Thursday, September 22, 2005

~Uh Oh~

Well, this whole "kid goes to school... kid gets sick" thing is pretty damn sucky!!

Miss Rowan is still running a temp.  It hasn't been over 100 degrees since yesterday... Well, at 130 this morning it was 101 but what does that mean when the child has been sleeping under covers and next to another warm body.

Right now, she is running 99.3 and that is with meds on board.  She doesn't seem too sick.  Just a little lazy and what not.  She still has a pretty good healthy craving for food and drink... So that is good.

She does have the Loosie Goosies... aka diarrhea... and she has said that her ear hurts, but other than that, she seems pretty well.  No sign of throwing up... I can stand barf, so I hope that doesn't happen.  I only figure if she was going to be throwing up, she'd already be doing it...

We have Another doctors appointment this morning at 1040.  Goodness, they are going to love us over there.  And so will our insurance!

I can only hope this is a 24 hour bug and it will run its way thru her and that will be it.  I do hope that no one else will be hit by it and not feel well either.

I am not sure if we'll be going to Pismo Beach tomorrow.  We have until 4pm today to cancel our room.  It will suck to not be able to go... For one, because the rest of the family is going and Two, I just like it there a lot and wanted a change of scene... But my life revolves around my children... So, I'm not going to drag a sick child with Loosie Goosies on a 3 hour car ride :D

Besides, Pismo is not going anywhere.  Our trip will just have to wait if need be.

Goodness, as I type this, Rowan is being awful crazy.  She has these spurts of energy and you think to yourself, "This Child is Sick?"  Yeah, so I hope it runs thru her fast...

Pismo... I hear you calling :(

I'll let you know how her doctors appointment goes.... And if we decide to go to Pismo or not...

Wish us Luck!



Anonymous said...

Oh Jen! I hope your little one gets to feeling better and you can go on that trip. Hope the doctor is able to give her something that clears it up so all can have a good time. Thinking about you and yours and hoping for the best for you all. {{{HUGS}}}


Anonymous said...

good luck~liz

Anonymous said...

Well, is Pepto-Pismol made in Pismo?  Maybe they have a park like Hereshey's, but instead of chocolate they give out different flavors of  Oh admit it though, that would be cool, swimming in a pink pool!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck!!! Lord I hate barf too lmao!
<3, em

Anonymous said...

Man, sorry she's down too....  hope it's nothing that some pedialyte won't cure.

Keeping my fingers crossed for your Pismo trip!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hope you guys get to go to Pismo! Also, hope nobody else gets sick!!

Anonymous said...

I hope Rowan gets better so you can get away and get a break.  You're smart for not going on a road trip while Rowan had the back door trots....that could turn MESSY real quick.


Anonymous said...

I am sooo behind!!
Loosie have never heard it called that before!