Thursday, December 23, 2004

Nighttime Update and Other Ramblings


Thank  you all for all your best wishes and suggestions about getting Miss Princess to sleep in her own bed.  I thought it was going well for a while, but hey, thats where thinking got me.

She watched her Mickey movie just fine... and that probably had a lot to do with the fact that I was in there watching the movie with her.  After that was over, I put on her Disney Princess music (music from the movies like Beauty and the Beast, but no words... just instrumental) and tried to leave... Haha.  She had other ideas.

I told her Big Girls sleep in their own beds... I got crying in return.  I told her if she slept in her bed tonight (for at least most of the night) she could get a Vanilla shake today... There was more crying.  Finally, I told her that Santa only brings little girls what they ask for if they sleep in their own beds.  I know, harsh, but hey, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

She cried some more.

At one point, I had to go use the restroom, after she calmed down and was just laying there quietly (I thought I'd leave her and she'd fall asleep...), but by the time I was done using the restroom and heading back to her room, she broke out into hysterics!

By the time I got back into her room, she was so hysterical and gagging hersefl from crying that she THREW UP on her darn quilt!  OMG!  It was horrible.  Luckily she didn't throw up on her PJ's (brand new ones that I was using to get her to sleep in her room...yeah go figure...) and no where else on the bed.

So, she was even more upset about that.  I took the quilt off the bed and brought in another blanket and she finally calmeddown.  It was looking good.  I sat with her until she fell asleep and snuck out of her room.  It was 951pm.  Not bad, I told myself.

I then proceeded to go to bed.  I woke up at 1050pm to use the restroom and thought to myself, the Hubby (who was working) hadn't called me back like he said he was going to.  Could I have jinxed myself anymore???

As I was literally walking out of the bathroom, the phone rang.  It was him... Of course.  And of course, who woke up?  Yep, you got it.  Princess Rowan did.  Argh!!!!

She managed to fall back to sleep, only to be woken up again when Daddy came home through the front door to get something he had forgotten... I could have killed him.

Needless to say, we'll be back at square one tonight with her (yep, she ended up back in my bed!!).  Luckily, the Hubby will be home to help me out though.  I also think I'll be putting her down for her naps in her room instead of on the couch where she likes them... Really put the thought of her sleeping in her bed into her mind.

Oh yes... Zachary will NOT be sleeping in my bed after he is born either... No way.  This is way too hard to break.


Today is going to be a pretty quiet day.  The Hubby didn't get home until about 430am, so he is going to sleep a while before anything can get done.  Can't be too loud or we'll wake him up.

We'll probably just go to lunch and then play Santa this evening.  Thats always fun.  Rowan is looking forward to opening presents too... Maybe I'll be able to bribe her with presents and sleeping in her own bed.  HAHA.

Tomorrow is a big day for our family... Its our FIRST Christmas celebration.  We are all very very excited.  And can you believe, that day after tomorrow is Christmas Day??  WOO HOO.  I can't wait to see Rowan's face when she sees her Purple Princess Bike... I'll take pictures, I promise!

But for now, I must run.  Its about time I get up and dressed.  Woo Hoo.  Just what I want to do.  I do hope you all have a wonderful Thursday and if I don't make it back to J-Land before Christmas...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all...



Anonymous said...

This is a hard stage. I'm not the best one to give advice because after I had Tyler sleeping fine in his own bed...somehow he got used to having one of us stay with him until he fell asleep. Then he wanted one of us to lay down with him. Next thing ya know we were taking turns sleeping with him in his bed. A single bed. Not cumfy! LOL So I just started taking him into my bed. I know...mistake. We'll try again once the potty training thing is down. One thing at a time. But I know all the books I read said "sit with them for a while until they fall that for a couple nights. Then leave as they are ABOUT to fall that for a few nights. Then leave just as they are getting sleepy...and so on until you are just tucking them in and walking out. If they call you, pop your head in and reassure that you are right there if they need you. Eventually, just yell from your own room that all is ok, go back to sleep." LOL I know it will work. I just have to do it. It's just been easier to have him in with us. Good luck! (My Tyler will cry himself to throwing up too...he's done that 3 times in his short life. Scares the crap out of me.)

