Friday, September 2, 2005

~It's Friday~

I'm so Happy, so Happy.  I have another 4 day weekend!  Yippee Skippy for Me!  And this time it is even better because I get paid for not going to work on Monday :)  Muahahaha.

I'm also happy because of a few different reasons today.  My Honey will be home later this afternoon or early evening.  I only hope that he doesn't come home broke as a joke.  He did say he picked up some goodies for the kids, so that is nice.  He seemed to be having a good time when I talked to him last night.  Although, he did say that he missed me and the kids... All together now, "Awwww".

I'm also happy because my brother is coming down today!  Yeppers, Uncle Boo will be staying us for a few days and we all know how much Miss Rowan loves her Uncle Boo.  I love it when Boo comes down... It makes me feel like my Family is Whole again... haha.  He is just away at UC Davis (about an hour and fourty five mins away), but we miss him a lot.

So, having us all home for the weekend will be mighty nice.  It also means that we'll be having some good ol' dinners too!  Tonight we'll be having something pretty easy, most likely BBQ... But Derek wants Stuffed Bellpeppers tomorrow night for dinner.  Oooh, those are sooo yummy!  Especially the way we make them, with Salsa and Cheese.  Oh yeah, I can't wait!

Unfortunetly, Poor Miss Rowan is still barking like a seal.  Its in the mornings and at night.  Almost like a croupy cough.  She did have that when she was a baby and I am thinking I might call the doctors and see if I can get her in this afternoon.  That or have them give me something to just help her.  She sounds horrible and almost chokes when she does cough.  Poor thing.  And then get this.  When I dropped her off at school this morning, there was a note on the door that read "Your Child has been Exposed to Pink Eye".  I said, "Great" knowing more than likely that she'll end up with it :)  Just our luck, really.

I did have an embarrassing moment at her preschool this morning though.  I could have died right then and there really.  I was squatting down to give Rowan a kiss and hug good-bye when she came into me pretty hard and knocked me off balance.  I stumbled back, almost caught myself, and then continued to fall.  I landed on my butt... But the embarrassing part was that there was one of the aids right there, talking to us when this happened.  I knew my face must have been bright red and I just started sweating.  Gosh.  Why do I always have to fall and stumble in front of people???  lol... I think someone is making me pay for all the naughty things I do.  Haha.

Well, I am going to go call the doctors now.  Hopefully they'll be able to see her this afternoon because I don't want to pull her out of school early.  I hope everyone has a great Friday!

I got Rowan a doctors appointment at 2:50 today... I'll let you know how it goes.



Anonymous said...

I would get her to the dr too..that sounds like she might have a touch of bronchitis.
I fall and stumble around too sometimes so don't feel
hope she gets better.

Anonymous said...

Yup sounds like croup.  I would lean on the safe side and take her in. Sounds like you have quite the weekend planned.  We haven't a dollar to our names so I guess we just sit here LOL.  HAve fun.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, no I hope she doesnt get pink eye! :( Hooray for your hubby coming back though! : ) Thats awesome! Sounds like despite Rowans cough your wkd will be great : ) Now, I cant wait until Monday night when my almost-honey lol comes back ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh...I sure hope poor Rowen is feeling better soon.  
I have chronic bronchitis...I know what coughing for
hours on end feels like...and it's not good.  <sigh>

Have a wonderful weekend though!  Sounds like you've
got a lot planned.


Anonymous said...

Yea! for 4 day weekends :)

Mine works a little different since I worked today, but I am off Tuesdays normally ;)

Yuck for the cough and pink eye.  Right now, going around we have the cough that only happens when the kids are lying down, like during naptime.  Hope the appointment went well....

Or as good as can be expected ;)

Enjoy the weekend!


Anonymous said...

Good luck at the doc :)

Robyn :)

Anonymous said...

I think EVERY mother has had that happen to her!  I know it's happened to me not once, twice or even three times, it's happened MANY MANY times!  LOL!  It's a terrible feeling, but you have to just laugh because the kids dont' really care, they think it's fun to see Momma on her butt on the floor!  :)  I hope Rowan is okay!  I hate that croupy cough!  My girls have it 24/7 because of allergies, but I know when it gets to the danger zone (the lungs) and always call the docs then (but that doesn't usually happen until winter).  Sucks having Rowan exposed to all the "nasties" in Preschool, but she would be exposed anyway once she goes to school, so it's normal.  BIG HUGS to her!!!
P.S.:  Send me that Stuffed Peppers recipe.  I haven't had them in YEARS and I love them!!

Anonymous said...

Aw, I hope Rowan is feeling better!!!  Have a great time with uncle boo, lol!  Happy 4 day weekend! ; )
<3, em

Anonymous said...

Hope Rowan is doing better now and that you're all enjoying the long weekend with your brother.  

LOL at you falling on your butt....only cause it's something that I would do :)
