Monday, December 20, 2004

It's Monday Already???


Goodness where have I been?  This weekend is a blur to me now and I can't believe it is Monday already.  I also can't believe that I wasn't able to squeeze in an entry or two over the weekend, so I'm going to try and update you all... I just hope I don't bore you all to death while trying to do so.

Lets start with an update about Miss Rowan's last day of gym class, last Thursday evening.  I did decide to take her afterall.  I just couldn't imagine her not going to the last class and saying good-bye.  She had a good time, besides one 'melt-down', and was able to say "ta-ta" to her friends and coach.  She seems really excited about starting her "Big Girl" class in a few weeks... I'm sure she'll enjoy it.

We did also have a 'Girls Night' on Thursday... My friend and I enjoyed a horrible dinner from Jack in the Box (I know! How weird) and watched "The O.C.".  It was nice to just spend some grown-up time and chat with her... Even if Miss Ro was around.  LOL.

Friday was a very busy day for us all.  We were up early that morning because we had a picture appt. for Rowan to take Christmas pictures.  Our appt. was at 1050am and we didn't get her pictures taken until about 1115am!  Argh.  But I would have to say, Rowan did a great job (and yes, I'll be posting the pictures!!) and we were able to get some really nice pictures out of it.

After the picture appt., my mom and I were off to get our hair done.  Grandpa was watching the Little Princess, so we were able to have some "Girl Time".  I added a little bit more blonde into my hair because the old stuff was fading and because the Hubby asked me too.  I am not done with my brunette faze, so whatever blonde I do put in makes him happy :D  lol.  After the hair appt., my mom and I were off to pick her car up from the shop and then back to the mall to pick out Ro's pictures.  Goodness, remind me never to go to the mall around 5pm the weekend before Christmas.  Crazy Crazy!

Rowan and I spent the evening with my parents because the Hubby was at work.  We enjoyed some yummy Chinese food and some TV.  My parents wanted me to leave Rowan with them so I could have a free evening, but Miss Thing wasn't having it.  She wanted to come home with Mommy... hehe.  So, we went home around 8pm and it took us almost 20mins to get home!  Darn Fog!

Saturday was a really lazy day for us all.  I swear, I didn't do much.  I did do some laundry and what not, but I didn't leave my house.  It was just too cold and I didn't want to deal with all those crazy holiday shoppers.  My parents did stop by to say hi in the evening, but other than that, it was a pretty quiet day.

Sunday was just as lazy.  We didn't get up out of bed until almost 10am and then we were back in bed for a nap at 230pm!  LOL.  How silly are we?  I will not take another nap that late in the afternoon again though.  By the time we woke up, it was 5pm and I wasn't able to sleep last night.  I last time I remember looking at the clock, it was 12am!  Argh.

We did go for a walk last night though around the neighborhood to see all the pretty lights.  Rowan really enjoyed it and I'm a little bit jealous to see all the pretty houses.  We never did get our lights up this year... I know, I know... But I'm not about to climb up onto the house and the Hubby was just too busy to do so.  I'm just hoping that next year, we'll be able to.

This week is a short week for me.  WOO HOO.  I'm only working Mon-Wed because of the Holiday.  I would be working Thursday, but my parents are spending a few days up in Yosemite for Christmas, and I wouldn't have a babysitter for Thursday (hubby works).  So, lucky me will have Thursday off too!  I'm sooo excited.  Miss Rowan knows Christmas is right around the corner too.  She is always telling us about the presents under the tree and how we can't open them until Christmas.  It is too cute.


I can't believe it.  Christmas is just around the corner.  I sure hope everyone is ready.  I have a whole 3 presents that need to be wrapped and then I will be finished... Woo Hoo.  I'm really excited to see Rowan open all her presents EVERYWHERE we go.  We have a total of 3 Christmas'.  We have Christmas Eve at my In-laws, then have Christmas morning at our house and then Christmas day at my parents.  Whew.  What a few days we'll have, huh?  A whole lot of fun though!

Well, I'm hoping I will be able to make it to everyones journal and see whats going on.  I'm going to have to go now and do some work.  I hope everyone has a great few days leading up to Christmas!  Have a great Monday.

HUGS TO ALL.... Jennifer

RowanChristmas2004.jpg Rowan, Christmas 2004


Anonymous said...

Awwww, She is just the sweetest thing EVER!!!! i could eat her up! *wink*

I love "Cowan" <giggle> the OC is my old stompping grounds; i love that show! hehe.

And... I Love you too! Great day to you Pickle, barbie~

Anonymous said...

aww, Rowan's picture is cute!
I am ready for christmas to come and go, maybe next will be better for me. I had have a lazy day today, and I am loving it! I have to work tonight though :(

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, that picture is just the cutest!!!!

I didnt do an entry all wekeend too...for some reason THATS the busy time isnt it?...:::sigh::::

I plan on going blonde for hubby before he gets back..Thankfully Ill have some time to get used ot it before he gets home..LOL Im sure it'll feel better to you the more you see it in the mirror!! HAHA

Have a greaT NIGHT!!

Anonymous said...

Wow you have been busy. Made me tired just READING about it! LOL Oh wait. It's past my bedtime. No wonder. ;-)

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness! It's hard to believe you such a horrible dinner at Jack in the box! I hope it doesn't affect any future visits you make. Rowan is such a cutie pie!! I bet she can't wait for her "big girls" class to start!  I can relate to celebrating 3 christmas'. We go to our FIL on the Eve, do christmas morning here, then head to my grandmas' christmas day to celebrate with the rest of my side of the family. I think we'll both be SOOO worn out come sunday! UGH!
Hugs & Blessings,

Anonymous said...

Cute picture.  YOu have been busy busy!!  Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!
