Wednesday, January 19, 2005

~Update and Party Time~


Well, we came through yesterday well.  It was a very emotional day and it was very long... I did better than I expected, holding in my emotions and actually took most of the day with a grain of salt.  It is really easy to get caught up with everyone else and their emotions, so I tried really hard not to get too upset.

It was a long day though.  I was at the police department at 9am to catch a ride (they provided transportation for the wives) to the service and didn't get back to my parents house until 445pm.  So, yeah, it was a really long day :D

It was a lovely service... Here are some pictures, courtesy of The Modesto Bee:

FuneralPicofGuys.bmp The SWAT team (pall-bearers) in the front two rows...

BlueMass.bmp A look into the church... All 3100 seats were filled and then there were still people outside

Motorcade.bmp The procession from the church to the grave site... They actually shut down a lane on the freeway...

It was amazing... Really... to see all the blue, black and green uniforms from all around the state and some other states!  There were actually representitives from Idaho, Oklahoma and Nashville!  The Attorney General actually spoke and brought the respects from the Govenor!! 

The only part that really got to me was hearing about how he loved his kids so much and then at the grave site service, the Radio Sign Off.  If you don't know what a Radio Sign Off is, it is where they (the dispatch) call over the radio for the fallen officer... they call... call... and call.  And then when he finally doesn't answer, they say (or said yesterday), "Howard Stevenson, all is secure.  You are cleared to Sign Off"...

It literally tore my heart out!!  Most of the wives pretty much lost it at that point.  Actually, a lot of officers did too.  Its just something you don't want to hear... Dead Air.

Anywho... No more saddness... Even though the funeral part is over it will take a while for things to get back to normal... But at least the healing part is somewhat taken care of.


So, this weekend, we are having a Party!!  Woo Hoo.  It is Miss Rowan's 3rd birthday party!  I'm really excited, because she is really excited... But I'm dreading cleaning house... Haha.  Its going to be a small party, just family... A Taco Party.  Yum Yum.  Just something simple, but nice... And we are getting her pictures taken on Friday.  I can't wait to get them back, because her pictures are going to be too cute!  The dress that my mom bought her is just adorable... Ooohhh.  She's going to look like a little Princess. 


Well, I guess its about that time.  Because I wasn't here at work yesterday, the mail and stuff has piled up!  So, I better jump on it.... LOL.

I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!

::Hugs and Smiles:

*tag provided by Tag Lounge*






Anonymous said...

Those pictures brought tears to my eyes.  How impressive!!!!  Ohhh that radio sign off thing would have gotten to me too.  My Grandma had my Grandpa's funeral video taped for me since I couldn't make it....the funeral homes actually do that for you!!  Anyway, my Grandpa was a firefighter.  I was good watching it until they started playing Amazing Grace on the bagpipes and all the firefighters stood up and saluted the casket.  That was enough for me.  

WooHoo!!!  Rowan is going to be 3!!  TImes goes by so fast doesn't it?  Hope she has a good Birthday :)


Anonymous said...

After all you have been through Jen, I feel pretty silly.  Sometimes not getting any sunshine can really do one in!! LOL  Thank you hon.  (((HUGS))) XO

Anonymous said...

a beautifully written entry pickle, thank-you, God bless.

i wish i could come to the taco party and kiss my girl happy day this weekend, but you all know i'm there for you every minute in spirit. YAY!! WOOPIE! give her some big fat lovein hugs and kisses from her aunt barbie *SQUEEZE -SMACK*

love you, @~barbie~

Anonymous said...

I've been to (too many) funerals for pilots, and they sound very similar to those for police officers.  You all are in my thoughts.  

Anonymous said...

""Howard Stevenson, all is secure.  You are cleared to Sign Off"..."  OMG Jennifer, you have my crying just reading that line!  That must have been so hard to hear for everyone.  I had no clue that is what happened at a funeral for a fallen police officer.  Thank you for sharing that little fact.  The procession was VERY impressive!!  Thank you also for sharing the pictures.  I know you don't want to talk about sadness anymore, but I personally can't see right now through my tears.  
Big Hugs and love to you all,

Anonymous said...

I know about the radio is a horrible moment when hearing it. I am looking forward to hearing about Miss Priss's bday party and seeing the 3 year pics!

Anonymous said...

I just cried at the Radio Sign Off part too. heart wrenching! I really admire your ability to smile and move on. Hope the party is a big hit!

Anonymous said...

The radio sign off sounds like what they do in the Army. They call their name with Rank before hand, "Staff Sgt such and such.." 3 times while my dh was in Iraq, we lost 9 of our soldiers from his company and it was horrible having to go through that.

I am praying for the fallen officer's family.

God Bless