Thursday, May 5, 2005

~Rainy Day Blues~


It is raining... It isn't supposed to rain in May.  Come on, Mother Nature!  I want the sun, picnics, late evening walks... I want to swim... I want the season's first sun burn... Okay, maybe not a sun burn, but I'd like to get some sun on my pasty skin!  And you can't get sun when it is raining... So, Mother Nature, I'm pleading here- Stop the Rain, will ya?

I'm not really blue today, but the weather can sure put your mood in a funk.  I got plenty of sleep last night and the darkness of the day is making me tired!  There is no sun to make your body realize that you need to be awake and perk up!  Geeze...

So, yeah... I mentioned I got plenty of sleep last night.  My Little Man freaking slept through the night!!!  Woo Hoo.... He slept from about 1015 to 6am!!!!  Can you believe it?  He did stir a few times through the night, but all I had to do was pop his binkie back into his mouth and he was out again!!  I was so suprised... I can't believe he is doing that!!  But he sure was a hungry monster this morning.  He downed just about 6 ounces of formula... Let me tell you though, I needed that sleep :D

Miss Rowan is back-tracking on the whole sleeping in her bed thing.  She was doing so well with sleeping in her bed and now she is throwing fits and begging to sleep in my bed.  It honestly breaks my heart!  She has no problem sleeping in her bed for a nappy-nap, but when it comes to bed time, it is a whole different story!  Oh well, I just hope that we can get her back on track.  She is getting just too darn big to be sleeping between her Daddy and I... Our Queen size bed is not big enough... lol...

I finally heard from the referal office of my doctors office for an appointment to see the foot doctor.  I have to wait until May 20th before I can see him and he can fix my toe!  Can you believe that??  I'm in so much pain sometimes... I just hope that they might get an opening and call me in earlier!  That would be wonderful!  I'm also on a wonderfully strong antibiotic now for it... So, hopefully that clears up the infection that I know is there... Yuck Yuck...

**Oh yes, I wanted to thank Vernae for the wonderful pictures in my side-bar!  Lovely stuff she does... So, Thank You Nae!!!**

I've been doing pretty good on my diet the last few days.  Well, I actually got back up "on the horse" yesterday morning and counted each and every point that I ate!!  Yesterday, I had two different types of salads for two different meals.  My MIL made us a salad, kinda Greek style.  It had grilled chicken, cucumbers, tomatoes, and feta cheese with a vinegar and olive oil dressing.  It was very tasty!  And for dinner last night, my mom made another grilled chicken salad, but this time more on the oriental type, except we had Honey Mustard dressing.  It had avacado, red onion and those chow main noodles (the hard ones!).  It was very tasty and very fulfilling!!

So, I'm back on track... Even this morning I had low fat foods.  Low Fat Eggo waffles and a low fat Starbucks mocha drink!  Woo Hoo for me... But let me tell you, if I want something yummy and naughty, I'll probably be having it... I don't see why we have to deny ourselves of the things we LOVE... lol... haha.... We just gotta have small portions, that is all.

Okay, I'm going to jump on the band wagon and do the "What Does Your Birthdate Mean" quiz that I saw over at Nae's and Cat's... So, here it is:

Your Birthday: May 14th

With a birthday on the 14th of the month (5 energy) you are inclined to work well with people and enjoy them.
You are talented and versatile, very good at presenting ideas, and you are also very good at organization and systematizing.
You may have a tendency to get itchy feetat times and need change and travel.

You tend to be very progressive, imaginative and adaptable.
Your mind is quick, clever and analytical.
A restlessness in your nature may make you a bit impatient and easily bored with routine, and rebel against it.
You have a tendency to shirk responsibility.

Hmm, I'm not quite sure if this is accurate or not.  I do get bored easily with routine and I happen to rebel, but I rebel against a lot of things... lol... But I don't shirk responsibility, you can't do that when you have kiddos.  If you play along, let me know...

I think I'm done rambling on and on for now.  Oh yes, it is Cinco de Mayo... I think the employees (mainly all hispanic) are having a party during their lunch hours.  That means that we'll probably get offered some really yummy mexican food for lunch... We'll see...

Have a great Thursday all!  Oh yeah!!  If you watch "The O.C.", don't forget that it will be on for TWO HOURS tonight!  Oh yeah baby...



*tag from tag lounge*





Anonymous said...

My birthday thing was the same as yours.

Yay for Cinco de Mayo! Maybe I'll go to Chili's tonight as my last meal before my surgery! :)


Anonymous said...

It has been rainy and gloomy here today too...what is up with that?? lol
I am happy that you got some good rest, yay for Zach sleeping through the night!

Anonymous said...

No rain here, but still too cold for my liking.  

Sounds like little man is getting a hang of this baby gig.  My first born never wanted to sleep in her crib, or her bed.  It was tough, but she got over, sorta.  She's friggin 10 and still leaves the room on occasion, to sleep in her brother's room.  Guess she doesn't think her four year old sister is enough protection!

I'm not a fan of feet, or toes for that matter.  I've broken two toes in two years, and I would taks an infection over another one any day!  Heck I would give birth again, before breaking a toe.

You're welcome :)~

One word for you, SUDAFED.  Curbs your appetite.  Works for me, don't know how healthy it is, but it's alot better than wishing you could come down with a stomach bug a week before vacation :)~

Anonymous said...

(((((HAPPY BIRTHDAY))))).....

hmmmmm....I'll get back to ya with that *wink*

*kiss kiss*

Talk to you soon, God Speed.

Barbie @~>~~~

Anonymous said...

UGH..I SO hate rainy weather...If there were a place that was 80 degrees ALL the time and no rain..I would SO be there in a heartbeat...LOL

WOW..You are TOO lucky! Sleeping the night already?..WOWZERS..Let's pray my little gets a hint of that too!! HAH

And the pics Nae did are awesome!! Too cute, and I love seeing all of you guys over there..Makes it more familyish..LOL..

PS--Your foot appt is on my birthday!! LOL..Happy birthday to us both soon!! WOO HOO

Anonymous said...

I'm totally jealous of your pictures in the 'about me' section.  I'd love to have something like that...

I'm sorry about your poor toe...I know that must really hurt.  And congratulations on doing so well on your diet!  Woot!  

Is Zach co-sleeping with you?  Autumn is sleeping in the bed with me...which I'm not fond of.  Doug has been sleeping on the couch since she was born.  But, because of our current living situation...there's just no place to set up her crib.  ::sigh::


Anonymous said...

Rain...go away for Jennifer!!!  Don't even think about coming here  That's all it does here in SC is rain during the month of May.  I appreciate the lushness and the greeness, but come one!!  Enough already!

I'm glad your little man is sleeping through the night.  I know your body appreciates the extra sleep!

WTG on your dieting.  Keep it up!!  Be sure to cheat every now and again too ;)
