Sunday, June 19, 2005

~Father's Day~

                               *Father's Love by Lindsay Dawson*

Happy Father's Day to all those wonderful Fathers out there... And especially to the Fathers I Know and Love the most!! 

Dad- Thank You for all that you've done in my life... From watching "Inspector Gadget" when I was little, to playing Softball with me in the Rain... To being the worlds best Grandpa-pa to my Little Ones... I love you with all my heart, Thank You for being My Father and Friend!

Derek- Our kids couldn't get a better Daddy then you!!  You make their days and nights... I couldn't ask for a better Daddy for my children, thank you for being who you are... I love you!


Okay, enough Sappy-ness... lol...

Our breakfast was absolutely wonderful, and Fattening, this morning!  It was so good, I can't believe all that I ate!  My mom and I whipped up a feast for at least 10 people and there were only 6 of us eating... lol.  Scrambled eggs, sausage, biscuits and gravy, hashbrowns and pancakes!!  Yum Yum... And you know I had a little bit of everything too :)

The Daddy's enjoyed their breakfast and then their presents!  Derek recieved a Gift Card to Best Buy from my parents while my Daddy got a T-shirt and Mug with the picture of the 4 of us (My bro, myself and the kids) on it... Dad did tell Derek he will love to see him on the next shirt he gets like that :)  Aww... See, we've been getting my dad shirts like that for YEARS!!  He always wants and expects them...

My parents are now taking up golfing!!  They actually are taking lessons and bought clubs yesterday.  Get this, they even bought Miss Rowan a kid club so she can learn too!!  Its adorable and has a Pig cover for it!!  This morning them and my bro went to the driving range.  But when they got back, I decided I wanted to see if I'd be interested (and good) at hitting the ball!!!

Let me tell you... I'm in Love!!  I was smacking those woffle balls and they were flying across the yard!  If only I had enough money, because I'd be getting some clubs :)  My mom and I are even thinking about maybe going to the driving rage tomorrow night so I can really smack the heck out of a real ball :)  haha...

Well, Derek is off with my bro running some errands and my mom, dad, and Rowan are on a walk... Zach is napping... Hmm, what else could I wish for??  lol... Its almost too quiet here~ What is a girl to do??  I guess I could go read some, I'm onto "The Notebook" now.  I finished "Good in Bed" and was suprised at how much I liked it!  It was a good, quick read... I'm thinking I'll have to check out more of Jennifer Weiner's Books!!  My mom suprised me yesterday with a Gift Card to Border's and that she had Pre-Ordered the 6th "Harry Potter" book for Me!!  Yippee!!!

Oh, Mr. Zachary has taken a liking to food!  The last few days he has been eating either Oatmeal Cereal with Applesauce or Barely Cereal with Bananas!  He is loving it... Can't seem to get enough :)

Well, the boys are back, So I must go!  Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!!




Anonymous said...

So nice!

Bill's on call so he'll be in and out all day working, but he's doing it so that we have loot for our vacation...that's a good daddy!


Anonymous said...

I love Jennifer Weiners books..get in her is even better than good in bed..
I am reading confessions of a is so good and funny too:) I see myself in that book..
I bet little Zack would love some mashed potatoes and gravy???LOL..
You will be shocked at how much more boys can eat than girls..
enjoy your day!!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you all had a wonderful day!
Your breakfast sounds delicious!!!!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you all had a wonderful Father's Day!!!!!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

I am happy that you had such a great day!

Anonymous said...

I love that graphic on top of the pretty :) And you go girl, get some!

Anonymous said...

Golfing is HUGE around here too.  It's just too darn hot for me to think about being on the course all day

Sounds like you all had a great Father's Day ;)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like u all had a wonderful day...=)  Happy Fathers day to them all...a day late...=)   HEHE...

Anonymous said...

so it sounds like ya'll had a wonderful fathes day and im glad to hear that.sorry so late hugs cheryl