Wednesday, September 28, 2005

~All Is Looking Up~

Well things are looking pretty good over here at the Pickle Jar today.

Rowan seems to be in better spirits than yesterday and Zach is doing much better too.

Last night was forever long.

If it not had been for my dad, I think I would have gone insane!

My dad took care of Zach around 930pm and let me go to bed early.  He got him to sleep, put him in bed and then when Zach woke up around 1130pm, I took over.

From then on, Zach was up every hour on the hour.  Nice huh?  When he got up at 145am I decided he might needed a bottle.  When I came out to the kitchen, my stubborn dad told me to go back to bed and he'd take care of him.  So, he gave Z a bottle and then put him back to bed.  Zach was up again at 330am and then up at 615.  So, if Dad had not been around, I would surely be dragging my ass today...

Thanks Dad, you are THE best :)

*if you were wondering, Derek worked last night... that is why he wasn't helping*

I stayed home today from work to take care of the kiddies.  Also, my parents have a Frame Walk Thru for their home this morning, so we would have been with out a babysitter.  I guess it worked out well then.

I've spent all morning on the couch with Zach and Rowan.  Most of the time, Zach was asleep on my chest or in my lap.  He is still a bit feverish, but not as cranky as yesterday.  I've also been catching up on the tv shows that I missed last week that I DVR'd.  I've watched "Medium", "Las Vegas", "Grey's Anatomy".  I've still got "ER", "Charmed" and "Inconceivable" to watch.  So you all know what I'll be doing today... lol.


Enough about me being a Lazy Butt today...

I'm glad that after today, I'll have only one day of work left.  I guess last weekend really wore me out and with this cold, I need some Quiet Time.  But there really won't be too much of that.

Friday I have to take Lola-Dog (our Rottie) to the vet to get her caught up on her shots along with taking and picking Rowan up from school.  Then I plan on taking Rowan to a make-up dance class at 4 in the afternoon. 

If I don't make it to Target and Costco during that in-between time, I will have to do that on Saturday.

Gotta love those places, ya know?

The Costco run is for Food/Party supplies for Derek's birthday.  His birthday is Oct. 3rd, but we'll be celebrating it on Sunday afternoon with a Football party.  He wants to bbq tri-tip and have finger foods.  Sounds good to me.  I was going to make cupcakes for his "cake" too.  Probably Chocolate on Chocolate and White with Chocolate.  Sounds yummy don't it?

Well, its about time to give Zach a bottle and hopefully he'll eat more than he was yesterday.  He's done pretty good this morning with about 4-5 ounces per feeding, so that makes me pretty happy!

I hope all of you out there have a wonderful Hump day ;) 



Anonymous said...

Your dad is wonderful, You are so lucky....hey I would ask him to please stick around til the kids get
I bet little Zach was hurting and just needed a soft hug.  I know your being there with him today made him feel better.
Plus you deserve a break to lay on the couch and get well yourself.
I hope all is better tonight and they sleep all night long.

Anonymous said...

Sunday is my son's birthday...he will be 13..Happy Birthday Derek...
jope the little ones and you feel better soon...
hugs, christie

Anonymous said...

Glad you were able to stay at home with the sickies today!  They need their momma when they aren't feeling well.  Hope you get some sleep tonight.
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Aww, poor babies!  
You know, while it sucks to have sick kids, I don't mind those days of holding them and just being there to make them feel better.  Some of the best times we've shared have been times when they were sick and we had to slow down to no speed.

Happy B-day to Derek!  :)

My Dad is pretty gruff most of the time, but always surprises me when it comes to my kids.  Give your Daddy a hug for being so awesome and hanging in there all night with you!

Um, would the episode of "Las Vegas" you watched be the one that just aired?  They were re-showing it last night on TNT or something like that, so I caught a scene I missed...the one with the handsome, yummy Josh Duhamel working construction, when he takes off his shirt to change.  Holy cow, I almost fell off the sofa...just as my hubby walked into the room.  LOL, how do I explain that?  :p  (although, that show has eye candy for both of us, lol)

Hope the kiddoes feel better soon, and you get some rest, Jen.

Anonymous said...

glad to hear things are looking up...!  thank gosh for your need to get well too!!!
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

Oh that is so nice you got to stay home with your babies today.  I'm so sorry I haven't made it to your journal in a while but I, like the babies have been very sick and am slowly making rounds again.  I went to doctor and he did blood work and turns out I drank too much coffee creamer and have too much cholestorol now so I'm on this medicine to help me get it back in order.  I can't believe I have to take a pill everyday now.  Lol!  Maybe switching creamers like we did Sunday when we were at the store will help.  I know what you mean about dance class on Friday.  I have football for two boys and cheerleading for Courtney, plus I'm the coach for that.  It's a crazy schedule these days. Hugs and hope everyone is feeling better soon.  

Anonymous said...

Poor munchkin.  There is nothing worse than sick children.  I always feel so helpless.  Parker and I have been working really hard on handwashing techniques.  I'm determined to not have another winter like last year.  We were all sick constantly.  Mostly from germs picked up from Parker's school, I think.  

Your dad sounds awesome!


Anonymous said...

Good deal on getting a day to rest and thank goodness for your daddy!!
I hope that Derek's party goes well.

Anonymous said...

Oh sweetie, I remember those days all too well, and ya know what?  I'd do it again in a heartbeat!  Call me CAAARRRAAAAZZZYYYYY, but I would...As much as I bitch about the dog waking me up 3 hours before I start work, I would love to have a wee one keeping me up at night...Bill would have nights this time around though.  He always had a full-time day job so night time was all me, unless I asked him for help.  I never once got upset, I knew he had to get up early and that I got to sleep whenever I wanted.

Do you use J&J or Baby Magic?  god I miss those scents.

Anonymous said...

Glad things are looking up for you, wishing everyone a speedy recovery!  You have an awesome dad!  Wasn't wondering about Derek for 2 reasons, first, because that was what I figured, because  I know if he's home, he will help with the kiddos unless he absolutely can't, and second, I'm used to not having a lot of help, so I don't bat an eye when I hear about a husband not helping, or there's no mention of hubby.  I think it's so wonderful that you have help.  But, mostly just glad to know y'all are gettin better.  happy birthday to Derek!  have a fun party, and good luck with all the errands and whatnot! hugs, Liz

Anonymous said...

Good to hear that things are looking up for the kids!  Ugh....those rough nights will do a number on ya.  Cupcakes sound sooo good right now.  Anything chocolate  


Anonymous said...

Wish I had a couple of those cupcakes, LOL. Homemade cakes are not usually on the menu in Stupidville.

Dad was a saint, huh? I know how good that snooze felt!

Have a good day tomorrow!
