Saturday, June 18, 2005


Just thought I'd stop in to J-Land and say Hello to all of my friends...

Today has been pretty busy, although I did get to sleep in until just about 845am... But that doesn't count having to get up at 445am to feed the boy and then again at 6am (just as I had fallen back to sleep) to give him his medicine... It was still nice to sleep in though!!

The kids and I were out of the house at 1050 this morning to go do some errands... If I were to tell you what we did, it would ruin a suprise for a Special Man (Me Daddy!) for Father's Day, so I can't say... Then I had to run to the grocery store to pick up stuff for Derek to make a bean dip for the Father's Day celebration at his brother's tomorrow.

Busy Busy day... I was able to lay on the couch for a few, reading my Trash Magazines and cuddling with the boy... Now he is alseep in his bassinet.  Rowan is outside swimming with her Uncle Boo and Derek is cleaning up the dog mess outside...

Ahhh, a break... Of Sorts I guess... hehe.

Oh, listen to this!!  I'm still fuming...

Last night, my mom ordered pizza from a local resturant.  They delivered it out to us, and when the guy asked if we wanted Peppers and Cheese (you know, in those little packets) we said Yes.  So the guy reaches into his pocket and grabs a bunch and gives them to us.

We enjoyed our pizza and didn't think anything else about it... Until Derek got home from work at 230 this morning!  He comes storming into our room, mind you, I'm OUT of it!!

He is like, "Did you see that baggy on the counter in the kitchen?"

Me: "Um, what baggy?"

D: "The one on the counter.  A little baggy next to the cheese and peppers!!"

Mind you, he is sounding kinda upset about something...

I told him No, that I had not noticed any baggy.  That I was the only onewho used the cheese and I just grabbed two packets from the top of the pile and went on with my business.

So he goes out of our room, into the kitchen and brings in this little clear baggy.  A "dime bag" of sorts... He says, "There is F-ing Crank in this"... "You didn't see this sitting on our counter?"

At this time, I was in our bathroom, because, well, you know... So I'm looking at him with sleep in my eyes, not believing what he is saying!!  He shows me this bag with white powder residue in it... Yep, drugs!!  Drugs that were chillin' on my counter... UGH!!

So, I explained to him what happened, that the guy had reached into his pocket, handed us a bunch and that was it... So, the packet came from him!!  Derek was HOTT let me tell you... I mean, so am I.  What if Rowan would have gotten ahold of it??  Derek is going to go talk to his Sgt and then go from there, but this guy and his Boss will be made very well aware of what happened!!

So not happy about it... But at least nothing happened, so we can get over it...


Tomorrow is Father's Day and we'll be making my Dad and Derek breakfast... A big breakfast of pancakes, eggs, sausage, linguicia, biscuits and gravy... All the good stuff!!  Yum Yum... Then tomorrow afternoon we'll be going over to the In-Laws for a BBQ and swimming... Sounds pretty good to me!

Well, I'm going to go join my family outside... Oh!!  I know what I wanted to tell you all... I got my hair done on Friday right??  Well, I got a little something funky, not too bad, but semi-funky... Think Pink and you'll have to wait for Pics that I'll post on Monday with Ro's first day of School Pics :D



Anonymous said...

I can not wait for pics..
I hope they throw the druggie pizza boy in jail..That is so scary..I bet he cases places out and delivers more than pizzas..
I bet your husband could not belive his eyes! That would have blown my mind.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I can't believe that about the dime bag...I thought you were going to say that he had pulled out a condom in the mix of the packets or something....
I hope that you have a great day tomorrow with your hubby and your dad.
And, I cannot wait to see the pictures!!

Anonymous said...

I recently "discovered' the AOL journals and I find myself checking every day to read your latest entry. It sounds like you have had a very busy day. It freaks me out just reading about the pizza guy carrying drugs around in his pocket. You plans for Father's Day sounds great ... I hope that everyone has a great day! I am looking forward to seeing your pictures.

Anonymous said...

I recently "discovered' the AOL journals and I find myself checking every day to read your latest entry. It sounds like you have had a very busy day. It freaks me out just reading about the pizza guy carrying drugs around in his pocket. Your plans for Father's Day sounds great ... I hope that everyone has a great day! I am looking forward to seeing your pictures.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wow, what a delivery...rofl! that is CRAZY!

Anonymous said...

OMG!  That's horrible!  Almost as bad as Bill finding a bag FULL of dime bags out side of City Hall..remember?  OMG, that would have been horrible if Row got a hold of that!  LAW SUIT!  Somebody BETTER lose their job!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful day ahead! I hope it was fun for you!

rofl..I KNOW its serious stuff...but can you imagine that guy stressing right now KNOWING he handed that to you..And your hunny is a COP?!?!....What kinda luck is that!??? craziness....

Anonymous said...

It doesn't surprise me that a pizza delivery guy had drugs in his pocket.  OMG!!!  I would have freaked out!  WTH was he thinking??  Apparently he wasn't.  Out of all people to give it to, he gives it to the cops  Sucks to be him.

Hope ya'll had a great Fathers Day and I can't wait to see pics of your hair!!!
