Monday, September 26, 2005

~Tagged Bunches of Times~

Okay Folks.  I was tagged by a few of you to play along on this game... So... I'll bite :)

The rules:

1) Go to your journal's archives.
2) Find the 23rd post.
3) Find the 5th sentence in that post.
4) Post that sentence with these instructions.
5) Tag five more people.

Okay, my 23rd post is from way back when... June 2004!

Here is the sentence... "Had lunch from a little mexican shop in our town and then went outside and watched the mutts play"...

And Now to Tag...

And I Tag... YOU!

1. Bridgette...   "And then there were Four"

2. Laura... "Adventures in Juggling"

3. Cat... "Saving Sanity"

4. Liz... "Go to your Womb"

5. Heather... "In My Own Little World"

Okay... There I did it.

Now, if I tagged you and you don't want to do it... Then don't :)  But if you want to... Go ahead!!

I'm off and running again...



Anonymous said...

I had fun being tagged with this one!
My sentance was about

Anonymous said...

Soooo, you were talking about food yet again huh?!?!  You have always loved to torture me with your food stories!  LOL!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I'll play.  <grin>


Anonymous said...

I'll add you to the list of people I thank for making me do this  ;)

Look for it soon :)


Anonymous said...

Dang it.  I had dodged this one for awhile...leave it to you...LOL  Just Kidding.  I will check it out tomorrow.  Since I deleted my first journal, I'm not sure if I even have a 23rd post.  I'll look though :)
