Friday, September 17, 2004

One Busy Day...

Right now, I'm taking a break... I really do need it.  And so does Rowan... But is she napping, um, no.  Ugh.  She could use one just as much as I... But I don't have the time to take one.

This morning started early... Well, not to early, but earlier than I'm used to on my days off.

I was up at 830am (my body didn't wake me sooner, guess I'm still needing sleep) and out of the house by 940am, heading to Grand Events to pick up the stuff that I had rented for the bridal shower.

After combing the wedding isle for some ideas, tiara for the "Bride to Be" and some little decorations, I proceeded to the rental area where I wrote out a check for a whopping $116 to rent some stupid tables and chairs... Oh yeah, not to mention the stupid, stupid, stupid, table cloths at $13 a pop.

(Yes.  I did check out the table cloths there... the plastic/paper kind... but I thought they would look too cheap)

So, after backing up my truck (which I'm not really great at doing) and getting it loaded by two burly-stinking men, I'm off... In the truck that has sqeaky breaks and an A/C that needs to be boosted... For my 20 min drive home...

I get home and barely make it in the house for a soda when I'm being called by my friends mom.  I had called her on the way home to see what time she wanted to meet (we planned on 3pm) and said if you wanted to go earlier, give me a call.  So, in the end, we went earlier... Fine with me... I had things to do around the house.

So, Rowan and I went off to Costco and left the hubby/daddy at home to do some chores... After circling Costco about twice, we found what we needed and headed on our separate ways.

I've still got to go to Raley's and pick up some more items that you don't want to buy in bulk at Costco... So, after Rowan wakes up from her nap (she has fallen asleep from the time I started until this paragraph) we are off to do that.

In the mean time, I'm having to sweep the house... Dust... Probably sweep some more... Make sure I have everything I need and add what I don't to my list of stuff to pick up at Raley's... Clean a little bit (house is actually in pretty good order).... and do laundry.

I never did go and buy myself something to wear for tomorrow.  Maybe if I have the guts to leave home in the morning (instead of puttering around the house and stressing out), I'll head over to Mervyn's and pick something up for myself.  I do have to pick up the cupcakes tomorrow too... Hmm, Mervyn's and Old Tyme Pasteries are right next to each other ::getting ideas::

Anywho... I better stop rambling and venting... Even though I guess it could be worse.  But I'm off to do another load of laundry (I swear it is never ending).

I hope all have a great weekend and I'll update you all on Sunday with how the bridal shower went!!  Until then... TTFN


Anonymous said...

Man, you're like me... putting off that clothes shopping till the last possible second.  LOL  Hope you manage to get out in the morning and take care of that.  Sounds like you've been super-busy.  Showers are like that.. hectic and you really have to make sure everything is "perfect".  I mean.. you only get to do it once, right?  Eeek. The pressure.  Not that I'm trying to put more pressure on you, but you know.. LOL  Good luck, hon!  :D

Anonymous said...

I hope that everything goes well!!

Can't wait for the update!
