us and check them out.  Any new mommies or mommies period have any good brands or walkers that they like(d)??  If you do, let me know!


Tonight my friend Amy and my other friend Nicole (who's wedding I was in) are coming over to hang out.  It will be a Girl's Night... Plus the kids... lol.  Derek is working and my parents went to Yosemite for the weekend, so it is just us.  We all need a Break for some reason or another, so I am guessing that is part of the reason that I got all those sweets :)  Sugar always helps, right?

Speaking of Sweet.  I tried a new coffee drink today, thanks to a recommendation from my Friend Barbie.  She told me to try an Iced Vanilla Latte.  Let me tell you, it was Nummy!  It wasn't too sweet and it wasn't too bland either.  I think I'll have to have another one sometime soon...

Hmm, what else.  I know I was going to tell ya something.

Oh yes.  Tomorrow Derek is off... Woo Hoo.  He took the day off and we'll be going over to his bro's house to watch the UFC on Pay Per View.  Should be fun.  Just hope he doesn't want to stay there all freakin' night!!

Ugh.  Thats it.  My brain is tapped and Rowan is wanting a snack.  If I'm lucky, I'll be able to lay on the couch a while while Zach continues to nap!

Have a great weekend Friends.



Anonymous said...

Your children are adorable.


Anonymous said...

It is a full moon..probley why you and alot of us are in a
the walker will be so much easier than worrying about where he is creeping off to.
you can see and hear them roll around in that.   my daughter rolled her so much the wheels wore out.
I bet Miss Rowan is sleepy headed the reason she is cranky in the morning.
enjoy your nite with the gals..

Anonymous said...

My pediatrician has emphasized to me that walkers are bad for babies.  Actually, if you google walkers for babies, you'll come up with zillions of articles about why they're not so good.  I found the exersaucer to be great for my little guy.  It's a permanent station that they can turn around in and play with toys.  Good luck with the decision.  (

Anonymous said...

Gracie crawled for 2 days and went straight to walking at 10 months old.

I didn't want to get her a walker because, at that time, we stayed upstairs all the time and I didn't want her busting through the babygate and fall down the steps.

But, I got her a 'Walk-a-round' (I'm thinking Fisher-Price).  It has a stationary leg and wheels, so while sitting in it, kids can walk around a 360 degree turn!  I didn't like the ones with the round bottom that didn't move, I wanted Grace to strengthen her legs and be able to turn around to see everything.  Check them out, it might be a good choice if Zach seems ready to be on the move :)

Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Aw Pickle...we all get in a phunk now and then!
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Now me...I prefer the mocha chip frappacino at Starbucks.  Not fattening at all!!  NOOO.  <grin>

Have fun watching the game tomorrow...and with your Girl's Night.  


Anonymous said...

I used a "bumper jumper" for my boys they loooovvvedddd it!!! It helped to build their leg muscles and gave them great exercise, so much that after jumping for a little while they fell asleep. The neo-netologist they saw as their pediatrician really recommened it. They are  not expensive at all either, babies r us carries them. ~Good Luck~

Anonymous said...

I was just sitting here wondering if they even made actual walkers with wheels anymore, and I guess they do!  Personally, I didn't like the looks of them.. regular walkers have always freaked me out, so I'm thinking I won't be much help with this one... plus, my baby's younger than yours.  But I'm gonna vote anyhow, and my vote goes to... surprise, surprise... The Jumperoo.  Seriously, Jimmy LOVES it.  Like Zachary, Jimmy loves to stand, although, he's obviously not as developmentally along as your lil man.  like, Jimmy can't sit up without assistance, all he ends up doing is that leaning tower thing... makes for some good laughs, though!  He also can't stand up holding on to anything but fingers unless he's in the exersaucer or the Jumperoo.  So yeah, Jumperoo. Definitely.  Good luck finding what you're looking for, let us know what you pick! ~Liz

Anonymous said...

I have been in a phunk here lately too...I don't know what is up with it either. I hope that your girl's night helped yours!!
Good luck at finding Zach a walker, I don't have any advice on any of that..sorry! Maybe one day you can give me advice on it ;)

Anonymous said...

The phunk will pass.  Or we'd all be in one at the same time.
Chin up :)
As for the walker--we used one, with my oldest.  I like the push toys, and the exersaucer.  Although I always supervised the walker, that whole wheels-mobile thing made me nervous, even if my Mom loved it (it was at her house).  I don't think any one brand is better than another, but some of them have toys on the trays, and that's nice.  He won't be in it for long once he tastes true mobility, though.  lol.
Have a better day--I'll send you sunshine thoughts, 'kay?

Anonymous said...

---sheez!! now my mouth is watering. thankx Pick! now i have to get dressed and go hit starbucks :p::::

Walkers are like play-pens, either they/babes like to be in them or they don't. But they are a God Send -like high-chairs- for keeping them confined to a certain area. I'm all for "entertaining" the kiddies. Unlike some I think "whatever it takes" and that they are a natural part of growing up for toddlers. My advice: Get one that has locks on the wheels and not a lot going on in the tray area so he can color like his big sister likes to do so much. *hint hint* Aunt Barbie would sure love a certain masterpiece from her little man *wink*

Good Luck. Have Fun, Play Hard!

Barbie @>-------

Anonymous said...

We used exersaucers....walkers are so dangerous. I had a neighbor whose baby fell down the steps in a walker and fractured her skull...and another whose baby pulled on the cord of a crock pot and was badly scalded when he pulled it over on himself. But the worse thing about walkers, and exersaucers, according to my Mandy's neurologists, is they keep the kiddos from crawling. Babies need that back and forth , right side to left side movement to establish neural pathways. He blamed walkers for the sharp rise in learning disabilities...

just my opinion....lots of love,

Anonymous said...

I've been in a phunk too
You're not alone!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adorable picture of Zachary. Glad you were able to just relax for the weekend. We didn't go anywhere this weekend either..first weekend since getting to Germany that we stayed home!


Anonymous said...

I believe I had a Graco walker for Casey that had all kinds of toys attached to it.  Spent $80 on that darn thing and I think she sat in it 5  She liked it when she was in it though.  It's hard for them to move around on carpet though.  

Sounds like everything is going well at your house.  Hope you get out of your "phunk" the  I take frequent breaks from journaling because it seems to be more of a chore here lately.  
