Monday, June 6, 2005

~Monday Again and Another Quick One~

 Okay, its Monday once again! Unfortunately I'm going to have to give you guys another quick entry.

The baby is here with me at work today.  My mom is sick (better than yesterday though) at home and Miss Ro is with her.  I figured leaving Rowan with my was the better choice because she is easier to take care of than Zach.  She is more self-sufficent if you get my drift.  My mom can basically just make sure she isn't doing something wrong :)

Sunday was a great day.  The weather was wonderful.  Actually a little chilly in the morning with all the wind we had blowing around!

Rowan, my friend Amy and I went and saw "Madagascar" Sunday at 11:15am.  It was an okay movie.  Not really a "kids" movie.  Many parts in there were definetly geared towards adults.  In fact, if you've seen it, then you know what I'm talking about.  A lot of stuff in there would just fly over kids' heads, like it did to Rowan.

Oh well though, we had a good time... Even with Rowan having to use the potty 3 times DURING the movie :)  haha.  She enjoyed her popcorn, soda and skittles though.  I think that is what she loves the best.  Its funny to hear Ro say "Madagascar"... Its more like "M-gad-car"... Oh well.  She isn't even 3 1/2 yet! 

Tonight is gym class.  Last week it was closed due to the holiday, so she'll be glad to get back to it today.  I'll be glad to get her back too... She has too much energy sometimes :D

Well, I hate to just do this short itty-bitty entry when I have more to say, but I do have to go... I promise I'll be back later to give you some more... I have lots of things running around in my mind...



Anonymous said...


I'm so sorry mom has the icky ickies : (

Give her my love when you get home and thank her for watching Miss Rowan for me too *kiss kiss*

I hope the jumping bean gets the beans jumpped right outta her for your sake tonight *wink*

Hug and Love The Little Man for me :::sigh::: I wish I was there so I could do it myself.


Barbie @~>~~~

Anonymous said...

I hope that your mom is all better soon.
Im sure that gym will be a great energy release source for Miss Rowan tonight.
I hope your monday is going well.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see Mada oh whatever...the commercials crack me up..them datrn penquins probably stole the show!

Anonymous said...

Leslie saw the movie Friday with ehr cousin..She was telling me some parts of it...Like one of them frying an egg and using the screen to lay out..LOl..She didnt get them, but thought they were funny parts anyhow..HAHA

You sure are lucky to have a job you can take little man to if you have to! Thats a blessing in its own!!

Anonymous said...

We haven't seen that movie yet.  I usually wait until they come out on video or until they play at the Base Theater where it's $1 per person.  Yep, I'm cheap like  

Hope your Mom gets to feeling better soon and that none of you guys get sick!
