Thursday, May 12, 2005

~It is Thursday??~

Goodness, I didn’t realize that I hadn’t made an entry yesterday… lol.  I guess that I was pretty preoccupied with the kiddos and other nonsense.


Lets see.  Yesterday I took Zachary back to the cardiologist so that they could unhook him from the heart monitor.  Poor baby boy, his chest was so red from them taking the stickers and tape off!  His skin is so sensitive.  I still can see a very, very faint line from where he was burned from them shocking his poor little heart!  It’s been over a month and a half since all that happened, but it is still somewhat visible.  He did cry somewhat when they were taking them off too… Luckily I was smart enough to bring a bottle so when he started crying, I was able to give him it and he was okay with it after that.


Unfortunately, the doctor’s office won’t have the results for about a week.  The nurse told me that if we didn’t hear from them by next Wednesday, to give them a call Wednesday to ask for the results.  I’m hoping that all will come back good and we can rest just a little more easily from now on.


Poor Miss Rowan has a coldy.  She has a bit of a cough and a stuffy nose.  Poor thing.  She was so tired yesterday but refused to take a nap.  She laid in my mom’s room for the longest time with out falling asleep, then laid on the couch for another hour or so with out falling asleep.  So, needless to say, she was fast asleep by 845pm last night!  She was still sleeping- with her Daddy- when I left this morning.  Hopefully, she’ll get over this really quickly and NOT pass it onto anyone else in the house… Especially brother.


Last night my hairdresser (the lady that gave me all those great clothes and bassinet) called the house.  Derek, being the butt that he can be, gave her a big hassle about who she really was and what she wanted… Luckily, she had a good sense of humor, because he was just playing around, but when I finally did get the phone, I was like, “I’m SOOO sorry!”  She was just laughing.  But she called to tell me that if I were in Modesto anytime before our hair appointment (which is next Friday) that to stop by because she had another HUGE bag of clothes for Zach!  OMG… I’m so excited about it.  She also told me she had started another bag… lol.  So, after work today, I’m going to head over there and pick it up because he is growing out of his 0-3month clothes!  Her son will be one year old in July and only weighs 16lbs (Zach is pretty close to 13lbs) so I’m sure all these clothes will be fitting Zach pretty darn well!!  Goody Goody… More cute clothes to have him wear!!


The next few days I’m going to be really busy!  Tomorrow is Zach’s appointment with his Evil Lady Doctor.  Lol.  Can you tell that I’m still bitter about everything that happened?  Hey, I think I still have a right to be.  Actually, seeing Zach all hooked up to that monitor brought back a lot of feelings.  It was easier this time around to see him like that, because I know he is doing so well, but it still brought out those feelings I’d been harboring.


Hopefully he’ll get his shots and not have a bad reaction to them… Like have a fever or be really cranky.  I’ll be giving him some Tylenol before we go to his appointment to help that all out, but I’m going to be crossing my fingers that he doesn’t react badly.  His cardiologist told me that to just watch him because there is a possible chance of him having an “episode”, but he doesn’t want me to worry too much about it.  He just told me to watch for signs… So, you know I’ll be keeping a really good eye on him!




I’ve been doing really well on my diet!  Yes sir, I have been.  Last night we had turkey burgers on wheat buns with sides of spinach and salad for dinner- a whole 6 points for the ‘burger’.  And tonight will be Southwestern Sloppy Joes made with ground turkey and some other junk J  They looked really good in the Weight Watchers recipe book that I bought on Tuesday.  See!  I am getting into this really seriously.  The last time I did WW I lost about 35lbs… This time I need to loose 45lbs.  So, I’m heading in the right direction…


Well, I’ve been typing away for a while now and I need to get some work done!  A big ol’ stack of payables are waiting to be entered… lol.  I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday…






Anonymous said...

I'll keep Zach in my prayers!! I hope the tests come back ok! Keep up the good work on your diet, I wish I had that motivation LOL Im so horrible at dieting!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jen, LOVE your pix on the side!!  Glad to hear your little boy is growing SO well, sounds like how Sam was!!  That's a good thing!! :-)  Best of luck with the diet!  HUGS

Anonymous said...

Poor guy, I'm sure that mark won't be there much longer.

Rowan caught the bug, poor thing,  I suppose she'll catch up on sleep this weekend.

Oh that's so nice she's got all those clothes for you!  I just love having someone to give my stuff to, and don't freak but sometimes I throw stuff away cuz their ain't nobody to take it!

I have a recipe for you, that is guaranteed to make you lose a few lbs, let me know if you are interested I'll email it to you...just a warning it is all veggies!

Have a great weekend Pickles!
