Monday, May 16, 2005

~It is May, Right?~


Okay, it is May 16th right?  So, what the hell is up with it raining still??  I swear, it poured last night and there are threats of Thunder Showers for today!  Living here in the Central Valley can sure swing the weather one way to another!

Just an example of this crazy weather, Saturday (My Birthday!!) was pretty close to 90 degrees!  Then yesterday, it was a humid-muggy day that sat around 75 degrees until about 7pm when the temperature started to drop pretty quickly, although it stayed humid.  Around 9pm it was about 65 degrees and just pouring outside... Pouring, Pouring, Pouring!

I'm also very tired this morning.  Very typical for a Monday morning I guess.  But I was up a few times last night.  We lost power, I'm guessing from the storm or something, around 12am.  Well, Derek and I both woke up from the HEAT in our bedroom... No power means no ceiling fan blowing on high!  Thankfully, the power came back on around 1240am and we were able to fall back to sleep with ease... Although, it was pretty muggy and sticky from then on.  Then Mr. Zach decides that he wanted to eat at 4am!  Goodness, I don't blame him though.  The last time he had eaten was around 9pm last night!!  So, he was very hungry!!  By the time I fell back to sleep (around 445am) I had only another hour to sleep before I had to get up for work!  I'm tired... ::yawn::

Lets see... What else can I ramble on about...

Oh yeah, the wedding on Saturday was very nice.  Different, but nice.  The food was great and I did really good with portions and what I ate :) (I'm getting good at this diet thing)... When we got home, we found out that Zachary had been dealing with a 101 degree temperature because of his shots that he got the day before...

Poor baby.  He was just laying in my moms lap with just a diaper on!  He didn't seem too cranky or anything.  He had been sleeping pretty much all day... But he just wasn't himself.  I swear, I will be worring about that little boy for just about anything- but I think I have a pretty good reason to worry, don't you?

He did better yesterday though.  Was awake more and just being his happy go lucky self.  He did sleep a little bit more than usual and ate a little bit less (until around 9pm) but he was doing better!

Yesterday my family and I celebrated my birthday.  Derek, Rowan, my brother and I went to breakfast at IHOP yesterday morning.  Then around 2pm, my mom and I went down to the local street faire type of thing.  It was okay... And I was able to pick up my best friend's birthday present!  My mom and I found a stand selling home made soaps and lotions, so I picked a few of those out for her... See, I am really late on her bday (it was back in March, but we were in Sac with Zach), but because she was coming over to help celebrate my birthday, I thought I'd get her a gift too!

We didn't spend much time down at the faire, just because there wasn't much to see and we wanted to get back and go sit/swim in the spa.  Plus, my dad was at home watching Zach and Rowan (who was napping).

I was able to request what I wanted for dinner last night!!  Woo Hoo!!  The diet was so out of the picture yesterday, let me tell you!  Actually, it wasn't that bad, but I was a little naughty.  I requested lemon chicken (not the asian kind), mashed potatoes and veggies!  Goodness it was yummy.  Then for dessert, it was an ice cream cake from Baskin Robins!

Mint Chocolate Chip with Chocolate Cake... Oh yeah baby :)

SO, you know that I'm so back on my diet today!  lol... Gotta be good... Gotta be good...

                ::yeah Jennifer, keep telling yourself that::

Yesterday was another vigil for the fallen police officer from Ceres Police Department.  Derek came home sad again, but I can't blame him.  The vigil was on the news and plenty of their officers (including Derek) were on TV once again... The other officer that was injured during the shooting actually made an appearance... You can read about that here >>click here<<  I don't know if that (God forbid) I ever lost Derek that I could make apperances like Howie's widow does... She makes it to every vigil and every CPD gathering.  One strong woman she is... Let me tell you.

Poor Miss Rowan has no outlet for her energy today.  Gymnastic class is cancelled and the weather is going to be awful!  So, I don't know what I'm going to do to have her blast some energy out of her!! lol...

Well, I have plenty of stuff to do right now at work and I'm just pushing it off by rambling on and on here... lol...

Have a great week all..

::Smiles and Wishing the Rain Away::





Anonymous said...

You do get lots of rain, which is probably why you'll never vacation in Seattle right?

Happy Birthday again Lovey.

Yes, you have every right to worry about that little guy, but don't let it take over every aspect of your life.  He's a trooper for sure, and obviously has someone watching over him from the Heavens!

Great job on your diet...I'm at my peak weight right now, so it's no bread or sweets this week for me!  I hate being on that little line on the scale that says, one more cookie and you are breaking the wall!

Anonymous said...

... How about a little Finger Painting right before Bath Time? That always worked out well for me Scissors *wink*

((((((Pickle)))))  You there?  ((((Wake Up!)))) ..hehehe.....

Enjoy your day Sweetie and...

God Bless All members -and their families- of the police departments everywhere, Thank-you!

Barbie @~>~~~

Anonymous said...

I used to hate the rain in the Central didn't help that we had a DIRT driveway that would turn into a swamp whenever it rained LOL. I was a bid girl and moved back out to the big bad Bay Area LOL.  And we would lose power if a cow swished his tail in the wrong direction!  Though I miss it out there, a lot!  Hope Zach starts feelin better!


Anonymous said...

It rained here last night and we had our first thunder boomer of the season.  I love them though and wish they lasted longer.  I wouldn't like rain AND humidity for too long though!  Sounds like a perfect birthday Sunday.  The food made me hungry as usual!!  And, I hated it when my kids got their shots and how they would feel for the next few days.  I would often think "Is this worth it??".  But, we know it is.  I just wish they didn't get so sick afterwards.  Hope the diet went well today and that tonight you get some sleep!!!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

It's's supposed to rain  It's been HOT, HOT, HOT here in S.C.  Kinda stormy too.  

Ys, I'd say you have VERY good reason to worry about everything with Zach.  I know all I would do is worry about every little thing.  I'm a worrier like that  If it can happen then I'm going to worry about it.

Hey, that cake is so worth breaking the diet for...heehee


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've had some lousy weather too. As for here... well... ummm.. it SNOWED this weekend. Fishing opener and folks were out there in parkas and mittens. Hee hee poor things... ok so I don't fish! Hope the weather clears up for you.

Hey Happy Belated Birthday! And hang in there with the diet, my wife went on & off hers for a few months before settling into it.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, the diet thing.  I had a bad WW weigh in, and I'm kinda mad, at myself, of course, and just, ugh.  Tomorrow's another day, right?
Happy (belated) Birthday, you young chick!

And hang in there, I know it's hard, esp when you hear about another fallen officer; esp when it's all over the news for days, all day; my heart aches when I hear about these things, as you know--just because you don't know them personally doesn't mean you don't feel just know you and the families are in my thoughts tonight.  

Anonymous said...

I hate that you have been having crappy weather, it really blows when it gets so bad that the power goes out...ugh...Its been nice and sunny on this side of the country...Maybe I can send you some sunshine in a box?