Thursday, December 16, 2004

Sleepy Thursday and One More Set of Q&A


I'm extremely tired this morning.  I hate to be a complainy pregnant lady, but its hard not to be when you don't get the rest you want or need.  Lol.  Getting comfortable in bed is something that I wish for and rarely get... And a full nights sleep has seemed to fly out the window.

Not only do I get up a few times a night (I'm talking between 3-5) to use the potty, but because Rowan is sick, she wakes up which in turn wakes me up.  Last night she woke me up talking in her sleep a few times.  Then she was up at 3am trying to get out of bed to go to the couch (in the frontroom) to watch a movie.  I don't know if she was really awake or possibly sleep walking/talking (thank you meds!), but it was actually kinda funny.  Then when I got up at 415am to use the potty, she woke up all stuffy and said she wanted medicine and needed a drink.  So, after she went potty (something else she mentioned) she ran to the kitchen and demanded some water.  Its funny how an almost three year old can wake up so quickly.  After she got her meds and water, it was time to go back to bed... Thankfully she feel back to sleep, but I on the other hand, didn't have it so easy.

You know how it is when you wake up too early and you know you only have so much time before you actually have to get up... And you kinda fall asleep and toss and turn and keep looking at the clock to see how much longer you have?  Well, thats how I was this morning.  And when 545am rolled around, I so didn't want to get up!  Argh.  But I did...

Last night was pretty boring.  The Hubby had SWAT training all day and then the whole team was going out to dinner.  Where did they go to dinner?  A brand new resturant that I've been wanting to go to, Tahoe Joe's.  I was a tid-bit jealous, mind you.  Haha.  But really, I didn't mind him going out last night... He thought I did, but I didn't.  I was just giving him a hard time because he put on aftershave and cologne.  Lol.  He did wear his wedding band, something he doesn't do often (he says its a safety hazard at work), so that made me happy :D  He is so funny about his wedding band... Like it will ward of any Badge Bunny that thinks he is cute.  Haha.

Rowan and I had a wonderful dinner last night... Fish Sticks and Mozarella Sticks... haha!  Rowan also had mac & cheese, but I was just fine with Fish Sticks and Mozarella Sticks.  All the while, I knew the Hubby was having a tasty dinner (Prime Rib and Mashed Potatos with appetizer... argh!).

I did happen to catch that show, "Nanny 911" last night.  Goodness, those kids on that show were horrible!  I'm sorry, but a 3 and 4 year old should not be hitting their mom in the face to the point where she is crying.  They shouldn't be hitting and biting either, but hey, thats just my thought on the subject.  Then, the Nanny made the mom and dad make the kids give up their pacifiers.  Oh goodness, those kids were up and down all night (until like 5am) screaming and crying because they didn't have their sippy cups and pacifiers.  Craziness if you ask me.


Today is Thursday, which means that its my Friday!  Yippee.  Plus, its also Rowan's last gymnastics class for two weeks.  But the thing is, she is still sick!  I don't know if I'm going to take her.  Its not right to expose those other kiddos to her germs and if she gets too active, it could make her worse!  Argh.  Its sad though, because this is her last class with those batch of kids... She moves up to the next course on Jan 3rd.  So, I don't know what I'm going to do...

So, either tonight will be gym night or not... I know my friend is going to be dropping off my PartyLite stuff tonight though.  WOO HOO.  And I think we'll make it an "O.C." night.  Hehe... Gotta have a girl night.

Okay, now on to my latest batch of questions...

From Heather~

1). You are told you have to give up either sight or the ability to talk. Which do you choose?

*I think I would choose to loose the ability to talk.  There are sooo many beautiful things to see, and if you can't talk, you can still communicate via sign language and other methods.

2). How did you meet your husband?

*Um, I've answered this one, but I'll tell you all again... We met in highschool, while he was working at the local grocery store.  I was there shopping with my mom and knocked something off the shelf at the same time he was walking down the aisle.  Well, he made fun of me and what not... So, we kinda made a friendship.  He then became the "bad-boy" that I would run to when I got tired of my "good-boy" boyfriends.  haha.  Sad, I know, but its true and I was in high school.  A couple of years after we both graduated, we hooked up again and from then on, it was history...

3). How did your husband propose?

*My husband took me to a place up here called Knights Ferry.  Its a historical landmark with a covered bridge and it was one of the first places we went together... He has told me that was the place where he realized he loved me.  So, he took me there one day (mind you I was like 6mons preggo) to go take pictures (what we did on the first trip there) and have a picnic lunch.  Well, he took me down by the river and took a stick and wrote in the sand, "Derek and Jennifer = Love".  Well, he was behind me and I was trying to take a picture when he spun me around and had my ring (which I thought wasn't supposed to be ready for another two weeks!!!) and asked me to marry him.  Aww, isn't he sweet??

Okay all, I've been doing this for a while now... I suppose it is time for me to get to working.  I hope you all have a wonderful day!  Oh yes, Christmas Eve is only 8 days away!!!

HUGS TO ALL... Jennifer


*tags from Tag Lounge*







Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,
I have only one question.  Do you plan on having Rowan sleep in your bed when baby Zachary is born?  I have a young toddler who likes to sleep in my bed and I am worried that he'll crush or somehow maim the new baby!  Yikes!  

Anonymous said...

Gee, thanks for the 8 day reminder!  Hee-hee!  Love the story about how your hubby proposed!  That was beautiful!  Sorry you aren't sleeping well, but it comes with the territory.  I think it just gets you ready for the endless nights of no sleep coming very soon.  I don't miss that, really I don't!  6 straight hours is bliss to me!  :)  Hope little Miss Rowan feels better soon!
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Great proposal!! ANd my hubby had to put tape on his wedding band at one job before he would take it off..Not that he minded,,but he knew I would!! Im one of those that is setimental about not taking them off...LOL..My hands got so swollen last pregnancy, that i didn't get them off in time, and THEY were stuck with tape during my c-section!! LOL...too funny...And Id be jealous about the restaurant myself..LOL...I hope you get better rest...I couldn't sleep in a bed last pregnancy either...But, Ive been on the couch for a month now, and I haven't much problems other than not going to bed early enough!! HA


Anonymous said...

Ugh! Bad night's sleep here too. Tyler decided to sleep with Mommy and he had a series of nightmares and was wimpering and crying in his sleep. He would sit up and yell. But I knew he wasn't really awake. Spooky.

Anonymous said...

Bad sleep nights is always the pits, I always wake up several times a day to make sure that I havent overslept.
I hope that you get a better night's sleep tonight!

ps..tonight is my friday too!

Anonymous said...

i am sorry u are sleeping so badly...just think...only about 3 months til the babies born! when u mentioned your hubby having prime rib my mouth started watering,,thats my all time favorite food! but the moz stix didnt sound bad either! i hope u can get some rest on your days off...good luck with that...also have fun with girls night!


Anonymous said...

sorry you are not sleeping.  That is one thing I don't miss about being preggo.  My daugther was on my bladder than entire pregnancy, if I sneezed I about peed on myself.  Just think though not to much longer to go, at least you can sleep comfortably till the baby wakes you up.  

Anonymous said...

Darn it...I forgot about that nanny show too.  I'm with you on not sleeping...hope you get some soon!!  Hope Rowan gets to feeling better soon too.
