Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Sleepy Girl...

BabyCarebears.gifWell, I'm a tired girl this morning.  I shouldn't be so tired, because I was in bed pretty early.  But I am.  Sleeping has become harder and harder on me.  Plus, last night, we had a little different sleeping arangement. 

Yep, you heard me right.  Something about our normal sleeping pattern was changed last night.  Miss Rowan didn't sleep in our bed.  Yes, you read that one right too.  But hey, she didn't sleep in her bed either... lol.  I bet you are wondering what the heck I'm talking about right?  Well, because her sleeping in her own bed wasn't working and we decided that sleeping in our bed is getting too hard on us... That we made a bed for her on our couch in our bedroom.  lol.  Can you believe that?  Well, we did.  And you know what, it worked.  She was out (after a little fussing) around 1045pm and she was still out when I left my house at 645am!  She didn't even move when I got into the shower this morning... And she always wakes up when I turn on the shower/bath.

Sleeping with out her was a little bit different.  And her not waking up really threw me for a loop too.  I would seriously compare it to a infant sleeping through the night... Always wondering if they are okay and not wanting to check on them because you are afraid of what you'd find.  I know it sounds bad... But I actually got up this morning and went over to the couch and put my hand on her back.  Just to check.  Lol.  I'm such a worry wart :D

So, I guess thats why I'm a little tired this morning... Just wasn't used to sleeping with out my little Princess.

Dinner over at my mom's last night was nice.  I was just a bit tired so things were kinda getting on my nerves.  Dinner was yummy.  We were supposed to have tacos, but my mom decided to make enchilladas instead.  Very yummy... Even though I was looking forward to tacos (haha Mom).  I made a yummy guacamole dip for some chips.  I just take the avacado and mush it up.  Then I add some salt, pepper, lemon juice and a bit of chunky salsa and stir it all around!  It tastes so great.  And its easy too.

The Hubby did have to take his Tango-dog (lol, what Ro calls him) back to the vet yesterday.  His incesion from his surgery wasn't looking good, so the Hubby thought he'd better take him back.  Good thing he did, because they said Tango is having a reaction to the sutures (sp?) and if the infection doesn't clear up in 10 days, they'll have to go back in and do more surgery.  Not good... Not good at all.  The more surgeries he has to have, the longer he'll be out.  And there is always the possibility that the city might just say, "Thats enough" and stop paying for him.  That is a BIG maybe... But it could always happen.  And because of his age (6) he does only have about another year and a half left to be a bite dog.  Argh.  Hopefully, with the antibiotics and him staying in the house again, it will get all better.

::crossing fingers::

The Hubby and Miss Rowan are going shopping today.  He is itching to spend some of his gift card money at Best Buy.  What cha think he is going to get??  Yep, video games.  haha.  That boy doesn't need anymore.  I think I'm going to go insane if he spends anymore time playing those video games.  And to think that I didn't help it by purchasing him the Nintendo DS.  Haha.  Thats what I get I guess.  They are also supposed to go to his mom's for lunch.  I'm getting hungry just thinking about what they are supposed to be having... I won't even mention what it is, because not only will it make me hungry, I know it will make a few others hungry too (Lisa... I'm saving you this time!!)

But speaking of food... We are having Breakfast for dinner tonight.  Yum Yum!  I love breakfast for dinner, but the Hubby isn't always up for it.  But for dinner, we are having pancakes, sausage, linguica (for Hubby) and eggs.  Oh yeah!  I even think my friend my come over and I invited my Mom and Brother too.  Gotta give the Mommy a break after having to cook dinner so many nights in a row because of the grandparents being there.  Who knows though, it might just be the three of us.  But hey, it will still be a good dinner (or breakfast!).

partyballoons.bmpCan you all believe that 2004 is going to be over in just about 2.5 days?  It has seriously flown by.  That also reminds me that my mom's birthday is in 2.5 days... Hmm, what to get the New Years Mama??  I have a few ideas.  And now, what to do on New Years Eve?  The Hubby mentioned a party... A Halo2 party... ARGH!!  What is everyone else doing?? 

