Tuesday, December 7, 2004

A Blustery Day!


Boy, is it a blustery day.... The weather man had been calling for a storm to come in since Sunday and it finally came last night... And mighty hard if I do say so.  I don't know how many times I was woken up last night by the wind and the rain hitting our house.  Plus, last night was our night to put out the garbage, so, you can only imagine how many peoples trash was flying around this morning when I left for work.  I don't think I saw a trash can with a lid on!  Poor Mr. Trash Collector-Man.... He has his work cut out for him.

Rowan experienced her first electrical outtage last night... Okay, I'm not sure if it was her first-first... But it was one she definetly reacted to.  We lost our electricity about 3 different times, for about a minute each.  She didn't seem to understand why the lights and TV went out for no reason.  It was actually kinda funny.  Then, we decided to prepare ourselves incase we totally lost power (Hubby saw a BIG BLUE BOOM in the direction of some transformers)... So, we were lighting candles all over the house and she was coming behind us, blowing all them out!  She is too silly about candles... She thinks they are birthday candles and that is what she is supposed to do.  lol.  In the end, we didn't loose our power... But we did have to reprogram all our clocks and TV's. 


I changed my colors again... I wasn't digging the Christmas colors.  They just looked to harsh.  So, I'm going to stay with the simple silver for right now and see about adding some stuff to the side bar to make it look a little bit more festive.  But hey, it will only be festive for a little while because....


lights.gif lights.gif

Haha... I just love the reminders... Don't you?  :D

So, lets see...

I decided not to go get my glucose test done yesterday afternoon.  Not only did I want to go home and hang out with Rowan and the Hubby, but my back was killing me.  I was in a lot of pain for a little while.  Nothing I did would make it better.  So, I left work a little early and headed straight home and went straight to the bath.  I swear, I haven't taken that long of a bath in a LONG time... Then after my bath, it was straight into my jammies and I crashed on the couch!  I didn't move for about 2 hours.  Even the Hubby made dinner last night... I was very very tired.

So, I'm going to the lab today for the glucose test.  I know it has to be done, that is why I am going... I just am dreading it.  I did bring a magazine and a book to read while I pass the time.  One l...l...o...o...n...n...g...g... hour.  Humph.

Well, I have plenty to do today... We are closing out our month and I have to finish up payroll (woo hoo... check today!!).  I hope everyone has a great day and I'll be seeing ya...



*tags provided by Tag Lounge*






Anonymous said...

Ok Do you live by me or something lol. We had a big storm last night too and I heard a boom and out went the lights.
~ Heather

Anonymous said...

It was rainy here today too.  Snowed yesterday, now we have rain ICK!!  Sounds like pregnancy is tiring!  Poor girl!!   HUGS Can't wait to see the new look!  :-)

Anonymous said...

we aer getting snow here...but they say its supposed to warm up the next few days...then what a mess! im sorry your back is hurting so bad...guess its time to get lots of long back massages from the hubby! glad to hear u are going in for the glucose test...its nothing to fool around with...let us know how it went...


Anonymous said...

As soon as things dry up around here, it starts raining again.  Ugh.  Ah well.. at least it's good soup or chili weather.  Or chicken-n-dumplings.  Mmm... now, I'm getting dinner ideas.  LOL  The kids love it when the electricity goes out.  It's the perfect time to pull out a deck of cards or a boardgame, light some candles, give them a flashlight and actually spend some quality time together, sans TV's and computers!  LOL  17 days away??  SERIOUSLY??  OMG.. when you put it in terms like that, I start to panic. LOL

Anonymous said...

We have had rainy and windy weahter too....I guess its a nation wide thing right now. I hope that the test went well...thats too cute about rowan and the candles.lol

Anonymous said...

17 days away, wow is it ever coming quick.. ! :) Melaney

Anonymous said...

We lost power for 9 hours and I thought Ty would go crazy. LOL Hide n Seek was fun...then we made a fire in the fireplace. Building with legos by a fire was a hit too. But I was SOOO happy to get our power back. :-)

Anonymous said...

It's been yucky here too.  Rain and wind.  That's funny about Rowan blowing the candles out...lol


Anonymous said...

Hey, we got a horrible windstorm where I am (Mi) today. My electric nearly went out too. Luckily, it didnt :0) Well, I'm really enjoying your journal and cant wait to read more next time!


Anonymous said...

we've had horrible weather here, but it finally cleared up today, so I think it's time to get off the compy!  oh no, 17 more days, thanks for the reminder! guess I need to finish shopping, have a great week!!!~JerseyGirl

Anonymous said...

Mna, my little girl still doesnt understand why she can wacth tv when the power goes out..LOL..she thinks its just the lights or something..HA...Im glad you guys made it through..and Im EXTRA glad hubby took up the slack while you were feeling down..how awesome!! Enjoy the fun LOOONNNGGG hour..lol


Anonymous said...

It's been really crappy here too! We had 56 mph winds yesterday and i had to deflate santa out in the yard so he wouldn't blow away! lol. We never lost our electric though. Rowan is such a cutie! I can totally see her running around blowing out all the candles! Ha! Those glucose tests really DO suck! Hope you feel better soon!
Lots of hugs & blessings!

Anonymous said...

I guess we had a pretty bad thunder boomer here last night because all the electric truck company trucks were out fixing things this morning.  But, did I hear anything?  Nope!  I slept through it all!  Hee-hee!  There is something to be said for total exhaustion I think!  Hope the glucose test went well yeserday (hey, I am one day behind, I will catch up!).  And, WOOHOO on payday!!!
Hugs and love, Lisa