Thursday, December 9, 2004

Sleep and Coffee...


Sleep and Coffee... Two of the worlds greatest things... Coffee and Sleep.  A great combo too, if you ask me...

I slept so wonderfully last night.  I hadn't gotten that good of rest in a long time.  I was so rested this morning that I didn't even complain when I got woken up by my Hubby at 5am when he came home.

Rowan and I were in bed last night at 8pm watching TV.  The TV was out and we were 'out' by 920pm!  WOO HOO.  I slept really good too.  I didn't have too many pains in my hips and I didn't have to get up more than once to use the restroom.  I was out... Out like a light.  It felt good to sleep like that... Yet it is already wearing off now :(

Both Rowan and I were woken up by the Hubby coming in this morning though.  I knew he was late, because I had woken up at 3am to use the potty and he still wasn't home.  His normal time to be home is around 230-300am.  So, when he came in at five until five, I was a little worried.  All was okay though, just got stuck doing some kind of investigation about a lady possibly stabbing her ex-husband :D  Nice, huh?  Yeah, thats what I thought...

Anyways, so when the Hubby came in to change and what not, it basically became time for Rowan to play... LOL.  Daddy was sitting in full uniform on our bed talking to me and Rowan found his flash light.  Oh yeah, so she had to play with that for a while.  Haha.  Well, because she basically woke up, she wasn't able to go back to sleep.  She layed in bed with me for a while and when I got up to get ready for work, it was Daddy's turn to lay with her.  Well, that didn't work either.  In the end, Rowan was out of bed and in the front room watching TV at 6am. 

That is why she crashed hard on her way to my Mom's this morning... She was asleep not even 6 minutes from my house and its only a 12 minute drive to my Mom's!  LOL.  The poor baby.  She didn't even wake up when I got her out of the car either.  I basically left her on my Mom's couch asleep... no good by kiss for mommy.

On my way to work, I thought I'd spoil myself with a stop to Starbucks.  Hehe.  Hey, I'm not fasting today, I could enjoy myself.  Haha.  So, I got myself and coffee and made my way to work.  Coffee is something that I really don't drink all that often (I do have it... but not often), so now I'm spinning.  WOO HOO...

Do you all like the cute graphic today?  It is provided about the Tag Lounge... I just fell in love with it.  So, thanks Tag Lounge!!

Tonight is Gym class for Rowan.  She just loves going now.  Especially in her little outfit... Its too cute.  My Mom is taking Rowan to Target today, so I asked her to look to see if they had anymore.  If they do, she said she'd pick one or two up for her for me.  Aww, what a great Mom/YaYa.  Miss Rowan is going to look styling.  Hehe.

Oh yes... Christmas Eve is only 15 days away.... Better get to shopping!

Well, I've gotta run now.  Time to get some stuff done now.  LOL.  I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday.

HUGS TO ALL... Jennifer


*tags by tag lounge*


Anonymous said...

That is the cutest graphic!! I love Anne Geddes Art.  Don't you just love those nights when you actually DO get some sleep?! Better catch up on all you can Hope Rowan has a great time at gym tonight ;-) and I hope you Have wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you got to rest last night. You should take some pics of Rowan in her outfit for us to see!

Anonymous said...

I love when I get that kind of sleep. It doesnt happen often either. I am happy you got it. ~ Heather

Anonymous said...

Sooo glad you got some good sleep last night...send some my way would ya?  lol't do without it.


Anonymous said...

MAN...Im jealous of all that sleep girlie!! LOL...You need it though..It comes rarely that far along in pegnancy....Have a wonderful day!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't have any coffee yet today, I am going into coffee withdrawl, It aint a pretty site.  That sleeps sounds great.  I would love a night like that. Maybe tonight, nope, ER is on....Oh well, there is always tomorrow.
Good luck on your test tomorrow.
(((hugs again)))
Leigh aka coffeeaholic (In withdrawl)

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, one of my greatest loves, COFFEE!  I don't know what I'd do without it!  Probably fall asleep sitting up more often that's for sure!  I was gonna use that exact graphic from the Tag Lounge yesterday!  Funny that you saw it and used it!  :)  I see so many cute outfits at Target for kids that take dance or gymnastics.  It's really no fair because when Bethany was taking dance for 7 years the only place I could get the leotards was at one of those dance speciality stores and I would pay $50 for one!  UGGGHHH!  Hope you are doing okay today with the fasting.  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa