Tuesday, September 13, 2005

~Watch Out, Here Comes Some Ramblings!~

Okay, First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for all the "Get Well Soons" and "Hope you Feel Better Quicklies".  They mean a lot, really.  And good news is, I am feeling better this morning.  I managed to get a doctors appointment yesterday afternoon and I was informed (like many of you said on here) that I have a Sinus Infection.  I wasn't suprised really... So, the doctor gave me some antibiotics and now the Snot River is already flowing!!  After one stinking pill last night... Can you believe that?

Hopefully I'll feel 100x better by Friday.  I am not really wanting to go away for the weekend still sickie.  No fun there, but I will if I have to!  I am determined to make it away... Just Derek and I.

Hmm, what else... what else.

Oh yes.  Yesterday after I got home from the doctors appointment, I was greeted by a letter from Mercy Air- who air lifted Zachary from Memorial Hospital in Modesto to another hospital in Sacramento- stating that if I didn't pay the balance of $3,145.00 with in 10 days time that they'd report Derek and I to a Collections Agency!!!

So, yeah, I was pretty TICKED OFF when I saw this.  Why you ask?  Well, I've called at LEAST 3 times on this one claim.  Plus, the Insurance company had sent the Provider a letter telling them to leave us alone regarding the payment!

I made my First phone call to my Insurance company.  Well, the Witchy-Witch of an associate wasn't all that helpful.  When she told me once again that it wasn't my responsibility and that she'd put this claim up again for payment and the Insurance company would decide, I said "So, until you guys decide to pay, I'm basically Screwed".  And the lady gets a very rude tone-more than she was already- and goes, "I don't like to use that word.  You don't need to say that" and that is when I said, "Thanks for your help" and I hung up!!!  Damn Witch!

Then my Second call was to Mercy Air.  I spoke to a very nice lady there that was only trying to do her job... Which I understand.  And she seemed to understand where I was coming from.  Being that I have 100% coverage on all type of Emergency stuff like that, I was stuck between a rock and a hard place with the Insurance not willing to pay them.  She informed me that her company DOES NOT write things off and that if they didn't pay her company, she'd be forced to sent a collections agency out against us!  I told her that it didn't seem fair that I was getting screwed because the insurance company wasn't paying the bill.  Why weren't they going after the insurance company and not me??  So, in the end, I got her to extend the 10 days to another 30 before she'd send us off to Collections...

And then I made my Third Call...

Right back to the Insurance Company!!!!

This time, when the agent got on the phone, I asked to speak to a Supervisor.  Of course, the gentlemen wanted to try to help me... So, I let him.  But this time, my Irish temper came out in a very Nice way.  I wasn't rude but I was very stern.  I basically told him that he needed to get their shite together and pay this company because I had 100% coverage on something like this and I wasn't about to be sent off to a Collection Agency because THEY weren't paying the bill!!!  Of course, he wanted to call Mercy Air and see about the whole writing it off... When I already told him they wouldn't.  But I stayed on the line when he called.  He came back and said "You are right.  They won't write it off". 

So, they will be paying the remaining balance!  I told him that I'd be calling Friday morning to get all the information.  Check number, check date, the amount and when it was sent out.  I also told him that I wanted it in writing.  I want something tangable to show someone!!  I am not sure if they will have the check out on Friday, but I'm going to be talking to Jeff (haha, got his name and extension.. He can't run from me!!) and I will be sure to rip him a new one if it hasn't gone out!!

Anyway... enough of me bitching about insurances.  I am VERY lucky to have them... But they are a Bitch to deal with!!

Oh!  Get this.  My daughter has become a little artist!

Not the way I'd like her to either...

While I was on the phone with the Insurance company, she came out with nailpolish on her finger... Not her nails, but on her finger.  So, I followed the smell of polish down the hall into the bathroom and that is where I found her Art Work.  She had painted ontop of the toilet seat and then on the metal parts of the toilet paper holder!!  OMG.  It was so hard to get off!!!  I told her she was Grounded... And she looked at me like "What is Grounded!?!?!" lol.  This isn't the first time she has done this, so that is why I was a little unhappy.  But I'm over it now.  My parents thought it was kinda funny though.  They kept telling me that it was something I would have done when I was younger!

I guess it is true... Whatever you did to your parents comes back 3x fold :)

Last night was gymnastics too.  I still wasn't feeling all that great about going, but we still went anyhow.  Rowan did well.  She is so well behaved out there sometimes I wonder if she is really my daughter ;)  All the other kids will not be paying attention and there will Rowan be, sitting there patiently waiting for her turn.  It makes me bubble over with pride, really.  But anyways, she is doing good.  Perfecting the things she is learning and enjoying her time out there!  I only wish I could get her into aDance Class too... But that would really kill my pocket book!

