Tuesday, December 21, 2004


DecemberCalendar.jpg Can  you believe it?  If you look at the calendar, there are only 4 days until Christmas... Goodness... I am getting sooo excited, because Rowan is getting so excited.  She can't seem to wait until Friday night to open presents.  If Daddy had his way, she'd be opening one present a night until Christmas, but that just won't fly!

And of course, just a few days before all the festivities, I think I'm getting a cold.  Argh.  I woke up this morning feeling like doggie-doo and it just won't go away.  I've got the sniffles and the stuffiness.  And I'm extremely tired, even though I was asleep pretty early last night.  Wish me luck that I don't actually get sick.  Being sick for the holidays blow...

Yesterday evening was nice at our house.  My brother is home from UC Davis for Christmas, so he and my mom came over for dinner last night.  We had carne asada sandwiches, brocolli and potatos.  Oh so yummy.  Especially because I sauted onions and mushrooms to put on them!  Oh yeah... But spending time with my brother is always a great thing.  And to see him and Rowan play, "Chase me Uncle Boo"... Haha.  Its too cute!  She was very happy to have him there.

I was so tired last night, from the lack of sleep from the night before, that I actually feel asleep on the couch around 9pm!  Can you believe it?  I guess after a long day, a nice stuffing dinner and then a warm bath, I was ready for bed.  Then I was actually in bed around 10pm fast asleep.  That is, until the darn cat knocked over a ceramic cat food bowl onto our floor in our bedroom.  Mind you, we have hardwood floors, so there was a very large CRASH that woke me up.  Luckily for me, the Hubby was still up (I'll get to that in a minute!!) so he came in and cleaned it up for me.  I didn't have to get out of my warm bed... Woo Hoo.

Okay all.  My husband has an addiction.  Its not to drugs or the drink.  Its to his stupid XBOX Liveand Halo2!  Oh my goodness.  I can't seem to pull the boy away from his game.  He even has Rowan going around talking about "Master Chief" (the main character!).  Do you think he has a problem?  Um, yep, he does.  I don't think he has come to bed the last few days before 3am.  The other morning, I swear he was up until 430am playing the game.  I understand that the poor boy has his body clock all messed up (due to his work schedule), but come on... I am so going to grab that game and take it away from him.  I'm going to hide it somewhere until he forgets about it.  Yeah, like that will work.  Not.  Plus, he got his older brother addicted to the point where he went out and purchased the XBOX and is now up to all hours playing Live Halo2 with him... UGH.

And it probably doesn't help that I got him more video games (for his PS2) and hardware (Nintendo DS) for Christmas.  Man, what was I thinking??

Tonight I need to go and play Santa Clause and deliver some presents to some friends.  I'm not sure who I will actually be able to get presents to, but hey, I'll just have to try.  I hate to have presents under my tree, unopened, after Christmas.  Plus, I don't like to give presents after Christmas... Christmas is passed.  They need to get to the people before Christmas, but hey, that is just me.  And you just have to always remember, we all run out of time...

Speaking of time.  I believe its time for me to run.  Not really run, since that would be a pretty funny sight with my big ol' belly... But run as in having to go do some work.  I gotta print the payroll checks (woo hoo) and go spend some of the company's money paying out bills.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.... Hugs to all... Jennifer

Ps. I'm ....


*tags provided by Tag Lounge*







Anonymous said...

:::imagining either of us running right now::: ROFL....Anyways, Halo 2...MAN, have you seen what they are going for on Ebay?..Its the same as going ot Wal-Mart...So our hubbys aren't the only ones addicted..LOL..Im glad hell have something to enjoy over in iraq though, but when he was home and would get into the kick of playing..It got old going to bed alone..:(...He finally got out of it, and would only play when I wasn't home or when his brother came over to play..That way id have my BIL's girlfriend to hang out with at least! LOL... Good luck with playing Santa and getting all your payrolll and bills paid at work..And you're right..I hate having presents under the tree after Christmas too..Its just not the same!!



Anonymous said...

I hope you don't get a full blown cold before X-mas. I always get sick at christmas....

Get some rest!


Anonymous said...

we have that game at our house too...but its not my husband that is addicted its my kids...they love all those games...they hardly ever let me watch any tv anymore...and they have all of the systems...gamecube, x-box, play station 2...but i have my tivo! LOL have fun delivering presents...


Anonymous said...

Oh I don't miss the video game days, hubby dropped the remote controller for good afew years back, I said it's about time you are 30 u know!

Anonymous said...

Did you get a flu vaccine?  You might want to take your temp tomorrow and give your doctor a call.  There are nasty bugs running around now.  Keep getting rest, and eat chicken soup.  

Anonymous said...

your husband sounds like mine.  I wake up at 2 or 3 in the morning and there he is on the computer.  he plays and online game, all the time.  Sometimes I wish I could throw the computer out the window.  And of course we have the playstation and the gamecube and all the stuff that goes with it.  Men are just like little kids when it comes to their games.  And soooo addicted.  Anyways, hope you aren't sick.  I got the sniffles and stiffness too, and I am praying that it is just a one day bug.  Goodluck to you and to me, huh?


Anonymous said...

My son wants that Halo 2 and the XBox for Christmas and has even asked "Santa" for it.  But is he getting it?  Nope!  He already has Playstation 2, Gamecube, Gameboy Advanced AND Gameboy Color!  That is more than enough if you ask me.  But, he did play Halo 2 at a friends house and it's all he has talked about for the past month.  Not a good sign if you ask me.  So, he is not getting it, I am such a bad mommy.  ;)  Glad your brother is home and Rowan is enjoying him!  Bet she tired him right out!  Sorry to hear you are catching a cold.  They are not fun during this time of the year, that's for sure.  Hopefully it won't stick around as long as mine seems to be.
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

I don't know what it is about Halo2, but every male that i know is addicted to it!! lol.
I'm glad your brother is home and able to spend the holidays with his family ;-) Nothing is better than the love of family especially this time of year!

Hugs & Blessings,

Anonymous said...

I think that every male I know is addicted to some sort of Xbox game..lol
I hope that you feel better...I am not feeling so great myself!