Friday, May 13, 2005

~Quick Quick~

Just a quick little entry about Zach's doctor's appointment today.

Everything went really well.  He is now weighing (according to their scale) 13lbs 3oz!!  Holy Moly, do I have a chunk-a-monk on my hands or what??

The doctor asked all kinds of questions, like is he smiling (duh! has been) and cooing (of course!)... Does he track and follow (uh huh).  She never once did say anything to the fact that she screwed up and that she was sorry.

I think she did notice that I was very 'cold' and 'short to the point' because finally she did stop asking and trying to be nice.

She said Zach was healthy (which I knew, hey! I could be a doctor!!) and that he was probably cutting a tooth because he is drooling so much and his gums are swollen (duh! new that one too... swear, you can get your PHD with out med school!)...

I did ask her about him being 'cracklely' when he breathed sometimes.  She listened VERY WELL (Thank God) to his lungs and said they were clear.  She said more than likely that it had to do with his formula and him 'teething'.

She did mention that they could do weight checks in their office if his cardiologist wasn't weighing him when he went in.  I said, NO THANKS, they do it there.  Heck, I don't want to go there anymore than need be, thank you very much.

Zach didn't like his shots, of course.  Cried and Cried.  Fell asleep on the way home and was a perfect little boy from then on.  I'll be watching him for a fever or anything else, but so far, so good.

Going to run now.  Time for dinner... Hope you all have a great weekend!



Anonymous said...

Glad the appt went well.  I can't belive the Dr didn't even apologize or mention anything about her royally screwing up.  I'd contact your Ins. company and see if you can get him a new primary care, maybe one that pays attention!  Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Good news Lovey.  You are doing a great job, I feel like the proud big sister :)



Anonymous said...

Everything sounds great!!!!

Anonymous said...

HOORAY for Wacky Zachy!!  I am so happy he is doing so great!!!!  I used to hate when my kids would have to get their shots!  I would end up crying right along side of them.  OWWWIIIEEE!
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Zach sounds great! All that love and care.
You've lost onfidence in this doc. I don't blame you. I say find a new one. You deserve to feel confident with a doctor who will be your kids' pedi.
Good luck!
Keep on growing, Zach!

Anonymous said...

Wow!  he's growing like a weed!
Thats great!
Love ya Pickle!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow!!!  Zach's growing like crazy!  Glad to hear everything is well ;)


Anonymous said...

Glad that everything went well!

Anonymous said...

It is soooo amazing how quickly babies grow and grow and suddenly the clothes from last week are all way too samll! Thank the Creator I don;t grow that fast! What wonderful news about Zach. Teething can be such a difficult time for all.