Thursday, August 4, 2005

~Ramblings and Updates~

Oh I'm so happy!  Our phones and our internet is up and running.  ::knock on wood::  That means we can finally get down to business and I can finally keep sane!  Nah, I was actually able to accomplish a lot with out having AOL up on my computer.  Funny huh??  Never would have thought ;)

Anywho, today is my Friday... Thanks for the reminder Cat.  So, I'm hoping that the day goes by quick like.  I wanna make it home, ASAP. 

Why??  Because my Brother is coming down today!!  Yippee.  Uncle Boo is coming to visit.  Miss Rowan is so darn excited too.  And Zach, well, he just doesn't know.  lol... But he'll remember his Uncle Boo, the guy that came and visited him in the hospital pretty much every day that he was there.

Tonight, we all (mom, dad, me, the kiddos and uncle boo) will be going out for Mexican food.  Yummy.  I've been craving Mexican food too!!  I'm thinking I'll be having the Grilled Chicken Salad.  It is sooo good.  They take this Fijita Chicken and put it over salad greens.  There is tomato and fresh avacado on the plate too.  The dressing, well, the dressing is Green Sauce!  Oh yeah, so good.  I don't know if I'll be able to wait until 630 tonight!  Hehe...

Good thing I'll be able to relax some what tonight, because tomorrow is going to be a very long day.  Mr. Zachary has a neurologist appointment in Sacramento.  Well, he is scheduled to have one, that is.  I'm not sure if the referal has gone through yet.  The lady from his peds office hasn't contacted me as of this morning to let me know if we are clear to go.  But if we are, it will be me, my daddy, Rowan and the kiddos.  Isn't my Daddy the sweetest??  He is going with me to keep me company.  And of course, Miss Rowan won't have a problem with the drive, because she'll be able to watch movies :D

I just wish that there was a Child Neurologist closer than Sacramento.  But I guess that where we are going is the best, so it is okay.  And its not like we have to go all the time though.  Every 3 months or so.  Its just that we'll be driving an hour and fourty five minutes for a 20 minute (if that) appointment and then turn around and drive an hour and fourty five minutes again.  Oh well, nothing but the best for my baby boy I guess.

Anywho.  Derek is OFF this weekend!!  No really, he is.  He isn't working ANY of his days off.  I'm totally stoked.  And get this, Saturday, my parents are going to visit my grandparents and they are planning on taking my kiddos with them!  That means, Derek and I will be on our own for the whole day!!  I'm thinking going to breakfast in the morning and then spending the day in the pool and just relaxing is how we'll spend the day.  That or we'll hop into the new car and go for a ride :)

Well guys, I've got most of my work done, but now I need to go and file... I detest that, but its gotta get done!!  So... Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, Off to File I go...



Anonymous said...

I was figuring you guys would streak all over the house that day!! least thats whats ID do!! hahahaha

Hope tomorrow goes smoopth and you guys have a great time tonight!! Have we seen a pic of your brother?...just curious...


Anonymous said...

OMG! Don't do Everything I wouldn't do *wink wink*

((((Have Fun, Play HARD!))))

I'm sooo happy uncle Boo is coming I know how much Ro can't live without him. He's a great Bro and excellent uncle! (((Big Hugs)))

Have fun filing and I hope the chick calls to okay Zach's appointment. Aren't Daddies Great! Another (((Big Hug)))

Love you Baby Cakes! : )


Anonymous said...

How wonderful you and hubby get some time alone..have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

So glad hubby is off this weekend.  Enjoy the peace and quiet you have while the kiddos are gone ;)


Anonymous said...

Hope you and Derek have an awesome day alone this weekend...
wooowhooooo...cherish every moment

Anonymous said...

One thing that always seems to shine through in your entries is your ability to just live, and enjoy life. I love reading things like:
   "I'm thinking going to breakfast in the morning and then spending the day in the pool and just relaxing is how we'll spend the day.  That or we'll hop into the new car and go for a ride :)"
...Simple pleasures make you happy, and I hope you realize how good that makes life.

Can I fly out a few of The Girls to get lessons from ya? They're a little grumpy these days...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are going to have a great weekend!
Wow, you and Derek alone? Ya'll better be good! ;)

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo about the internet back up and a whole day with just you and the hubby!  Hope you two have a wonderful day ---and how nice you get to visit with Uncle Boo and go for Mexican!!  Yay! I miss going out for Mexican... can't get my hubby to go hardly ever!  Hugs,