Friday, December 3, 2004

It's Friday!


Well, its Friday... The first official day of my weekend.  But today, I'm going to be cleaning house pretty much all day (or until my body can't take anymore) so I guess it can't really be considered a day off :D

Gymnastics went really well last night.  Miss Rowan was a little hyper due to the fact that she has been stuck inside for a few days now.  It is just too chilly to take her out and let her play.  She has been out shopping with my mom (her YaYa) and myself, but that just doesn't do it for an 'almost 3 year old'.  So, it took her a while to get with the program, but she did have some really great fun.  I also put her on the list for a Kinder-Gym class.  She'll officially start that Jan 3 at 6pm.  So, until then... we have only a few more classes with her 'friends'.  Sad sad sad.  Plus, I'm really not sure how she'll adjust to the new class where she has only the teacher out there and its more structured.  I guess we'll just have to give her time.  She is a smart cookie... She'll catch on...

Tango is doing much better.  When we got home last night, he was very excited to see us.  I think being at the vets all day with IV's and special attention got to him.  He didn't want to be put back into the lonely bathroom!  Rowan and I took him outside to go potty and gave him loves and then it was back to the 'dark hole'.  But his spirits are high and he was very happy to see his "Daddy" when he came home at 3am this morning.  Thank you again for all your well wishes!

I did wake up to the Hubby coming home this morning.  Thats always fun to have your sleep interupted like that... But it wasn't fun to find out that we are getting ants too!!!  UGH.  There were too spots in the house that had ants creeping in... I swear, ants are horrible.  They are worse than spiders in my book.  They are creepy creepy little things and can take over in just a little while.  So, the Hubby sprayed and I put some traps that we already had in the new spots.  I guess they are just as cold as everything else and want a warm spot to go... But my house isn't the place... Nah Uh.

Anywho... Princess Rowan decided that she wanted to stay up with Daddy last night and play "Halo 2" with him.  Haha.  She enjoys her time with her Daddy and because she doesn't get much of it, we let her stay up for an hour or so.  Mind you, I was in bed... But because we weren't doing anything today and she could sleep in, she was able to hang with Dad.  She came to bed about an hour later and crashed hard.  Lol.  Guess being up that late is tough on the little cookie.  Hey, it was tough on me being up that late... Haha.

I was going to try to put some ultra sound pictures in today... But for some reason, I can't seem to get our scanner to do what I want it to.  I swear, it is fighting with me!!  So, until I can win with fight with the scanner... There won't be any pics :(

But I've spent enough time rambling and playing around with the computer.  There is a house to clean and a toddler to take care of!  I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend!



OH yes... Only 21 Days Until Christmas Eve!!!

*tags by tag lounge*




Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you remind us how many days til Christmas each entry! Without you I would be lost...if you don't do it next year too I will have to get a calendar!  :) Robin

Anonymous said...

Did you try putting a piece of white paper behind the ultrasound and then scanning it?  That might work if that's the problem with the scan.  I was going to use that same graphic yesterday!  It's so cute!  My son went to a friend's house the other day and got to play "Halo 2" and now he thinks he is getting it for Christmas.  Ummm, NOT!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

I am glad that Tango is doing better. I think that Rowan will do fine in her new class. I bet that she will love it!
I hope that you can get the ultra sound pics to work! We want to see that baby!!


Anonymous said...

Rowan will catch on to her new class and she'll be fine.  Glad Tango is doing well.  

We get fire ants every summer.  The Terminix guy said they love houses that are on a concrete slab.  Doesn't make much sense to me, but if he says so...I'll believe him.  Those things hurt like you know what when they bite!!

UGH...I want to see ultrasound


Anonymous said...

Well, everything sounds like it's going good..Im so glad you are putting your princess in classes and such. Thats so great for her social activities...And being around other kids...Glad to hear Tango is doing good, and is acting happier every day.


Anonymous said...

Well I am glad that Tango is doing better. I bet you cant wait til he is fully recovered. Best wishes ~ Heather

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, I am so glad that Tango is doing so much better.  It is so sad when a pet gets sick, because there is not much that they can tell us when they don't feel good.  I am glad he is doing better

Anonymous said...

Awww lil' Princess is growing up and moving ahead in gymnastics. I bet she'll be excited once she settles in with the new people ;-)
Glad to hear Tango is doing well. Have a great weekend! And i forgot to tell ya in the entry above to save me some of that chocolate cake...Yum!! ::giggle::

Anonymous said...

I love that last tag...teddy and jingle bell. So cute!