Tuesday, May 17, 2005

~Dawn's 20 via Barbie~


Bummed this off of Barbie of "A Ticket to Ride" who got it from Dawn and her journal "Everything Under the Sun"...

1. What's your favorite store to go shopping in?  

I just love Target... You can find just about anything there and pay a whole lot less than some stores!

2. What was/is your favorite subject in school?  

My favorites were History and Agriculture...

3. You got to spend a week in a fellow bloggers' hometown so where do you go and what do you do?  

I'm going to have to go with either Barbie's hometown, which is San Diego or visit Lisa's of Lisa's Mommy Journal because she is very close to Salem, MA.  San Diego would be great just because of the weather and we can play at the beach... And going to Salem, Ma. is just something I've wanted to do for forever and Lisa knows all about that place and the history... Plus, Lisa says she lives in beautiful country and I've never been to the East Coast.  And at either place, I'm

4. What's the grossest TV dinner you've ever had?  

This isn't necessarly a dinner, but I got a salad at a wedding once andas I was digging into it to eat it, I stabbed my fork into a bug!!  Ewww, nasty... I guess it really was a fresh salad huh??

5. If you could go back in time and meet one historical figure who'd you pick?  

Hmm... Hard one... I'm going to have to say Ben Franklin, just because he had so much to do with founding our nation.

6. Name one bad habit you wish you could break?  

Biting my nails... I know, its horrible... But I'm slowly getting better :) 

7. Who was your lease favorite teacher in school?  

Mrs. Wilkinson.  Oh My Goodness... She was horrible.  First of all, she taught (still teaches!!) geometry- eek!!- and she was just batty... I had the hardest time in that class, not to mention the rest of the class struggled too... But she was just not all there in her head!  She would just break down and cry for now reason (weird!) and she had a habit of licking her fingers to wipe off the over head sheets and then get the ink ALL OVER her face!!  ::shudder:: I don't miss that class!

8. Have you ever stolen anything?  

Does change out of the washer count??

9. What's your current favorite band?  

Goodness... I really don't know... I like a lot of songs from different bands, but I would have to say Gwen Stefani (does that count as a band??)

10. What talent do you most wish you had?  

::evil grin:: I'd love to be able to read peoples minds, only when I wanted to though...  ::evil laugh::

11. Who would you most like to spend the day with at this moment?  

My Hubby, since today is our 2 year wedding anniversary...

12. List three blogs you read.  

I read a lot of them... usually all the ones on my Other Journal list... But to play along I read:

"A Ticket to Ride"
"A Day in the Life of Me, Take Two" (but she's Private)
and one of the newest ones,
"Livin' la Vida Mommy"

13. Whose your favorite painter?  

Don't really know... I'd have to think about this one...

14. Whose your favorite author?  

Anne Rice is one of my favorites, J.K. Rowling (yes, Harry Potter's 'mum') is another and now I'm searching for a new author to like...

15. What do you feel is the most important quality in a friend?  

Trust and the quality to stick with you through it all... Loyalty I'm thinking...

16. Have you started watching any new TV shows?  

"Grey's Anatomy" is a pretty good one... And "The Contender"... just love it!

17. What TV show do you feel should be canceled immediately?  

Um... Couldn't tell ya... 

18. Log cabin or Beach-front Condo?  

I would love to live in the woods... In a log cabin... As long as my family was close though!!

19. If you could design the perfect outfit for yourself what would it look like?  

Something comfortable, but nice looking... not frumpy on me... I'd love a nice pair of slacks and shirt- something timeless...

20. If you could add one room onto where you live what kind of room would you add?  

A game room/bar... Derek and I would love to have our own bar type room where we can play pool, talk and serve up drinks... We have the room in our heads already and how we'd decorate it too!!

Thanks Gals, this was fun... If any of you decide to play (you know you wanna), please leave me a link if you do... I want to know the answes to your questions!!


*tag lounge tag*


Anonymous said...

I might play this one....MAYBE....I'm a little lazy..lol


Anonymous said...

I have one question for you...........do you get nervous having a husband that is a police officer?  Your kids are adorable by the way!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Great answers...and you included me!! Yippee!!
I am going to have to do this one I think...