Monday, May 2, 2005

~The Weekend~

I'm tired this morning.

I've been up since 5am.  Not normal for me.

Granted, Zachary slept from 1015ish last night until about 5am this morning, I'm still tired.

Can you believe that he is sleeping that long?  I find it to be wonderful!  Rowan didn't sleep that long until she was about 4 or 5 months old-if that early.  I'm thinking it is because he gets a really full belly being on formula and all... But I'm SOO not complaining.  I like, no, I LOVE the extra sleep that I'm getting :D

This weekend was pretty busy.  Actually, it wasn't really busy, it was just time consuming.  My grandparents were up from the Bay Area and they spent pretty much the two days at my house, camped out on my couch.  My mom did take them to go see her new home- well, the models- so that got them out for a while.

This was the first time that they met Zach.  They were originally going to be up Easter weekend to see him, but because he was in the hospital, that was out of the question.  I think they fell in love with them.  See, my grandparents are 87 years old.  They had my mom really, really late in life and they never thought they'd see their grandchildren (my brother and I) graduate highschool, neverless, see their great-grandchildren be born!

So, it was really nice for them to see Rowan and Zachary.  Zachary showed off, by giving smiles and cooing.  Lol.  They loved that!

Derek was off this weekend too.  We did go look at that house he was liking.  The idea of moving is a big, fat NO in my book.  The house wasn't that nice for $479K and it reminded me too much of our house.  Granted, it was 2345 sqft when our house is just about 1700, but if he wants to look at a house for that much money, I'm thinking it needs to be nicer!

But right now, I'm really not ready to move.  We are just making our house, our home.  We have all our floors done.  We are going to tile our bathrooms and laundry room floors.  We have a beautiful pool and spa.  A lovely patio.  My mom and I are going to start painting this weekend and decorating!  See, we almost have our house the way we want it...

I don't want to move, darn it...

I don't, I don't, I don't... And I'm not gonna :)

Anyways, enough ranting about moving...

Being back at work is different.  I'm liking it though.  I have plenty to do and plenty of 'gossip' to catch back up on.

Plus, I get to spend time away from home... A break, ya know?  So, that means I can catch up on all my journal reading.  hehe...

Well, I guess I better be going.  Time to make some money!

::Smiles and Hugs to all::



Anonymous said...

So glad to see you like being back at work!! Thats wonderful..and yes, some ADULT GOSSIP!! HAAH

And you didnt happen to add a number to that house price, did you?!?!..Holy cow!! That thing better have gold tubs is all I can say...rofl Maybe your hubby is like me and got moved a lot as a child...I think thats my problem..I like moving every couple years too...LOL..Although Im going to try to stay where I am now!!

And YAY sleeping so long! Zach gets a big kiss from me for letting you sleep like that! Thats awesome!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your day at the pickle factory..uh...PICKLE hehehe.

I know... Tell Hubby, if he wants to move, his "new" family will be ready and waiting :o  j/k *wink*

Oh wait... Have you mastered the evil eye, small mouth look yet? If not, work on it and then tell him, LOL! Weeee...........

Love you,

Barbie @~>~~~

Anonymous said...

I hope that you had a good first day back at work. I would veto the house thing too. In SC, a 479K house would be a huge mansion that would be about 4000 plus square feet! That just shows how the cost of living is different in the opposite ends of the country.

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a good first day back to work and that everything went okay when you got home!  Hope you get some sleep tonight!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

$479 K???  Holy crap.  That's an expensive home!  

But I've got to tell you...your house sounds LOVELY.  I wouldn't want to move either.  Moving stinks.  =)


Anonymous said...

Casey was sleeping through the night at 6 weeks old for 12 hours ;)  That extra sleep is nice.  

That's so sweet that your Grandparents got to meet Zachary and Rowan.  

I don't blame you for not wanting to move.  Put your foot down