Speaking of Pocket Books, Thank Goodness its Tuesday... Because I get Paid today!!  Woo Hoo...


Oh yes.  Tonight is the Premire of "Gilmore Girls" on The WB.  I love this show so I can't wait.  I'm only bummed about it because my Friend Amy won't be at my house to watch it with me.  We would do "Gilmore Girls/One Tree Hill/The OC" nights... But now because she is Teaching full-time and is very busy and stressed (First Year Teacher!!) so she has no free time to come and watch :(  Oh well... I totally understand... I'm just proud of her that she has a job and what not!

Well, I need to run.  I've done enough rambling already.  I'm sure you guys are like "Shut Up Already"... Plus, we are having a Taco Bell inspection today... So, things need to be in their spot and we need to be busy- or at least look busy, hahaha!!

Have a Great Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

I have to miss Gilmore Girls tonight...but my mother in law is goign to record it for me...Kadies first drill team performance is tonight and it is her homecoming game...sigh...they grow up so fast!


Anonymous said...

Lordy, Pickle:

This entry was so cute top to bottom. Give 'em Hell Kiddo! know what else? it always "pays" to be tenacious. LOL

-Brando was 4 when he painted his 6' teddy bear's "nails" with nail polish. it was actually more like the bear's eyeballs, nose and tummy reigon :o He came to me and said, "Mommy, I need more red." "WTF?" I said. He said, "Come see, it's pretty Mommy, come see." Eek!! It was pretty alright! Grrrrr! hehehe.

Have a good one, Baby Girl. I'm glad the damn is busted and the river is flowing, LOL ewwwwww....... you're too funny gross.

Barbie @>--------

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear your snot is flowing. ; )

Don'tchya hate when you have to deal w/ crap like that over the phone....& on top of it you have some moron telling you they don't like your attitude or tone....That stuff chaps my arse! Good for you for sticking to your guns!!!

LOL @ your little artist. I have a 3 year old and an almost 16 year old and they -both- make a mess w/ the nail polish. :)

Happy Tuesday! ~Ann

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

oooh, tell me about Gilmore Girls, I missed it
I did the same thing Rowan did when I was younger
only...I painted my parents dining room table, they loved me

Anonymous said...

What a load of crap about the insurance company...sorry you had to go through that mess..hope they get it all taken care of.....

Anonymous said...

SOOOOO... what is the Sept. 17th anniversary all about, anyhow?  Glad you made it to a doc's... hope you feel better soon, and have a fantastic weekend away.  get those insurance buggers!  I get the runaround with the insurance peeps, too, although not over such significant amounts!  i swear sometimes, Emergency transport companies are seriously out to kick people when they're down with their obscene rates.  anywho, yeah, feel better, k?  ~liz

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're starting to feel better.  Insurance companies.....there always has to be someone slacking to get crap all out of whack.  Good for you for being stern with them.  Ohhh if the witch would have told me what she told you, I would have ripped her up one side and down the other...lol

Hey, atleast Rowan painted on wipeable surfaces that nail polish remover wouldn't damage.  Better the toilet than the walls right?  I can only imagine her face when you said she was grounded...hahaha


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well, but I am happy to hear that you are on the mend!  And, insurance companies??!  You KNOW how I feel about THEM today!  They always gave me a problem too when Emma would have to take an ambulance, but you did the right thing and kept on them.  Good job!  Nail polish problems huh?  Yep, been there, done that AND had to clean it up!  No fun at all!!!!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I can't believe insurance companies...truly.  It's just awful the things they put people through.  

Glad you're feeling a little better...


Anonymous said...

I hate insurance people!  Hope it all gets settled!  Oh and hurry up and get rid of that sinus infection...its almost time for ya to leave! lol!!! YAY!
<3, em

Anonymous said...

wow...over 3 grand to airlift? People cant afford to be sick these days!
Im still getting bills for our old military insurance for ambulance rides, and hospital stays for my son....unreal the amounts!!

Ohh dance class! I need to get my daughter in them. She really wants to ice skate, but there isnt many ice skate rinks in socal! LOL

Anonymous said...

I hate dealing w/insurance companies!!! But you go girl for getting that taken care of!! :)

Anonymous said...

Taco Bell inspection??

I am happy that the insurance company got off their lazy butts finally. Its so stupid that no matter how much insurance you pay, the company always farts around about picking up their share, it makes no sense!! ugh!

Anonymous said...

Mandy used to draw on everything--it drove me nuts...and it took a few years until she stopped...