Tuesday, June 7, 2005

~Feeling Better~

I'm feeling better today... Thank you all for all your wonderful comments and suggestions.  It truly means a lot to know that I have friends out there that really do care.

My mood has risen and the black clouds have started to spread, the light is shining in today.  Sleeping in to 930 this morning and then a three mile walk with my mom and the kids have helped my mood too.

I'm off today because Zachary has a cardiologist appointment.  Originally, his appt was scheduled for 11am, so I took the day off.  Well, yesterday the drs. office called to remind us of his appt and they said it was at 345pm!  So, I called them and asked why the different time and I was told that they rescheduled it because Zach doesn't need an Eco today, just an EKG.  I said, OK no problem, but it would have been nice to know before hand!!  That way I didn't have to take the whole day off of work, ya know.  The girl seemed to be embarrassed and appologized, but it really isn't a big deal... I would have just liked a little heads up, ya know?

So, after his appointment today, I'm going to go to Weight Watchers to weigh in.  I'm not really up to it, but I guess I'll go and pay my $10.95 to be told that either I haven't lost weight or have in fact gained some!!  Eh, oh well... Like many of you have been telling me, "It took 9months to put it on, it will take time to take it off", right?

Okay, time to hit the showers and get cleaned up.  We've been puttering around outside and I'm sure Zach's doctors would appreciate it if I showed up clean :)

Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday...

Thank you, friends, again for all your sweet comments...

Ms. Pickle :D


Anonymous said...

I am glad that you are feeling better today. Its great that you got to sleep in and then took a great walk...I am sure that burned off calories as well as stress.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear your feeling better today
Pickle woman.  You sound much better
thats for sure!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Good luck at Zach's doc appointment!  Can't wait to hear how it went!  Glad you are feeling better.  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better!  I hate when DR's offices decide to rescedule something and you know nothing about it.  The base will do that crap and you get their for your appointment, then they break the news to you.  UGH!!!

Don't stress too much over your weight.  Just be patient and you will lose it!  Easier said than done though.  It's one of those instant gratification things.  Especially when you're substituting some really AWESOME food....you want results immediately.  
