So, I'm a big ol' dumb-dumb.
And you are going to kill me...
I didn't get any pictures of Rowan's first day of dance class :(
I know, I know... Dumb me!!
But really, even if I were to have taken some pictures, they wouldn't have come out well. The "window" that looks into the dance room is tinted and you can see your reflection as well as the kids in the room! So, I don't know how I could get a good picture... Hey Heather!!! Picture Queen... You have any ideas???
I was going to try to take some pictures before the class yesterday too though... And that didn't happen! The weather here was crazy and we had a Beautiful Thunderstorm, but with a Thunderstorm comes the rain and it was just pouring. So, the trip to class to longer than normal and when we got to class, we had to get her clothes!!
We were able to get everything (leotard, tights, tap and ballet shoes) that she needed there at the studio for just about $79. Now, I don't know if that is outrageous or anything, but I thought it was pretty resonable. From now on, I'll be looking for leotards and tights at Target for cheaper. But she looked oh-so-cute in the little outfit!
Of course she was only wanting to wear her tap shoes ;) That is a three year old for you, huh?
She did so well though. I really don't want to Toot my own 'horn', but my daughter is very patient and a very good listener. She didn't mess around or anything and she caught on to what the teachers were teaching her Very Quickly!! There were girls in the class that have been taking it longer than her and she was doing some of the things better!!
I promise, I will take pictures next week... At least of just her in her leotard!! I'll have to find a way to take pics through the "window" :)
Zachary is doing okay. He is still a cranky butt and not feeling well. The doctor cleared him health wise. His ears are clear and she actually believes he is teething and that could be one of the reasons why he is congested. So, I propped his mattress up on one end last night and kept the humidifier on and those things seemed to help. I just hope he is feeling better by Friday, because a three hour trip to Pismo won't be all that fun if he is as cranky as he is! And if he is cranky, I just hope he sleeps most of the way there :D How bad am I??? lol...
Anyways, back to our Beautiful Thunderstorm we had yesterday! We haven't had a thunderstorm like that in a while! Down pours of Rain... Lightening and Thunder! OMG it was so beautiful... I love weather like that. And this was the first Thunderstorm that Rowan has really gotten to experience. She loved it... She kept watching the sky for the "Light" and would count until she heard the thunder. She didn't know why she was counting, but she did it when my mom and I would :) Such a sweetie!
Now today it is humid and going to be boring- no rain or thunder and lightening. I had wished that it would be like that for a least another day or so, but I guess I can wait for a while until "Winter" is here to stay!
Speaking of yesterday... I got to speak to another J-lander on the phone!! Miss Nae called me all the way from PA. :) She doesn't sound anything like I would imagined. I even told her that... lol. I expected this voice thick with an accent but I could barely hear one!! We were only able to talk awhile... But I'm glad I did!! Okay people, two J-landers down and many more to go :)
Well, I must be going... I hope everyone has a great Hump Day and I PROMISE to take pictures of Rowan next week!!
Update: Rowan had to come home from School sick. They called to say that she had a temp of 101.9!! Goodness... If I knew my child was going to get so sick from other kids at school, I would have just never sent her!! UGH! Please cross your fingers that she is well soon... And hopefully in time to go to Pismo!
Sorry about the missed photo-op...there will be more.
Julie is a good listener, but she's also bossy. Yesterday my nightmare came true...I heard her throw a fit because the other girls weren't listening and Julie just had to call them on it. She was so mad that they wouldn't go slow like the teacher said. I blame me for that. I kept her home for almost 5 years now, listening to me boss everyone around! She better be a stickler for rules when she's older!
Well, you sounded just the way I expected, cute little valley girl you!
::sigh:: I wish my oldest (who is 5) would have stayed in tap class. She was doing great untill recital time came...and she totally flipped out and refused to go back. It was awlful!! She was so upset. She doesn't like people looking at her. Now she is in soccer and loves it...she doesn't realize we are watching her. hehe!
Yey rowan! go girl! lol...i hope the kids feel better soon!!!
<3, emily
I can't wait to see pictures next week!
I hope that the kiddos are all better soon!!
ps..I have always been told that you should put a camera right up on the glass and snap the picture, that it would turn out that way...I have never tried it, but it wouldn't hurt.
Hey Jenn, how about going a little earlier and getting some shots before class begins? That's how some people do it at the dance school we attend.... But most parents can sit inside the classroom, too...
Also, if you don't use a flash, pics through the tinted window may be okay to see....
Glad the baby is not sick, but teething can drive you just as crazy!! We have about 8 toddlers that gnaw on everything~including each other!
That is actually a good price for getting all that stuff! If you have a children's consignment shop (like Once Upon a Child), try there for dance stuff!
The shoes are the costly thing for me, as Grace's feet are growing so much she is on her third pair of taps, and 2nd pair of ballet (this her 2nd year there)! Luckily, our school will resell them for you because my girl doesn't even get her dance shoes dirty :)
I know Ro will do a great job there~little Ms. Teacher ;)
Have a good 'Friday' tomorrow!
Oh no. Sick again? You know, Parker was the exact same way last winter when he started his birth to 3 program. He was constantly coughing with a runny nose. Poor little guy. I hope his immune system is stronger this winter.
I'm not sure we'll ever get to meet now that I live so far from you...but we should totally talk on the phone! I'm game. <grin>
ugh! I am sorry she is sick need a break like now!
Jodie takes dance too. This season it is tap and hip-hop. last season was jazz and hip-hop. She loves her taps too and wants to wear them all the time....on the linoleum only I tell her, LOL
We buy our dance clothes at Target too.
You must have gotten the thunderstorm we had here in Southern Ca. I have never seen it like that here.
I've spoken to a few Jlanders as well :) Its fun to hear their voice after reading about each others lives for so long :)
Dang it! I hope Rowan and Zachary get better real soon! It's better for Rowan to get sick now though because by the time she goes to Kindergarten she'll be immune to most of it. Casey never went to daycare so her first year of school was a freakin nightmare!
SHAME on you for not getting pictures!! ;)
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