Monday, August 29, 2005

~Just Your Average Monday~

Well, I guess you can say that today is just an average Monday.  But for me it isn't.  Why you ask?  Well, I'll tell you.  Okay, you ready???

I'm not at work!!!!

That is right ladies and gentlemen.  You heard me.  I'm not at work.  Can I get a "Woo Hoo"??  lol.  I know, I know, I'm a dork.  But I am the one that gets Two, yes Two, Four Day Weekends in a Row!!!

How did I get so lucky you ask?  Well, for one, I'm lucky to be able to work at an office that you only have to work 4 days a week in.  Then, I'm lucky that my mom is away helping my dad at a conference... ::Miss You Mom and Dad:: So, because my mom is away, I don't have a babysitter for the kids.  And then next weekend is a Holiday, so I automatically get Monday off again... This time it will be paid though!

So, that is how I got to be so lucky.

But other than being off today, its been a pretty average Monday so far.  I woke up at 6 am to give Zach his meds.  Then I went back to sleep until 640 and then got the Girl up to get ready for school.  After feeding her and making sure she found the perfect outfit to match her Black shoes (just like her pink ones but in black) and doing her hair... We were off to her school.

Goodness, does she like it there.  She always seems to be quiet and shy when she first walks in, but then just in a minute or two, she is off and running.  This morning I left her at a table that had trays with shaving cream and toy cars on them.  I can only imagine the fun that she had with them!!

After dropping her off, Zach and I went to Target.  Yeah yeah... Nothing new with Jennifer going to Target, I know.  But they had Carnation Good Start formula on sale for $21 and I had to stock up!  I also picked up some Luv's diapers that were on sale and some make-up for me.  Fun stuff.  I also picked up two packages of onsies for Zachary because he is totally outgrowing his 3-6 month ones.  Goodness, that boy is getting big!  But I did get something for Miss Rowan too.  She has been talking about the movie "The Aristocats" lately and the fact that when her YaYa's new house is built, she'll be able to watch it (because my mom has it and we don't).  So, I picked it up for her today and I'll put it in the DVD player in the car so when she gets in, it will be playing!  I think she'll like that :)

I do also have to go to Walgreens today and pick up Zach's prescription.  I hope they have it ready, because I don't have any for his 2pm dose.  We had to 'fight' with the insurance company again to get it filled.  I don't know why, but they think that we get a 30 days dose but we only get enough for 10-12 days.  So, again I had to tell the lady that we had none and that he wasn't even getting the 1.6ml on the prescription, but was now getting 1.8ml.  Ugh.  Its funny, because you are thankful that you have insurace to pay for your bills, but then again you can't stand them because they make you jump through hoops!!  Oh well.  He's getting his meds and that is all that matters... It keeps him healthy.

I'm so ready for a nap, it isn't even funny.  I don't usually take naps but I think today when the kids lay down I am going to too.  I just hope I can get my butt up and moving later, because Rowan has gymnastics tonight.  And for some reason, she is all jazzed- more than normal- about going.  Me on the other hand will have my hands full because I have to take Zach with me today.  Hopefully I can keep him occupied for the 50 minutes we are there.  Just gotta remember to bring the duck and a bottle... ::reminder to self::

Well the Pooper Boy is complaining in his crib.  I am trying to get him to go down for his morning nap, but more than likely he has lost his binkie.  Best go pop it back into his mouth!!  And boy, do I hope the UPS man comes soon... I wanna play with the new purse... hahahaha.

Have a Fantasic Monday all
::Hugs and Loves::


Anonymous said...

Okay, I ain't reading this until you fix adverage...what the hell is that Pickles?  LMAO

~Mean Nae~

Anonymous said...

Hey Baby! : )

Miss You! : (

Love the sidebar *wink*

New Purse! Weeeee.....

And... Just tumble the little prince around while the princess is tumbling!

Cya soon. WooHoo, Enjoy your day!!

Love you, ((((Hugs & Kisses))))

Barbie @>---------

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about your insurance company with your meds, they make me fight for my prenatal meds...prenatal!
It's not like it's valium or anything! It's a nightmare.
Congrats on your 2nd 4 day weekend!
I think I'll take a nap too

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

enjoy your day..hope you can get some rest..

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn!!  So glad you have two four day weekends in a row!  WooHoo Yay!  I'm doin' the dance too now because my doctor appointments are done and I passed out the paychecks so now all I have to do is find an eye doc for hubby and it's only 2:15 pm and since I'm the boss of my company I'm gonna call it a day.  YAY!  Love these short days too!  That sounds like a cute movie!  I love Target, Walmart, the mall..... yikes if we were together we sure could shop!  Uh-oh!  Miss Rowan sounds so cute!  Don't forget to take the duck and stuff for Zach to gymnastics if you get this comment before then and have a wonderful day!!      Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Congrats on having Monday off. Least the next one is with pay. Your children sound adorable. I can't wait to see a pic of the new purse too. Have fun and get some rest...enjoy your day. :-)


Anonymous said...

WOO HOOOO on the day off!! And wow..two wekeends in a wonderful!!....And what a great surprise you have for Ro...heheh..I hope she is excited when she gets in!! Thats fun stuff!! Have a great night off too!!

Anonymous said...

Well I got here late...hope the UPS man came, hope you got a good nap, and hope Walgreen's cooperated!

Hey, nothing wrong with a day off under any circumstances...


Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here wistfully thinking about a shopping binge at Target.  <grin>
Hope your purse came!  


Anonymous said...

now this is the kind of Monday I like. Mine was filled with errands and a Target run too.....but I'm coming down from a weekend high so it was rather blehhhhh!
PS you are right on on the pics of my kids.
Have a great week.....wanna play hooky on Thursday? :::::nudge, nudge, wink, wink!:::::::::::::

Anonymous said...

Yay Targets is great! :) How nice are you for getting Rowan that movie!? You are a wonderful mommy! : )

Anonymous said...

Yay!  Hope you had a good rest of the day off!!!!  
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

WOW! Lots of time off for Jenn!
I hope that you got your purse and were able to

Anonymous said...

Time off is always a plus.  I so remember the days of the Casey losing her binkie while in bed.....that can drive you insane.
