Monday, June 27, 2005

~Oh Wow~

                                   *Sun Dance by Alfred Gockle*

I'm such a Naughty Girl!  I can't believe that I haven't done an entry in the last 4 days!  I guess I was too busy doing much of Nothing to get my butt on here and actually post something.

I was able to get on and read every one else's journals, but neglected mine.  I'm such a Dodo-Bird.  But it was a pretty nice weekend... All together :)

Okay, so you'd all be proud of me, because I went and got the kids' pictures taken on Friday.  Unfortunetly, the stupid negative machine at Picture People killed our negatives and we weren't able to get anything!!  We weren't even able to see how cute they turned out or anything.  I know they would have been too.  We did a Red, White and Blue theme.  They kids matched and I even brought balloons to sit on the floor around them!  Zachary wasn't the happiest camper (he was hungry!), but he did well.  I was ticked in the end though.  In fact, I wasn't happy from the begining.  We had an appointment at 440pm and didn't get in until 515pm... So, that had me Hot already.  We were at the mall for a total of 3 hours before we found out that our pics were ruined.  Ugh... Oh well.  We had a nice dinner... So, that made up for it!!

We do go back on Tuesday for re-takes and I'm going to be calling the Store Manager to see what they will be willing to do for us.  They did mention a Free pose- which supposedly includes an 8x10, two 5x7's and a page of wallets.  Hey, I don't mind... Bring on the Free Stuff... It just means more pics of my beautiful kids :o)

Tuesday should be a Fun Day for more than the Picture Reason too.  If all goes well and everything works out for us, Miss Barbie from "A Ticket to Ride" and I should be meeting!!  She'll be coming from Arcata, where her Sissy moved to, on her way home with her Son... So, if it goes well, she'll be making a pit stop on Hwy. 99 for a meeting with the Pickle Family :)  How exiciting!!  I'm hoping to talk to her today... Gotta get the scoop on when and where... But I'm guessing because I'll probably be at the mall anyways, we'll just meet there and enjoy the resturant there!!  I'll be sure to bring the camera with me to get pictures to share with you all!

{Reminder to Self: Put Camera Battery on Charger}

Anywho, what else did I do this weekend?  Oh yes.  Saturday, my family (minus Derek who was working) went to the Bay Area to visit with my Grandparents.  It was a very nice visit... With a lunch of Chinese Food... And then we were on our way home again.  The kids did just fine with the hour and a half ride... Although Rowan has started with the whole "Are we there yet" thing!!  Haha... I can't believe it, she is only 3!!

Derek took her to school this morning.  He just called me to let me know that he dropped her off and she did really well.  He said that she was kinda acting shy, but when she saw one of her "teachers" hanging something, she asked "What cha doing?"  The "teacher" responded with "Hanging this picture, would you like to help?" and of course my ever helpful daughter "Yes!!" and so, I guess she ended up helping her hang the pic!  Haha... I just love it.  I swear, that little girl loves to help people do anything.  In fact, she'll sneak into our bedroom, make our bed and then come out screaming, "I made your bed!!  Come see, Come see."  She is just cute... And actually does a pretty swell job :o)

Yesterday was our quiet day at home.  My parents took off to visit my brother and his girlfriend up in Davis, so it was just the four of us at home.  We pretty much didn't do anything... Well, okay, we went to Home Depot around noon and picked up some really pretty blue pots (that match our pool tile wonderfully) to put out in our backyard, but that was about it.  We didn't even have a "Real Dinner" last night... Just some beans and cheese quesidilla's.  Yum Yum.  And my Husband, who just has to have a full course dinner, enjoyed it... haha...

Well, I've gotta run... Many Many things to do.  Gotta pay some bills- my own and the companies- and do some Excell projects.  So, I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!!



Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you had a good weekend.  It is exciting to meet someone from online.  I met my friend who lives in Canada three years ago and I go over there and visit at least once a month now.  I wouldn't know what to do without her anymore!  So enjoy the visit and I hope you get some free pics!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Yes Yes, good to see you back. Too much time off  :-D

How annoying is a screwup like that with the picturepeople. Not good...we're deprived now!


Anonymous said...

That same thing happened to me when I had Casey's pics done at Picture People.  I haven't been back and don't plan to either.  

How exciting!!  I can't wait to hear all about your lunch with Miss Barbie.  Hope everything works out.

It's good to hear that Rowan is adjusting well to school.  You can send that little squirt over my way...I don't like making


Anonymous said...

Well, that sucks about the kids pictures, but hopefully they will do better this next time. If I were you, I would make sure that you get something free for your trouble.
I am excited that you are going to get to meet Barbie!! I can't wait to see those pictures either.

Anonymous said...

I would be ticked too if that picture place ruined the negatives on my kids pics!!!  I know what it's like to try and get them all to smile and look at the right area for a simple picture, so I would have been really, really mad.  I say they should give you the entire package free don't you?!  I'd push for that, but then again, I am one pushy person.  LOL!  Sounds like Rowan is doing just fine at school, but then again, of course she is!!!  She is Rowan!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

So sorry about your pictures! I had that happen once. I've been like you -- reading other journals but neglecting my own, (That's what I'm doing right now, in fact!), but I'll catch up.
I have one of those helpful daughters, too.  She's nine now and still loves to get in on whatever anyone else is doing.  My son was like that when he was younger, but now, not so much!

Anonymous said...

whew! close one, i was a train wreak that day. people woulda laughed their arses off! <shuddering at the thought> hehehe....

The Pics of the kiddos are PERFECT!!! *wink*

hmmmm.... home depot, don't remind me. i wish i was laying out by your pool, drinking a spritzer, and loving on your kids this very minute.....



barbie @~>~~~