Tuesday, June 7, 2005

~Quitting and Cardio Appt Recap~

I'm Done.

I'm done wasting $10.95 on stepping on a scale and then to have someone tell me that I haven't lost one damn pound... Even ounce.


I quit.  I'm done I say... My mom says I can't quit... That with excersise (like I sit on my arse all day long or something) and a sensible diet, that I'll start to loose weight...

What ever I say.  Goodness, I guess my truthful way of talking has been really coming out lately (LOL!!).

Anywho... I'll stop complaining... Shite, I guess it is one of them days...

Mr. Zachary's cardiologist appointment went really well.  He is such a Chunko-Monko.  He is weighing in at 14lbs 8oz!!  That is a two pound gain from the last time we were at that office and a one pound gain since his peditrician appointment on May 13th.

His EKG went well.  The doctor was very happy with it.  He did say that because of the severity of his condition, that he'll keep seeing him every month for a while.  He did also say that when the time comes to start weaning him off of his meds, that they'll take pics (sonogram) and what not.  I asked him what is the normal age that they start to try to wean a child, like Zach, off of meds.  He said, "well, for him no sooner than a year old"... lol... I guess he believes he'll need to be on it for a while, because his poor little ticker was sooo bad at first...

My poor baby boy... :)

SO, it all went well.  Zach did really good and played it up for the doctor, but mostly for the nurses.  But of course he would, he is a ladies man, just like his father!!

Okay, I'm going to go now.  My mom went and bought out the childs section at Target to get stuff (storage like cubbies and shelves) for Rowan's room and I guess I should go help put them together...

Besides, the funky mood is rolling back in and I shouldn't subject you all to that B.S. again ;)



Anonymous said...

So happy to hear that Wacky Zachy's appointment went well!  I could picture him flirting with those nurses with those big ole' eyes of his!  It's okay that he has to be on meds until he is at least 1 years old.  Afterall, he did go through hell (and you and hubby too!) and that doesn't just magically go away in a few months.  Can I borrow your Momma to be Momma and the kids Grandma?!?!  My kids have never received one thing from their grandmother (my mother).  It must be so nice to have your Mom spoil your kids!  That's how I am going to be, I already have it planned!  ;)  Oh, and good for you quitting Weight Watchers!  I am sorry, but it is WAAYYY too soon after having a baby to be worrying so much over your weight.  It will come off in it's own time.  Like I said, your body still thinks it needs to store every fat you eat because you are "breeding".  One day it will figure it out, right around Zachary's 1st birthday, HONEST!
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Was wondering.. did you ever get your thyroid tested post baby??? Could be that.. and that would be why all the effort is not paying off.. Glad to hear Zacary is doing better! :) Melaney


Anonymous said...

Could I be my jerky, usual self, and ask a favor? Try this next time you're on and read this comment...

Sit and draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper (grab it out of the printer, LOL). Then in the left column, list every good thing about you that you can think of. All of them. Then in the right column, draw a big smiley face or something. That's all. Don't write any "bads". You're great, and no one would believe 'em anyway, so save yourself the trouble.



Anonymous said...

Glad to here everything is still good with little mans ticker,
and for your ww if you keep going to that place you are going to go BONKERS...lol... you are intesapaiting the weight loss..so if you would like to join our chalenge you are welcome we are doing 100 crunches a night, eating healty and so on  we  are trying to motavate each other and take off the lbs...
well hope you have a better day........lol....

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the Appt went well.. Nicholas was on his meds for one year, too.. then was weaned off.
Robyn :)

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't pay 10.95 either... I would continue to swim and walk and eat right like you are doing....you will start loosing weight. Then I would step on my own scale. If I lost weight, I would take that 10.95 that you were paying Weight Watchers and do something for yourself..buy a DVD, some new lipstick...something to reward yourself!

Anonymous said...

I don't blame ya..I couldn't hang longer than a month there.  I got my ten pound ribbon and I took off like a bat out of hell, and stopped counting points, I felt so free!  Portion control, it's the best thing you can do.  Eat half your plate, throw the rest away and don't worry about those starving kids in Africa, they have no idea how much we waste anyway.  I'm so mean.

Anonymous said...

It okay to have days where you want to quit.  It will come off though.  I don't know what you drink during the day, but for me the answer was water.  I drank 96 ounces of water a day and the weight came off rather quickly.  Granted, it took me almost 7 years...heehee

I'm so glad Zach's appointment went well.  I'm also happy to hear that the DR will continue to see him once a month.  Atleast you know he takes it seriously.
