Thursday, August 25, 2005

~Looking Forward~

I'm looking forward to many things this weekend.

After 330pm (or so) I will be starting my 4 day weekend.  So, I'm looking forward to that.

Yep, I've got me a 4 day weekend.  Isn't that nice?  Really, its only because Mommy will be out of town until Monday... So that means I won't have anyone to watch the kiddos that day, but I still get the day off :)

That isn't the only think I have to look forward to.

I get to take Rowan to school on Friday too.  I love taking her.  Is that weird?  I love seeing how she interacts and reacts to the people there.  She loves all of her teachers and they've seemed to takin' a liking to her too ;)  One of Rowan's favorite teachers, Miss Stephanie, is now pregnant though. 

Its funny how Rowan told me.  We were eating dinner the other night and she just bursts out with "Miss Stephanie can't go down the slide with me anymore because she has a baby in her belly".  I seriously had to do a double take and ask her what she said again because I just didn't believe she was telling me that.  See, Rowan just randomly throughs things out lately... Its actually kinda funny.

Yesterday, when I was on the phone with Barbie, I mentioned that we'd be staying in a hotel when we go down to Pismo next month... Well, because Rowan heard hotel, she spits out this long story about how she stayed in a hotel and had pizza with mom and dad.  Then she slept in the bed with us and we saw brother...

See, its kinda funny because that did happen... In MARCH!!  Rowan came up to see us when we were in Sacramento with Zachary, stayed in the hotel with us and had pizza in our room!!  Smart girl she is to put hotel and hotel together.


Friday brings other things to look forward to...

A Meeting Of J-Land Friends!!

Yep, that is right.  Laura and I will be meeting... Along with our kiddos... at the mall to have Starbucks, possibly do some shopping and just some talking.  I am really excited because this will be the first J-Land meeting for me- another one is in the works- and I promise details and pictures (hopefully!).

But I do know that if we go to the mall, Miss Rowan will more than likely want to stop off at Build-A-Bear :)  I might have to put that off though... Don't know if Daniel (Laura's son) will be able to get one and I DO NOT want to be rude and let my daughter build one when he might not be able to.

See, I do have some things to look forward to.


I've been making my way to a lot of Journals lately that are playing that "Ask Me 3 Questions" game.  I think it is so neat that people are opening themselves up.  And you know, ::knock on wood:: I haven't seen one person ask a rude question! 

But now that I say that, I was sorry to read this morning that Lisa is getting Rude Comments from AIM users in her journal.  I just don't get how people can be like that.  People that do these journals are opening themselves up for other people to read about and what not... Well, I don't think its right that other people come in and start crap.

(watch... now that I've said this, I'll start getting rude comments too... but I don't care, I will just go and DELETE and BLOCK like everyone else does!)

Anyways, I'll step off my soap box now... lol

Oh yes, I'm about 120 pages into "The Wedding".  Its a Goodin' too :)  Very romantic and very sweet... Something I'm not usually into.  I'm sure I'll finish it this weekend, so I'll let you know how good it is when I'm done!!

Well, thats about all I have in my rattled head today.  I hope everyone has a Great Thursday!!



Anonymous said...

Remember a bit back when it was my turn for the AIM Commetn trolls? i got my share too! I think they shoudl make AIM Journals SEPEREATE form AOL Journals like you have to have the ACTUAL Service to comment in our stuff and not give the AIM people all the features WE PAY FOR!

Anonymous said...


I'm so excited about your J-Land greet and meet with Laura. I hope that Daniel can build a bear! Have soooo much fun and I can't wait for the report back, take lots and lots of pics and DON'T FORGET THE CAMERA!! *wink*

Out of the mouths of Babes? THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH!! too cute!

Hugs & Lubs,

Barbie @>-------
ps, :p::::: mean people (((((Grrrrrr........))))))

Anonymous said...

Enjoy you day off..I know the babies will be happy to spend some xtra time with mom.  I am reading the Bonesetters daughter by Amy Tan.
very good book.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

can't wait to see pics of your jland meeting! have fun!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! You and I are both meeting someone from Jland! Isnt that crazy!? I mean, not crazy crazy but CRAZY meaning we would never have met them if it werent for journals on Aol!
Im kinda nervous about it actually! Just because meeting someone I met "online" is soooo not me!
I hope you have a great time!!! And maybe do build-a-bear before you meet them!? Like go a bit early and let your daughter do what she wants to do...and them Mommy gets to have her fun! haha! ;) It's like "lets make a deal!"
~Shells xoxo

Anonymous said...

Good luck and have fun on your weekend. I hope your meeting with Laura goes well. Can't wait to see pictures.

As for the "Ask Me Anything" game, well...I guess no comments or questions are better than rude ones eh? I had no luck with the game but not because of rude questions or comments but because I only had one response. I don't know what I'm doing wrong with it so I might just close it out and just read the journals I keep up with. Yeah, I guess nothing is better than rude anyday. I don't understand people being rude either.

Love your Journal...will be back.


Anonymous said...

My son will do the same thing, just randomly bring up things that happened months ago.  He is worse though, he brings things up that have nothing to do w/ anything going on at the time or being talked about lol


Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend, Jenn!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jenn! I have to admit I have been reading your journal for a while now but I've never left a comment! I am sorry...I am not good at leaving comments!  Please forgive me. I just wanted to let you know that The Wedding is an awesome book!!  You'll really like it. Let me know how you like it..


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you have some fun times in store for the weekend.
I can't wait to hear about your first J land meeting!
I hate that Lisa got nasty comments too. It looks like people would just leave others alone.

Anonymous said...

Who is the author of "The Wedding"?  I love romance novels and need a new one soon!  WOO-HOO on meeting another J-land friend!!!  I am sure if you talk to her before hand, Laura will have her son make a Build a Bear too!  And, another WOO-HOO on a 4 day weekend!  That Rowan is soooo smart too!  It's amazing isn't it how they can remember things that even WE can't remember!??!  
Hugs and lots of love,

Anonymous said...

LOL....Rowan's too cute...I love it when they hit the age where they just talk without even thinking about it...hahaha

I can't wait to hear about your meeting with Laura.  I hope all went well!!


Anonymous said...

Yowza (I am late hehe, everyone is on alerts and they allll pilled up for a weekend reading hehe) I am sooo happy this weekend is going to be fun for you! I can't wait to meet someone from j-land. It will be awesome!


ps. you are so right, Rowan is a little smartie. : D