Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Doctors Appt. Update and Answers to More Questions

Baby_blocks.gif So yesterday I went to my doctors appointment and all is well.  I did happen to gain 6.5lbs in 3 weeks though!  Holy Cow.  I was sure blown away by that.  So, all and all, I've only gained about 8lbs so far (remember, I lost a bunch in the begining).  I guess I can't complain about that.  I just hope that I won't be gaining as much as I did with Rowan (a whopping 54lbs!!)- and I doubt I will since I'm already 28wks along- but you never know!!

They also took my blood pressure via machine and what it said really suprised me!  According to the machine, it said my blood pressure was 140/75!!  I have never had my blood pressure that high... never.  So, after the doctor did his thing, he had the tech come in and take my pressure manually.  When she did that, it was only 120/60... Pretty normal for me.  I don't know if the machine was off or if I had really had my pressure that high, but I did feel better after the girl took it again and it was much lower.

Oh yes, I asked the doctor when he'd be scheduling my c-section.  He said he wouldn't be doing that until the last week in January, if not the first week in February.  Bummer deal... But he did tell me that it will be the last week in Feb sometime.  So, I guess Hubby will just have to work with that. 

babyboy.gifThe doctor also went over my last ultra sound with me.  Zachary's kidneys have stablelized and have not gotten any bigger... What a blessing.  That means we won't be doing another ultra sound (unless something else comes up) and that the only thing we'll do is tell Zachary's doctor after he is born.

And some other really good news... I passed my glucose test with flying colors.  WOO HOO!

Other than that, yesterday was pretty boring.  I did manage to fold a HUGE pileof laundry that I've been putting off... Aren't ya'll proud of me?  And the Hubby, Rowan and I enjoyed a really smashing meal of BBQ'd steak and baked potatos.  Yum Yum.  After that, I was in bed at 9pm and out like a light by 935!  So, you can probably guess that I got some good sleep last night!

Okay, so on to answer more questions and their answers....

From Jackie~

1). Describe the town you live in?..whats special about it to make you enjoy living there?

*Hmm, interesting question.  The town that Hubby and I chose to move to is about 10-15mins from basically everything, so its pretty slow.  It is an old town, that is having new growth coming in (about 500 new homes!).  The town is quiet and has a population of about 6000 (so far!).  Two blocks from our house is the country... And I'm talking country.  Horses, farms, cows and tractors... Lol.  Its just a really cute place to live... Plus its close to our families!

2). If you could have free, painless, plastic surgery on ONE part of your body...what would you have done?

*Now thats an easy question to answer... Actually, I'm kinda stuck between two.  I would definetly be interested in a tummy-tuck (thanks to c-sections, you are never the same!!) and a breast lift (breastfeeding!!).  But I guess I'd have to pick the tummy-tuck because you can always buy a good bra to lift those boobies up!  LOL.

3). Tell us about the siblings you have?...How many and such:)

*I have one brother who is younger than me.  He'll be turning 21 in April and is attending UC Davis.  He plays on a league hockey team there (woo hoo!) and had been dating a wonderful girl for the last 2 years... They are planning on getting married the summer of 2007.  I love the boy to death and he is a wonderful Uncle Boo to Miss Rowan. 

From Miss Lisa~

1). Has your hubby ever worked on a case where he was disturbed emotionally for some time afterwards?  If so, what was it about (without giving away too many details naturally, privacy laws, etc., etc.)?

*You know, my Hubby plays the part of a very tough man... But he does get bothered by somethings.  Right after Rowan was born, maybe a month or so, he got a call about an unresponsive baby.  My Hubby and his partner were the first on the scene (yes, even before the fire and ambulance).  When they arrived, they found a baby (around 5-7mons old) limp and blue.  The baby had been sick the last few days and the mom had been up with him all night.  Well, the baby finally feel asleep after the mom had been rocking him in a recliner.  She needed to get up and go to the restroom, so she put him down on the chair to sleep.  On her way back, she decided to leave the baby and lay on the bed.  She woke up a few hours later to find that the baby had rolled and fallen, face first, inbetween the chair and the leg extension (where you put your feet up) onto a pillow.  Because she couldn't hear him cry, he suffacated.  Very sad.  Needless to say, the Hubby (who had tried to resesitate the baby) was very upset about the incident and basically came home and held Rowan for hours on end.  I still think he is upset about it to some point...

2). Are pickles REALLY made from cucumbers?  LOL!  Had to ask that one for my kids.

*Haha... Yes, pickles are really made from cucumbers.  After the cucumbers are harvested, they are put into big brine barrels.  After that, they are processed.

