Tuesday, May 3, 2005

~I'm Bad~

*tag lounge*

I'm bad.

I'm supposed to be dieting...

But I can't...

I can't give up my favorite, naughty foods... I don't wanna... Do I hav'ta?

I should be counting points... But I'm not.

I should be eating less fat and more fiber...

But I'm not...

::sshhh:: Don't tell my mom, but I stopped at McDonald's this morning for breakfast...

-Darn, I just remembered that she reads this-

Oops.  Yes Mom, I'm slacking....

I know I need to loose weight.  I only wish there were some special magical pill that I could take and that the weight would just magically drip off of me!

Can you tell that I have to go to Weight Watchers today?  Hmmmm....

I'm dreading getting on the scale because I know I'll be forking over $10.95 just to be told that either I didn't loose any weight, or horribly, that I've gained!!!



In other news, things at the Pickle House are going pretty swell.

I think I've got Derek off the idea of selling our house and buying a new one.  The timing just isn't right and there are so many more things I want to do to the house.  So, not moving is a good thing for me!

Last night was gymnastics for Rowan.  She did just awesome!  She did a kart-wheel all by herself.  I was so proud of her.  And she is mastering the bars, doing flips and everything :D  The little girl is so darn strong, it isn't even funny!

Her daddy has started to teach her how to 'ground fight'.  Yeah, I know, bright idea huh?  She is 3 years old and is trying to do stuff that you can see on Ultimate Fighting... Only my husband would teach his daughter something like that.  Really though, I don't mind him doing it.  I like the idea that some day, God forbid anything happen, but if she does need to defend herself from an attacker, she will be able to fight him/her off!  I just don't want to get a call from school, saying that she has kicked the crap out of another child!  Definetly will be 'having a talk' with her about that later....

Tomorrow Zachary has his cardiologist appointment.  I'm looking forward to seeing how much my little chunk-a-lunk is weighing.  I swear, he is gaining a pound a week with all the food that he eats :)  jk.  But he does eat like it is going out of this world!  Last night, before he went to bed, he had 6 ounces of formula.  Can you believe that??  Sluggin down the food, he is!

I hope that his appointment tomorrow goes smoothly.  They are planning on doing an EKG and hooking him up to a holster monitor.  I'm not looking forward to doing the holster thingy, just because he has to be monitored for 24 hours and the equipment has to get back to them- in Sacramento!  I hope they'll give us the option of mailing it back, if not, we'll be doing the 1.5 hour drive again, Thursday.

I know it is something that has to be done, so I'm not going to complain... My boy's health is the most important thing!

I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes for sure :D

Well, I'm going to get going.  I've got to do some work... hehe...

Have a great Tuesday...

OH YEAH! Don't forget to watch "Gilmore Girls" and "One Tree Hill" tonight... lol...






Anonymous said...

I will definitely be watching Gilmore Girls and One Tree Hill tonight...woohooo...new episodes on both....yeah! They scheduled baseball practice tonight but I think I am going to beg off...lol....maybe tell them i dont feel good or something..lol

So glad things are going well on the homefront for you! My husband has taught Kadie how to defend herself forever..since she was about that age...She now takes hapkido..and at only a green belt?  She can take down hubby if he isnt paying attention...wooohooo GO KADIE...I feel for the idiot or idiotress that ever tries to take her on...lol...she is definitely STRONG!


Anonymous said...

This is your Mother speaking, and yes you are being a baaaaddd girl and NO there is no magical pill. So, let's get back on that bike and ride it hard! You know you will feel better in the long run, both mentally and physically.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel!!  I gained 3.6 pounds when I weighed in this past Saturday.  I had been on vacation and just didn't do anything I was supposed to!  I hadn't weighed in in a month. Now I have to be a very good girl and get this weight off!!  Good Luck!  Linda

Anonymous said...

naughty, naughty!   <VBG>
Definitely aski whoever brings the holster if they can pick it up or offer an express envelope for it. We have done this a few times with my meds and monitors when I was stuck on bedrest for 3+months and for daniel with some of his medical equipment and the like.
Good luck

Anonymous said...

Nothing makes or breaks your day like the WW weigh in :p can!
Good luck--maybe you'll be surprised.  I was this week, in a good way :)

Anonymous said...

Don't worry too much that you're going off your diet a little bit! I'm having trouble getting rid of this baby weight also. Too bad we don't live close enough to be work-out/diet buddies! I'm stressing about getting my weight off too since I am going to visit home in August! So take care and don't feel bad seriously!...Brit

Anonymous said...

Ummm, didn't you just have a baby or am I mistaken?  Yep, I think you just did!  So, get off this I have to lose weight kick okay?!  It takes your body up to one full year to lose the weight you gained during pregnancy, and there really is nothing you can do short of hiring a trainer and a cook to come to your house like the movie stars do.  So, stop beating yourself up!  You are GORGEOUS,  your kids are HEALTHY, and you will get your old body back one day.  Okay?  Was that a good enough lecture from a Momma of 3 or what?  LOL!  I hope Zachary's appointment goes well tomorrow.  Uggghh on the holster for 24 hours!  Writing in that diary is a pain in the butt!  
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

I know I know...Its SOOO hard when you're used ot having an excuse and eating whatever you wanted!! I SOOO know that..AND your stomach is NOT wanting to reduce it for you..LOL..Especially since you just quit breastfeeding..Your stomach still thinks it needs to have enough for TWO people...Give it time..

Hey, this might make you feel better..Friday night i was in the hospital right?..Didn't eat for almost 24 hours other than 2 cups of jello, right?..So, how did Jackie gain SIX pounds since last Thursday?!?!?!...Yep....same scale at the doctors too...This better be a LOT of water retention from my swelling is all i can say...rofl..

(((you smiling???..I know you are...Just glad I could make you see that others have it worse..LOL))))

Anonymous said...

If you ever find that pill, make sure you send me the website..lol.
I think that its cute that Derek is teaching Rowan how to ground fight,in this age and time, you never know when you may need to defend yourself...thats a really scary thing to have to think about, but its true.

Anonymous said...

I'm supposed to be dieting too ...

It's not working, snacks and gravity are winning by a long shot!!  :-)


Anonymous said...

I'm so with you on the dieting thing.  Still trying to lose baby weight from Autumn's birth.  ::sigh::  It just keeps getting harder and harder.  Oh well.  My suggestion?  Just do the best you can and don't stress too much.  =)


Anonymous said...

Hey, who can pass up McDonalds for breakfast??  NOT ME!!!  lol  You'll get back on track...don't stress :)

Hope Zachary had a good appointment and YAY for Rowan on the cartwheel!!


Anonymous said...

I know its soooooo tempting to have McDonald's breakfast,its incredibly yummy.