Monday, May 23, 2005

~I Lied~


Okay, so I said I was done with the "Interview Me" thingy... But because Jimmy thought my answers to his questions would be so great, I just had to prove him right :)

So, Mr. Stupidsheetguy (aka Jimmy) asks:

1). You're granted an entire weekend to do exactly and only what YOU want to do with it. What do you choose?

*I know this might sound cheesy, but I'd love to spend the whole entire weekend with my family.  All of us, all together, not worring about if someone has to go to work, not worring about chores or other stuff... Just me, my hubby, and the kiddos.  Doing what ever comes to mind and not having to worry about a single bit of it... Going for walks, swims, drives... Whatever it may be... ::cheesy I know::

2). What can make you cry from happiness?

*Looking at my kids can make me cry from happiness.  With all that happened with Zach, I can just merely look at him playing or smiling and I'm about ready to spill over with tears.  Rowan can just tell me in her sweetest voice, "I lub you Mama" and I'm abour ready to sob... Simply thinking about my kids makes me wanna cry, they make me that happy!

3). You get to choose a) a guaranteed lifetime of happiness OR b) a lifetime supply of money. Which one?

*This one is pretty easy... Money doesn't equal happiness, in fact, I've seen plenty of examples of unhappy people with plenty of money... So, I'd pick the lifetime of happiness...

Thanks for asking these great questions Jimmy... I truly enjoyed them!!  I love answering all of everyone's questions too... If anyone missed out on asking some questions and feel like you wanna, I'm still game :)



Anonymous said...

Hey, just passing thru!  Had to stop when I seen that Marvin the Martian up there!  Oh and your pics of your family are so ADORABLE!  

Oh, yeah..btw...I would have answered all them questions the same way too!  :)


Anonymous said...

those answers were great, of course, you already knew that they would

Anonymous said...

See? Sometimes one just kinda knows quality of mind when one sees it! You didn't let me down, LOL! Yayyyy Mrs. Pickle!


Anonymous said...

Awwww, what wonderful questions and what wonderful answers!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Those were great questions and you answered them just as I would have :)
