Saturday, June 11, 2005

~Stopping In~

Just stopping in to say hello.

My day has been filled with a walk, a trip to the dump,pizza lunch and then a nap.

I'm so not complaining!

We were out of the house this morning at 830am and went on a 2.5 mile walk.  It was me, the kiddos and my parents.  Derek isn't much of a walker, even though I did invite him.  He stayed in bed and was still there when we got back :)

In fact, he was still there even after my dad and I made a trip to the dump!  Yeah, we had to go drop a load of green waste and a few pieces of trash too big to fit into our garbage can... I swear, they are too small!

When we got back, Derek requested that I call and place an order at Pizza Hut because he was 'craving pizza'.  Hmm, what is he, pregnant??  (that is what my father said, not me!!) So, because I had a coupon, we got two medium pan crust pizza's for a whole $14!!  Not bad huh??

Of course, I was a tib-bit bad and enjoyed just two pieces of pizza.  Two is nothing really bad, because long ago, I'd eat maybe 4 or 5, just because.  I swear, Pepperoni pizza from Pizza Hut is just as evil as chocolate to me... its all about their crust, I'm guessing.

Well, after I ate and after the kids ate, Rowan was sent to nap.  And I thought to myself, "Self, why don't YOU go take a nap too?"  So I did.  I grabbed up Little Man and walked to my room, climbed into bed, and with in minutes, we were both out!

That was somewhere around 1250pm or so.  I eventually woke up at 2pm to give him his meds and then after that, we were both back to sleep until 3!!  Goodness, I think my body was trying to tell me something.  What do you think??

I did stay up a little later than usual last night.  I just had to finish the book I was reading (started it on Tuesday, mind you!!) called, "Something Blue" by Emily Giffin.  It was the conclusion to her first book that I purchased up in Sacramento (while there with Zach) called "Something Borrowed".  Let me tell you, I'm really not into the whole 'chick' books, but they were really good.  Actually, they aren't all that "romancy-chick" stuff, so you might want to check them out!

Now I'm reading "Good in Bed" by Jennifer Weiner (check out her link, its another webblog!!).  I'm not too far into it, but it has to do with her reading an article written by her ex-boyfriend, saying something that he was "Loving a Larger Woman" and that she was "Good in Bed" hence the title.  I'll let you all know how it is when I finish it in a few days.  I have to have it done before the new Harry Potter book comes out!!!

Okay, well, Little Man is getting restless on his PlayMat and Rowan is eating all the M&M's out of the trail mix, so I better go snag that from her!

Plus, I better check on Derek who is outside attempting to fix a broken water pipe frome the sprinklers... And I just know he is getting frustrated.  Maybe a cold one will help him out :)

Have a great rest of the weekend friends!



Anonymous said...

Jennifer Weiner is my favorite author right now...
Good is bed is so funny, In her shoes is good too.
You will hate when you finish both because they are such a good read.
Also Confessions of a shopalholic is good too.
Glad to hear you had a good day...

Anonymous said...


Yep! God has a funny way of saying "Slow Down!" doesn't he? *wink* I'm glad you got some cuddle sleepy time with your beautiful babies. Thanks for the book pimp and link, I'll have to check them out ((((Hugs)))

Happy Saturday, weee....

Barbie @~>`~~

Anonymous said...

Those all sound like very good books.  I must recommend 2 of the best books I've ever read to you, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and The Second Summer of the Sisterhood by Ann Brashares.  I'm sure you've heard of the movie that just came out based on the first book.  They are great books.  I'm also very much looking forward to the new Harry Potter book!  


Anonymous said...

We pre ordered the new harry potter for Kadie....and I just love "chick" ones with a good
....sounds like your body just needed a nap!

Anonymous said...

sounds like you had  a very restful day!!
hope you have another!

Anonymous said...

Well, as you know, I only read the "romancy-chick" books and I do try to read other types of books in between, but they don't hold my interest AT ALL!  Guess it's because I need to escape from real life and the books you are reading are too real for me!  LOL!  Pizza Hut pizza is the BEST!  Have you ever tried their breadsticks?!  OMG!  Those are pure heaven and will go straight to your hips!  I haven't had a slice of pizza in 3 weeks because I don't think it's on my "eating plan".  I am too afraid that if I eat just one bite, I will not stop!  Good for you taking a nap with your little one.  Those are the best naps in the world!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

I love to read! I went the other day to a thrift store and they had paperbacks 12 for 1.00! I so stocked
I am reading Mommie Dearest right now that is a true story written by the daughter of Joan Crawford....that woman was CRUEL!
Pizza is my favorite food ever, and I hate that I really can't have it on this diet. I do get the Healthy Choice pizza sometimes, but its just not the same.

Anonymous said...


Just wanted to drop in and say hey.  I've been following since shortly before little man's troubles.  I enjoy your journal quite a bit.  Take care and have a great day.



Anonymous said...

Ahhh that nap sounds sooo nice!!  You obviously needed some

I will have to check those books out.  I'm always looking for more books to buy so they can sit on my shelf for 5 years before I get around to reading  I'm like a baby with it's bottle at night though.  I can't go to sleep without laying in bed and reading first.  


Anonymous said...

That "Good in Bed" book is really good, I've read it.  I liked it all, but I can't say anymore or I'd wreck it for you.  Let me know when you are done :)