Anonymous said...

okay got to get her on a schedule.  I made the mistake of letting kayla sleep with us for forever.  Just easier and she would always go to sleep.  This is what I did, I started a nightime rountine.  A snack before bed, a small glass of something to drink, than of course I put a small lamp in her room.  On top of a dresser so her little fingers couldnt get to it. I would than lay in her bed with her, read her a couple of stories, and than say okay time to go to sleep.  We would visit for a couple of seconds, and I would leave the room. Leave the lamp on till she falls asleep.  Ask her what animal or whatever she would like to sleep with.  Everytime she gets out of the bed, walk her back in there.  Trust me there will be fits, OH LET ME TELL YOU kayla could throw some.  Still does from time to time.  She is fixing to be 4 and slept in my room till she was 3.  Just got her broke of it.  From time to time she sneaks in, even sleeping on the floor.  You just have to let her cry a little.  I know it is hard, I would almost cry with her.  Frustrating and you think you are breaking her heart.  Just make her room feel special, comfortable.  If you want to chat I can give you more ideas. Like I said just set up a nightime routine, but you have to stick with it.  And it is okay to give prizes in the morning to the big girl who slept in her own bed.  Wishing you luck and I am here if you need anymore advice or have a question

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! i didn't read those two comments hehehe. BUT!!!.... closing, i'll just say...never say never!!!

my first was in my bed until he was 6 :o ! my second was in my bed forever it seamed, sheez....My thrid didn't even like to be held while i feed him. he started taking to sleeping with us when he was around 4. that lasted about 2yrs. The Family Bed isn't always a bad thing. some times it's okay and other times it's not. picture this: two adults, two babies, two cats and a dog!! needless to say i got the corner square. hehehe. weeee......

honey, some times you're just to tired to fight, ya know. love you!! barbie~
ps, i have the most well rounded independant kids EVER!! not a bad seed in the bunch!

Anonymous said...

this is the hardest thing u are going to go through for a long her young life that is...i have been there done that as the saying goes...and after my first i never did it again...a friend told me how to break the cycle...that it was how she did it...she told me it would be was and i ended up not being able to do it...she told me it would take about 3 put her to bed, tuck her in, take her potty, get her a drink...all those things...then have a night light kiss her goodnight and leave her...telling her she can NOT come out of her room...and shutting the door behind me...i was to expect screaming, crying etc...but eventually she would fall asleep...if i could get past not going in and comforting her...its harsh...but it works...but not for me! i could only handle the sreaming for about 20 minutes...we got so shed fall asleep in our bed and once asleep my husband would carry her to her bed and she would then sleep all night in her room...and it also helped me telling her that she couldnt sleep with us anymore becuase she might roll over and hurt the baby in mommys tummy...good luck with whatever works for u...its not easy...not at all...Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Well, sorry, I can't help you out with the breaking Rowan of sleeping in your bed.  As you know, I have always had a "family bed" and I let my children choose when they want to leave the bedroom.  Bethany left at 9 1/2 years old and I still have Matthew and Emma in there with me now.  I feel that they will leave when they are ready.  But, here is the weird thing, when they were babies until they were about 2 years old they slept in their cribs!  I felt safer having them in their own crib, not in my bed.  Once they turned about 2 years old and realized that their brother or sister was sleeping with me they figured they wanted in on it too.  I wish you good luck in this though, because I am sure it isn't easy for you or for her!  Poor Rowan, I want to cry just thinking of her throwing up from crying so much!  :(
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,
This is the first time I have seen your journal. I got the link from Lisas journal. Just thought I would say "hello". :o)
I have a two year old little girl and she started climbing out of her bed at about one year old so we had no choice but to put "a big girls bed up". Well, we found out that night after night she just would not go to bed. We started and still do the one thing we have always said we would never do, and that is to lay down with HER until she falls asleep. I am hoping this ends sometimes soon because if she had a nap that day or isnt very sleepy, you could lay in there for at least an hour. We have this fun little routine though. We play with her dolls and fake kitten while we are laying there in the dark. She likes for me to make them talk to her. I have them tell her that they are sleepy, lol... and then she says okay and kisses them goodnight. Then I roll over, away from her and tell her goodnight, She says goodnight mommy and that is it, she usually falls right to sleep. Now, there is times though that I fall asleep which stinks because I dont have any "mommy" time available if I wake up and its midnight. But usually it is fine and I leave the room and she sleeps all night. Our son on the other hand was completely different. He went to bed fine, we even closed the door with the light out and he would stay in there! Rare circumstance I know! Lol...


Anonymous said...

I hope that all goes well with Rowan and the bed. Growing up , I had bouts of wanting to sleep with my mom....I still to this day, despise sleeping in a bed alone. That is why the majority of the time, I sleep in my recliner.
Snowflake hugs,

Anonymous said...

Sorry it didn't work out for you putting Rowan in her bed.  It will take time, but she will eventually get it.
