Tuesday, September 27, 2005

~I suppose its time for a Real Entry~

Well, I thought I should do a real entry and not beat around the bush and post more pictures :)  Besides, I don't have anymore pictures to post!

Things in the Pickle Jar are okay.  For some reason, we like to pass around the sickies and guess who is Sick once again...

Yep, Me.

Yee Freakin' Haw.

So, in my house there are 4 out of 6 people six.

My mom, Rowan, Zach and Me.

Oh so much fun!!

My mom has a nasty cold.  Cough and what not.  Rowan has a cough that is just there.  Nothing more going on than that... And Zach, well, he is still congested!  He doesn't seem to be getting better nor getting worse.  So, I guess that is a good thing.  But I wish he would get better!!! Ugh!

Last night was rough on him.  He woke up at 145am and I tried to give him a bottle and all he would take was 2.5oz.  I rocked him for a bit and he seemed ready to go back to sleep.  So I put him in his crib and he 'drifted' off to sleep.  Or so I thought.  Not 10 mins later, he was coughing and whining.  I went back in there and he was awake.  So I rocked him some more and then put him back to sleep.  Some time later he was coughing again.  So this time I went in there, sucked out the snot from his nose, gave him some tylonel cold meds, popped the binkie back in his mouth and he was finally out.

All of this took place over an hour... So, I'm tired this morning.  Plus being sick on top of it so doesn't help!!


Yesterday afternoon when I got home, Rowan and I made homemade cookies!  I got the idea from Lisa (private J- sorry no link) who had baked a bunch of cookies for her Husband's work buddies.  I hadn't made homemade cookies in forever andI thought Rowan would just enjoy doing it... And she did.  They came out really awesome too!

I'm going to have to be really good and try not to eat too many of them :)  I so don't need those extra calories...  Shoot, I'll have to try not to eat the dough more than anything!  Haha.

Tonight is Rowan's second dance class.  I hope she'll be up to it.  As long as she gets a good nap in this afternoon, I think she'll be okay.  She didn't go to school or gymnastics yesterday, so she really needs an outlet today.  She has told both my mom and I that she wanted to go to school today.  How cute is that?  Poor thing has missed two days in the last week and she wants to go.

Anyways, I was thinking before her class this evening, that we'd stop at Target and pick up a dance bag and a "skirt" thing because she wanted one when she saw another girl at dance class with one last week.  I know, I spoil her... But sometimes, you just gotta :)  Plus, I "need" something to carry both pairs of her dance shoes in.  Last week was too hard with the boxes and what not... And my purse isn't big enough to hold them!

I will TRY to get pictures of her during her class this evening.  But I promise that I'll take pictures of her before in her cute little outfit!!

Now, it is time to run.

My head is way too foggy to try to multi-task today... Bummer too because I'm really good at it!

Have a great Tuesday all.



Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better and the babies get well soon.
You all need a sick day to just take your meds and rest.

Anonymous said...

I've been sick also...with a stomach flu....<sigh>
Hope you feel better soon...can't wait to see the pics of Rowan

Anonymous said...

I hope y'all feel better soon! it stinks when almost everyone in the house is sickly, especially mama. have fun shoppin at taget, I just came from their website--- I was making the family "wish list" so people would know what we really want for the holidays and birthdays.  I try to update that a couple times a year, take off old or already purchased stuff, put on new wishes, etc... works well!  so yeah, anyhow, hope you feel better really soon.  :) liz

Anonymous said...

Hope Ro can make it!  You guys should get 'Cold-Eeze'~I know, I talk about it all the time, but it works!  Colds are gone in 3 days! They have gum and lollipops, too.

I give Grace 'Airborne' before school and dance, or whenever she's going to be around alot of kids.  It's herbal, so don't need to worry about chemicals and stuff.  Just started using it this spring, so I'll see how many colds she brings home this winter.  Heck, I should use it, too, working in daycare!

Cookies sound good.. but when don't they?  ;)   Homemade cookie dough in vanilla ice cream....  Soften the ice cream, drop in dough in balls or small scoops, and stir, refreeze.  Next time you make cookies, save some of the dough.  You can freeze it for next time you have ice cream.  Bad, bad Kitty ;)

Hope you all feel better and get some rest tonight!


Anonymous said...

Are you secretly running a daycare?  Cuz that would explain the never-ending illnesses LOL...lord knows I know this firsthand.

Bake...cookies?  How does one do that?  You'll never catch me baking...I live too close to a bakery and like you, I'd eat the dough and be too stuffed to enjoy the cookies!

I'm gonna hold you to it...I demand pretty pink ballerina pics by FRIDAY or your FIRED!

~Silly Nae

Anonymous said...

I hope that you and everyone else in the house feel better soon!!
I hope that you get some pictures tonight! I can't wait to see how cute Rowan looks!

Anonymous said...

you guys need to get well soon!!! ug i hate being sick!
<3, em

Anonymous said...

Hope you all get well soon.  Casey and I both have the nasty allergy cough going on and we're stuffy.  No relief in sight until we move.  

There's nothing wrong with spoiling your tiny dancer......this I know....lol
