Monday, December 27, 2004

Monday Morning Ramblings...

Mouseintherain.gifWell, this is what the Hubby, Rowan and I will look like in a few hours when we actually get up and around to doing some errands.  It has been storming for a few hours and it doesn't look like it is going to let up.  I would tell the Hubby that we could put off our errands, but we have no food in the house and both the cats and dogs are out of food... So, thats not an option.  We'll just have to brave the wind (my, it is blowing!) and the rain (coming down hard!).

Yesterday was a pretty quiet day.  Rowan and I hung out at home until the hubby left for work and then we were off to my parents house to visit with them and my grandparents.  Pretty basic.  We did have a wonderful meal though.  BBQ'd steak, baked potatos, salad, fresh veggies and of course a wonderful dessert!  Mom really outdid herself... BBQ-ing in the cold and all.  But I guess that is what being a mom is all about huh?  I guess I have yet to learn that trade... lol.

Rowan of course decided she was going to be the entertainment for the evening, singing and dancing for everyone.  I swear, she is such a ham sometimes.  Its too cute though.  She has now started the "Why's" to everything.  Wow, it can be pretty tough sometimes.  Try explaining why its foggy outside to an almost 3 year old!  Or why Daddy has to go to work.  Or why her Uncle Boo went to the Nutcracker... Not something easily done.  LOL.  She comes up with some stuff too... Goodness, this child is a whole lot smarter for her years. .

I want to go to Home Depot today and purchase some shelves for the Princess room.  I really need to fix her room and Zachary's future room up... She has a bunch of Disney snowglobes that I've passed down to her that need to be put up and other little PartyLite Ariana Fairy stuff that need to go up.  Zachary's is going to be harder than hers though.  We've been using that room as a 'catch-all' for the last few years... Ugh.  We need to get started on it though.  Only about 9 more weeks left until he is here.

And once Miss Princess Rowan's birthday comes and goes (Jan 23rd)... It will be here sooner than that!  Oh goodness... I definetly know how to make my blood pressure rise!

Well, even though the Hubby has been asleep for only 5 hours (that damn Halo2) I'm thinking I'm going to go wake his silly butt up.  We've got a storm to get through and stuff to do.  Besides, he is off tonight (and for 5 days straight!!) and can take a nap later... lol. 

So, I know these ramblings have been short, but there isn't much to report.  Holy cow that rhymed.  Haha.  I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday.

HUGS TO ALL... Jennifer







Anonymous said...

Good rhyming Jennifer!  Hee-hee!  Too bad it's raining there.  Here we got snow overnight, so hubby is outside shoveling the old fashioned way so we can get out of the driveway and do the same thing as you are going to do, grocery shop.  Sigh, but I will be bringing 3 kids with me since they want to get out of the house.  It's not like I am not used to that though!  Hope you don't get too wet!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa
P.S.:  Don't you just love the "Why's??"!!!  Ugggghh, those drove me crazy!  Just remember, keep the explanations simple.  I would try and explain everything totally to my kids, which made them ask "Why?" even more!  LOL!

Anonymous said...

Good luck weathering the storm today...YUCK, do I hate getting out in that, especially with kids...It's tough..But at least hubby will be with you to help!! Yummy meal you had last night too...Mmm mMM...:)


Anonymous said...

Hope you guys don't get too wet....better yet...don't get blow naway either.  I don't like getting out in the bad weather!  Enjoy hubby's time off!!


Anonymous said...

loved the pics of rowan, she is tooooooo cute.  She did hit the jackpot.  I remember when my son was 3 and he was the only grandchild.  OH MY GOODNESS the toys, and yes some of them stayed at the grandparents house as well.  You have a gorgeous family, and I am glad that you get to spend some time with your hubby.  Glad your christmas went wonderfully. Oh and I am jeaous, you got some good stuff as well, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Oh I can't wait for Baby Day!!  

We didn't have rains, but we had winds, making the high of 28 feel more like 6!  Mother Nature is not playing nicely....

Anonymous said...

Your hubby got more sleep than I did today...I got a 2 hour dont have to work either, so its ok!  
I hope the rain, rain goes away!!!

Anonymous said...

I hate having too much on my "to do" list. It makes me crazy! That's why I am so relieved Tyler's and John's birthdays and Christmas are done now. I can relax for a bit. :-)

Anonymous said...

LOL Your a poet and don't know it....
I hope you were able to stay somewhat dry..