3). Do you believe in reincarnation?  If so, has something ever triggered a "memory"?

*I would have to say yes to that... But I don't think I've ever had a memory.  I would definetly like to look into that though...

From Angel~

1). What is the most fascinating... "I just can't put it down" book that you've ever read?

*Anything written by Anne Rice is pretty hard for me to put down.  I also had a hard time putting down the Harry Potter novels... But really, if I find a book that I really like, its hard for me to put it down.

2). How does your pregnancy with Zachary, differ from your pregnancy with Princess Rowan?

*This pregnancy has been a little different.  I would say the first thing that was different was how soon we found out.  I found out I was pregnant with Zachary around 4wks along, when I didn't find out I was pregnant with Rowan until about 9.5wks along.  Nothing would come out positive with Rowan... no blood test, no pee test.  Not until 9wks along!  Crazy, I know.  Then the other thing was how bad my morning sickness was.  I was sick with Rowan, but nothing compared to this time... And it lasted longer too!  Other than those things and how I'm caring Zachary, there isn't much difference.

3). How is Rowan taking to the fact that she has baby brother on the way?

*I guess Rowan is getting excited.  She wants to rock Zachary and feed him... She knows he is in my belly and talks to him and wants to feel him move, but I guess the true test will be when he gets here.

Well, I would say that is just about it for me today... I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday.  We are having our Christmas party at work today, so hopefully that will be fun!  If you still want to ask questions, be my guest...

HUGS TO ALL... Jennifer




Anonymous said...

Thanks for answering ;-)
A big WOO~HOO! on the test results.It's real bummer to have diabetes when your pregnant so that's really GREAT news! That was a very experience for hubby. I think experiencing something like that would be forever etched in my memory. I think rowan will make a great big sister ;-)  Jared used to rub my tummy with both his siblings. I predict Rowan will have a very special bond with Zachary ;-)
Have a great day and a great time at the party!
Hugs & Blessings,

Anonymous said...

OH MAN (thinking about the suffocating baby)...I could only imagine being her and waking up to that....SHEW)....

And your answer to the plastic surgery is tha EXACT answer i would give..We can always buy nice bras...but there's no hiding a flappy, too-much-skin, scar-tissued belly!! HAHA

Thats awesome the ultrasound AND the glucose cam eout great...::::big sigh of relief for you::::


Anonymous said...

great answers and such a sad story about the baby.
I am glad that all went well at the Dr's


Anonymous said...

Thank-you for sharing sweet pea.

see you soon. much love, barbie~

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything is going well with the baby.  Weight gain didn't matter that much to me with my first baby. By the time I got pregnant with Jacy, it was a MAJOR priority.  LOL  First time mothers just haven't got a clue how hard it is to take that baby weight off.  Ach!  8 lbs. is NOTHING.  You're doing GREAT!  :D

Anonymous said...

i am so glad to hear that your doctors visit went so sounds like things are progressing just 3rd child was scheduled to be taken by c-section the last week of february...i had my choice...the 28th or 29th...mmm i decided the 28th would be better than have him be a leap year son tells me he wishes he were a leap year baby! kids..u can never make them happy! (did i tell this story to u already? if i did, i am sorry..i have a really poor memory)


Anonymous said...

Good baby update, alway nice to hear!

Anonymous said...

Great doctor visit!  HOORAY for you and HOORAY for Zachary!!!!  And I am happy to also hear that the gross glucose test came out well!  PHEW!  At least you are done with that now!  Thanks for answering my questions.  I would have been upset if I had to respond to a call with a baby that was dead that's for sure.  And, it just tore my heart out to think about what that mother must have went through and what she must still be going through.  We all make mistakes when we have infants, it doesn't mean she was a terrible mother, she was a tired mother that made a bad judgment call.  Very sad though.  I understand why your hubby didn't want to put Rowan down after a day like that!  And, it's good to know he isn't as "tough" as he'd like everyone to believe!  ;)  Hope the Christmas party went well!
Hugs and lots of love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

I remember being 7 months preggo, anything and everything would make me cry. I am sappy though. My husband laughs at me.  I am so glad that your doctor's appointment went well.  That is awesome.  I always gained more weight right at the end of my pregnancy.  THe town you live in sounds like the town I was born and raised in.  brought back memories, LOL.

Anonymous said...

I'm soo glad your appointment went well.  I know it has to be a relief for you.  

Great answers to the questions!


Anonymous said...

Oh wow! I call that a REALLY good doctor's appointment. Good news all around. I need to get on the ball and answer all the questions in my 3-question post. LOL