Tuesday, May 24, 2005

~Just Another Day~

KidandUpsidedowncat.jpgThis is definitely Rowan.  Okay, so maybe it isn’t, but it is close to being her.  I swear, she loves to tote our cat around.

Now, this cat is extremely fat, so it isn't an easy thing to do.  Right now, I'd have to say he weighs a good 12lbs, and that is after loosing a bit of weight being on "Weight Control" food.

Poor Badge, he doesn't know any better either when he swats at her... All he knows is that he wants her to let him go!! 


Today is weigh in for Weight Watchers.  I hope that I've done good.  I can't really tell by my body right now, but if anything, I've surely lost some water weight!

I'm drinking so much water- which means I'm making frequent trips to the potty- so, hopefully, if anything that will help!

I just hope that I don't get on the scale and have this happen : ZiggyOops.gif

Isn't he just the cutest little thing?  I just don't hope that I copy him... lol...

After WW, I have to go grocery shopping.  I don't like to do that much, but because I won't have the kiddos (they are home with Daddy today), it will make it much easier.  Miss Rowan is always wanting this and that... And she HAS TO HAVE her chocolate milk, each and everytime we go there.  And if she knows you are going to the store, she asks you to bring one home!  She is so silly.

I'm thinking tonight will be turkey burgers for dinner.  They are so good and better for you than regular hamburgers.  And suprisingly, my husband- who is a Meat and Potatoes kind of guy- likes them too!

This week is going by so slowly.  I want it to be Thursday all ready. But tonight is a good night for TV.  Tonight is the finale of "The Contender" and the season finale of "One Tree Hill".  And it sucks, because they are on at the same damn time!  So, you know one of them will be DVR'd while we are watching the other!

Oh!  Last night I just about had a heart attack when I opened my mail.  I got a bill from the Medi-flight company that took Zach from Modesto to Sacramento.  Well, at the bottom of the bill, highlighted, it says, "Your Insurance Company has paid its part, the remaining balance Is Your Responsibility!"  I just about started crying, because the amount was outrageous.  The total bill had been just about $13,000.  Well, my insurance company only paid $9,100.00 of it.  Yeah, so my 'remaining balance' was $3,145.75!!  Uh, like I have that money just sitting around my house!!

So, I just started to freak out.  My mom tells me to calm down and just call my insurance company.  To make a long story short, I am not going to have to pay anything (thank god) and that my insurance company pays more than most, and they found the bill to be very high!  Can we say inflation?? 

Yeah, so, I was freaking out... But it is all good!

I want to go swimming!!  I think that tonight, if it is warm enough, I'm going to go jump into the pool and do some laps!!

Sounds good, eh?  I think so.  It is supposed to be around the low 90's today, so, maybe by the time I get home, the pool will be a bit warmer!

Well, I've got some stuff to do.

I know, I know... Why work when you're at work??


Have a wonderful day, friends!





Anonymous said...

hi friend....it's me once again
u may call me sue or Pen,
read and enjoy u time again,
god bless u and all urs

with love
a/k/a PenLady

Anonymous said...

my christopher is the same way with my puppy
he carries her around like a little doll!!!!!!
he has dropped her so many times she hates him!!!
well gotta go have a good day!!
my day of thoughts to you!

Anonymous said...


I'll cross my fingers that your WW meeting goes good, sounds like you're really sticking to your diet! Good for you!  Glad your insurance company will cover the rest of Zachary's flight, they can be such pains sometimes LOL


Anonymous said...

Good luck at WW....we got our pool ready to go...finally took the pool cover off last night....it will take a lil' while to warm up....so in a week or two we should be good to go...woowhooooo....Hugss..~Terri~

Anonymous said...

I hope that the weigh in goes well. I have my fingers crossed, but it sounds like you have been doing great anyways. If you can go to a chocolate festival and not eat any chocolate, then you are doing great! lol
I like Turkey Burgers too, I thought that they would be disgusting, but they aren't.

Anonymous said...

Emma used to carry her kitten around like that too!  I guess that's why the kitten hides whenever she comes around now!  LOL!  I hope weigh in goes well tonight!  I know that with my new "diet" all I am doing is eating and I can't stand it!  I am not used to eating every 2 hours, but I have to restart my metabolism.  Just wondering what will happen in the meantime.  Probably gain 20 more pounds with all the eating I am doing!  LOL!  I hate to shop without my kids because I am so used to the chaos with them there.  I forget EVERYTHING when I am alone!  I do have to try those turkey burgers by the way.  They are on my "diet" too.  If your hubby likes them, maybe I will too!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

goodluck on WW

Anonymous said...

Ok, first off...you have a pool and I am jealose! lol

A 12# cat? lol!  that is big!

My kids drive me nuts when we go groc shopping.  I end up finding things in the cart that I didnt see them put in there!  

You have a wonderful family!  :)

Thank god you had that bill taken care of!  Eek, I would have spazzed out too!

Holly :)

Anonymous said...

I still owe 1700 in doctor visits and Hospital Stay with Sam from SEPT 2003!!  I have insurance too.   I feel for you Jen!!  HUGS

Anonymous said...

Hahah....I wonder why kids think they have to try to carry cats in the weirdest positions.  

YIKES at that Dr bill.  They are such a rip off.  We pay for their houses though soooo, ya know how that goes. Glad you didn't have to pay that!
