Monday, May 23, 2005

~Ramblings From the Burnt Girl~


I'm burnt...

I'm not just sun burned, but I'm burnt out... Tired that is.

I think all my time spent in the sun yesterday just wore me out...

I'm not used to it, yet.

Give me a few more days of this new found heat and I'll surely be used to it :D

Yep, you heard me correctly.  HEAT is finally here!!

We are looking at 90 degrees for the rest of the work week!!  I can't believe it.  That means we'll be able to use our pool even more!!  Woo Hoo!!

Yesterday, my mom, Rowan, my best bud Amy and I went to Oakdale (The Cowboy Capital) to the Chocolate Festival there!! 

Yep!  The Chocolate Festival...

It is put on by Hershey's and a few other local big wig companies.  But because there is a Hershey plant in Oakdale, it is really focused around that- the chocolate I mean.

You can find anything that revoles around chocolate there.  Chocolate covered bananas or strawberries.  Brownies, toffee's, chocolate chip cookie "pizzas"... Yum Yum!! 

I was good of course.  I didn't endulge in anything... Miss Rowan did get a chocolate covered rice krispie treat, dipped in M & M's!  She loved it... And let me tell ya, her face was covered in chocolate!!  Lol...

She was sure tired after we walked all over though.  By the time we got back from there and the grocery store (where she went Coo-Coo!!) she was very ready for her nap.  Thankfully she didn't fight it and was out in the matter of 10 mins or so.

After she got up from her nap, we all went into the spa.  She is finally starting to get comfortable with the water again.  She is still not wanting to take her vest off and try to swim on her own- which breaks my heart because I'm such a water person!!

I want her to be just like her Mommy- be on the swim team and water polo team!!  But I gotta remember, she is still just three... lol.

Hmm, what else, what else?

Oh!  I'm getting stricter with my diet.

See, in July, I'm going to a wedding of a guy who I went to high school with.  Well, there will be plenty of people that I went to school with there, so I want to go and feel good about myself and not wonder in the back of my head if they are saying stuff like, "Oh my god, look at how fat she is" or "What happened to her!?"

I know.  I know.  I just had a baby (3 months ago, yesterday!!) and I have to let my body go back and it will take time, but I don't want to go there and be uncomfortable.

I am also getting sticter for myself... Don't think I'm just doing it for that wedding reason.  I want to loose the weight and the only way I will is if I'm not cheating or being slack about it... You know, sneaking a cookie and not counting points!

Plus, I'm dead serious about excersising!!  It definetly gives you a natural high... Even if it is hard to do it, it surely makes you feel better in the end.  I was actually contemplating getting up extra early some mornings and going for a walk/run...

But I don't know how smart of an idea that is :)  Going by myself isn't probably the smartest thing to do...


Well, because I am having to do some extra stuff today at work, I'm going to cut this a little shorter than normal.  I know, I've rambled onplenty, but it is shorter than my normal (what ever that might be) entries!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday...


*tag lounge tag*




Anonymous said...

I have been to the Hershey park and factory in PA. Its pretty cool. I hope that your diet continues to go well.

Anonymous said...

Did you say Chocolate?!  You lost me after mentioning the word chocolate.  LOL!  Can we say diet deprivation?  And, it's only been 1 day!  AAAGGHHHH!  
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Oh my...I would be in heaven at a chocolate festival.  I'm sooo proud of you for not've got more will power than I

You're definitely right about makes you feel so much better.  I walk in the evenings when it's nice outside.  I have to enjoy that before it gets to darn hot.  We live in a new subdivision where they're still building so I also get to go in to  I like to be nosey and see what they're doing with the different floor plans..heehee  