Well, I still have a big ol' stack of payables to enter and I'm sure I can find other things to do too... haha.  I would rather be at home in bed with this nasty rain, but you gotta do what you gotta do, huh?

::Hugs To All::

Sleepingbeauty.gif Jennifer

*tags provided by Tag Lounge*





Anonymous said...

Hey you got her out of the bed!! Even though iuts across the room, thats still awesome!! Leslie had a tough time with us having Ty in our bedroom only becasue she was the only one without a sleeping buddy!! LOL..So, thats when she started sleeping in our floor...Maybe the couch is a good spot for her so she can still be in the room...Who knows...:)

I LOVE breakfast for supper...We make bacon, eggs, biscuits and hubby whips up his gravy....Mmm..MM....


Anonymous said...

Thats really great that Rowan slept out of the bed! I can't believe that the year is almost over too. I think that 2005 may be my year though! ;)

Anonymous said...

Nope, it's not weird that you check on Rowan like that.  I used to drive myself crazy checking on Casey and when I told my Mom...she told me that when I come home for visits...she checks to make sure we're all breathing  It's a Mommy thing.  

Men and their games.  My hubby went and bought Medal of Honor for CASEY'S gameboy....yeah like she's going to play was for him and he was trying to cover it up...argh!

Have a good breakfast tonight :)


Anonymous said...

Best of luck to you and your family in 2005. 1st time to visit you!
take care!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen you know what hubby and I did for forever, we bought kayla a little fold out couch for kids and that is what she slept on for forever and sometimes still does.  I would put her to bed in her bed and she would sneak in our room and pull out the couch and go and get her blanket and pillow and that is where I would find her in the morning.  And you know what, I still check on my kids in the middle of the night, to see if they are breathing.  Crazy I know, just a mom thing.

Anonymous said...

Good idea! Her own bed in your room. We tried that too. Tyler's toddler bed is in our room against one side of our bed. He sleeps in there now and then. LOL He likes it in Mommy's bed better tho. *sigh* LOL

Anonymous said...

hi jennifer, my name is Gina and i love reading your journal!!! i have 5 kids ranging in age from 3 to 22!!!!!! i thought i would let you in on a little trick we used on our three year old Isabella!!! we bought the little tike princess toddler bed and put it next to our bed. we bought princess bedding and told her that she was sleeping in her castle!!! it worked!!! and we cant be more pleased to have our bed back!!!! good lucK... PS. how about the name jack for the new little guy? gina

Anonymous said...

awww pickle~

these are starting to be the days when you SHOULD BE a lazy as possible. your body is preparing you for what's to come. my boys seemed to sleep, for the most part, for 3 whole months in the begining, but i was truly fortunate. please remember "the tireds" are telling you to stop and take a deep breath for an hour or two, okay? <grrrr goes the mama lion>

breakfast for dinner is one of my favorite things! hubby and i have great minds that think alike; i miss my linquica (we have southern hot sausage here -not quite the same)

my prayers are with you and tango. be well (((Big Hugs & Kisses to Ro))) barbie~

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. It's just as hard for us to get used to sleeping without them. The bed in your room actually sounds like a wonderful idea! It will probably make it alot easier for you both to deal with the "seperation" ;-)
Poor Tango. I will keep him in my prayers. I hope the infection clears up and he heals. Can't they put in different sutures? He'll be in my thoughts and in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

A Halo 2 New Year's Eve party?!?!  You have got to be kidding me!?  Hee-hee!  You poor thing.  I hope Tango feels better soon and the antibiotics keep that infection from getting worse.  I will be keeping my fingers crossed too.  And, thank you for not talking about food so much!  I am always hungry it seems, especially when I am being lazy and bored.  Dangerous combination!  Good idea about the couch in your bedroom being Rowan's new sleeping place.  Sometimes they don't actually need to be right next to us, just in the same room.  Emma is on the floor because Todd has been home all of this week (she has her twin sized mattress on the floor, not just the floor!) and she does fine there.  
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Ok, I have to ask, what is linguica?

Anonymous said...

I am curious, what is linguica?

I hope your hubby's dog is better soon.

Get some rest girly!!
